PAES 411 Flashcards
any building or place used for killing of animals where the flesh is intended for human
consumption, typical situation and floor plan of a slaughterhouse is illustrated in Annex A
compartment which is suitable for confining only one animal at a time while it is being stunned and which is so constructed as to confine, without discomfort, to prevent any substantial movement of the animal forward, backward or sideway
stunning pen
renders an animal insensible before it is killed
insertion of a rod or coiled wire through the hole in the skull of cattle made by the captive blot to destroy the brain and spinal cord to prevent reflex muscular action and possible injury to operatives
severance of the major blood vessels in the neck or immediately anterior to the heart by means of a knife and “stuck” shall be construed accordingly.
remove as much blood from the carcass as possible before further handling
lowering of animal into steam to prepare skin for dehairing
removal of the hair of the carcass
suspending the carcass for particular operation
cleaning the carcass by burning the hair
process of removing the internal organs in the abdominal and thoracic cavities
preparation of carcass after evisceration, ready for storage or sale
dividing carcass into parts
all parts including viscera of slaughtered cattle, sheep, goats or swine that may be used for
human consumption
edible part of the muscle of cattle, sheep, goats or swine
part of internal organs of a slaughtered animal
digestive tract of ruminants such as the stomach, or the intestines which still contain fecal matter
green offal
digestive tract of swine such as the stomach, or the intestines which still contain fecal matter
black offal
meat requiring further examination as declared by a veterinary inspector after veterinary examination
detained meat
meat which is unfit for human consumption as declared by a veterinary inspector after
veterinary examination
condemned meat
black or green offal
gut and tripe