Paeds - MSK, Genetics, Haem Flashcards
What causes klinefelters syndrome
When a male has an additional X chromosome
-so they are 47 XXY
Give 6 Features of klinefelters syndrome (9)
- taller height - lack of testosterone to help growth plates fuse
- wider hips
- gynocomastia
- small testicles
- weaker muscles
- reduced libido
- infertility - lack of testosterone
- shyness
-subtle learning difficulties
Mx of klinefelters
No treatment
- testosterone injections
- advanced IVF techniques
- breast reduction surgery
MDT input
-speech and language therapy
-occupational therapy
-physiotherapy for muscles
-educational support for learning difficulties
What is there an increased risk of in klinefelters (4)
-breast cancer in males
-anxiety and depression
How is Down’s syndrome caused
Three copies (trisomy) of chromosome 21
What features are common for people with Down’s syndrome
-brachycephaly - small head and flat back
-short neck
-flattened face
-prominent epicanthic folds
-single palmar crease
-upward sloping palpebral fissures
Complications associated with Down’s syndrome
- learning disabilities
- recurrent otitis media
- deafness
- visual problems
- hypothyroidism
- cardiac defects - PDA, ASD, VSD
- leukemia
- dementia
What are the antenatal tests offered to women for Down’s syndrome in the foetus
ALL women are offered screening
Combined test - 1st line As most accurate 11-14 weeks gestation
Triple test - performed between 14-20 weeks gestation
Quadruple test - performed between 14-20 weeks gestation
What does the combined test consist of?
-ultrasound - measuring nuchal translucency (thickness of back of foetus neck should be less than 6mm)
-maternal blood tests
Beta HCG - higher result mean higher risk
Pregnancy associated plasma protein A - lower result indicated a greater risk
What is the triple test for Down’s syndrome
During 14-20 weeks gestation involves:
-BETA HCG - higher means greater risk
-Alpha feta protein - lower means greater risk
-serum oestriol - lower result indicates greater risk
What does the quadruple test for Down’s syndrome measure
Same as triple test
Beta HCG
Alpha feta protein
Serum oestriol
Inhibin A - higher means greater risk
How can you test for Down’s syndrome antenatally (in the womb)
Chronic villus sampling - can only be done before 15 weeks
Mx of Down’s syndrome
management would involve members of the multidisciplinary team
-ENT specialist and audiologist
-social services
What regular follow up investigations are important for children with Down’s syndrome
-regular thyroid checks
-Audiometry for hearing impairment
-eye checks
What is turners syndrome
When a female has a single X chromosome sp they are 45 X0 (0 is the empty space)
Features of turners syndrome
-short **
-webbed neck**
-cubitus valgus (outward angulation of elbow)
-high arching palate
-downward sloping eyes with Ptosis
-broad chest and wide spaced nipples
-underdeveloped ovaries
-late puberty
What is cubitus valgus
Abnormal feature of elbow. Forearm angled away from body when elbow extended out
Mx of turners
No cure
-growth hormone therapy for shortness
-oestrogen and progesterone to help female sex characteristics
-fertility treatment
Give 6 Associated condition with turners syndrome
-recurrent otitis media
-recurrent UTI
-coarctation of aorta
-learning disabilities
What is Prader willi syndrome
Genetic condition caused by the loss of functional genes on the proximal arm of chromosome 15 inherited paternally
What are 6 features of prader willi syndrome
-constant insatiable hunger
-poor muscle tone as an infant (hypotonia)
-learning disability
-softer and fairer skin
-almond eyes
-narrow forehead
-downturned mouth
-thin upper lip
Management of prader willi syndrome
-growth hormone to improve muscle development
-dietician - normal calorie intake
-education support
What is noonan syndrome
Genetic condition usually autosomal dominant associated with multiple genes causing notable abnormalities in the face and heart - chromosome 12
Features of noonan syndrome
Short stature
Broad forehead
Downward sloping eyes with ptosis
hypertelorism (wide space between the eyes)
Prominent nasolabial folds
Low set ears
Webbed neck
Widely spaced nipples
What are the associated conditons with noonan syndrome
-CHD particularly Pulmonary valve stenosis, ASD
-learning disability
-increased risk of leukaemia & neroblastoma
What is angelman syndrome
Genetic condition caused by the loss of function of the UBE3A gene on chromosome 15 inherited from the mother
What are the three characteristic features of angelmans syndrome
-fascination with water
-Happy demeanour
-widely spaced teeth
What gene and chromosome is affected in angelmans syndrome
UBE3A gene on chromosome 15 on maternal side
Give 7 features of angelmans syndrome
-delayed development
-severe delayed speech abscence
-inappropriate laughter
-microcephaly- small head
-abnormal sleep patterns
-wide mouth And spaced teeth
-water fascination
-happy demenour
Mx of angelmans syndrome
NO CURE needs MDT approach
-parental education
-social support
-educational support
-physio - for ataxia
-occupational therapy
-anti epileptic mediation
What is Williams syndrome
A genetic condition caused by random deletion affecting the genetic material on one copy of chromosome 7.
Features of Williams syndrome, including the main three
elfin facies - broad forhead, wide spaced eyes, long philtrum, small chin
-starburst eyes
-sociable and trusting personality
-wide mouth and widely spaced teeth
Associated conditions with Williams syndrome (4)
-supravalvular aortic stenosis
Mx of Williams syndrome
MDT approach
-ECGs and BP monitoring to monitor for aortic stenosis
-low calcium diet to control hypercalceamia
How do you diagnose Williams syndrome
FISH study for micro deletion on chromosome 7
- test that looks for gene changes in cells
What is fragile X syndrome
A syndrome caused by a mutation in the FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1protein) on the X chromosome that plays a role in brain development
Which gender is affected more by fragile X syndrome and why?
Males are always affected due to XY
Females it can have varying affects because they have a spare normal copy of FMR1 gene on other X chromosome (XX)
Features of fragile X syndrome
-delay in speech And language development
-intellectual disability
-long, narrow face
-large testicles
-hyper mobile joints
Mx of fragile X syndrome
-NO cure - management is supportive
-MDT approach to support:
-learning disability
-manage autism and ADHD
-treat seizures
What is patau syndrome also known as
Trisomy 13
Clinical features of patau syndrome
-low forming ears
C- Cleft lip / palate
R- Renal abnormalities
A- ASD (cardiac defects)
M- Microcephaly
M- Mental retardation
P- Polydactyly
Diagnosis of pataus syndrome
-genetic testing - amniocentesis
-prenatal ultrasounds
Management of Pataus syndrome
Educational support
Surgery to repair physical abnormalities (rare within first months)
What is muscular dystrophy
A name for a group of conditions that cause gradual weakening and wasting of muscles
Give 4 of the muscular dystrophies
-duchennes muscular dystrophy
-beckers muscular dystrophy
-myotonic dystrophy
-emery dreifuss muscular dystrophy
-Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
-Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
-facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
What is Gowers sign
- a clinical finding in children with proximal muscle weakness
-where they they get onto their hands and knees and push their hips up and backwards and walk their hands up in order to stand
-most probably due to duchennes muscular dystrophy
What is the cause of duchennes muscular dystrophy
Defective gene for Dystrophin on the X chromosome
Dystrophin usually hold muscles together at a cellular level
What inheritance pattern is duchennes
X linked recessive
Management of Duchennes
Oral steroids - slow down progression of muscle weakness
Creatine - shown to improvise muscle strength
General muscular dystrophy Mx
-occupational therapy
-wheelchair use
-surgical treatment of associated heart failure/ scoliosis
What is the beckers muscular dystrophy
-dystrophin gene is less severely affected than duchennes
-clinical course less predictable
Myotonic dystrophy typical features (4)
Progressive muscle weakness
Prolonged muscle contractions e.g not able to let go of someone’s hand after shaking it
Cardiac arrhythmias
What is oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
-muscular dystrophy in the ocular muscles and pharynx
How does Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy present
Bilateral ptosis
Restricted eye movement
Swallowing problems
Some degree of limb weakness
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy presentation
-Weakness around face then progressing to the shoulders and arms
-sleeping with eyes slightly open
-weakness in pursing their lips
-unable to blow out their cheeks without air leaking out
How does emery dreifuss dystrophy usually present
Presents in childhood with contractures in elbows and ankles
Progressive weakness and wasting of muscles starting with upper arms and lower legs
What are contractures
Shortening of muscles and tendons that restrict range of movement of limbs
What is perthes disease
A disease causing disrupted blood supply to the head of the thigh bone causing avascular necrosis of the femoral epiphysis
Risk factors for perthes disease
-male gender
-passive smoking
-low birth weight
Clinal features of perthes disease
-atraumatic hip pain and limp (antalgic gait)
-activity worsens it
-tendellenburg gait - due to weak hip flexor
Investigations for perthes disease
First line -pelvic X rays
-increasing reduction in size and lucency of the epiphysis
-joint effusion
-fragmentation of epiphysis at later stages
Second line - MRI
Management of perthes diseases
Often resolves without tx
Symptomatic and Pain relief
-restrict weight bearing activities
Regular x -rays
-osteotomy - to improve alignment
What is osteogenesis imperfecta
A genetic condition affecting formation of collagen resulting in brittle bones that are prone to fracture
Presentation of osteogenesis imperfecta
- recurrent and inappropriate fractures
- hyper mobility
- blue/ grey sclera
- triangular face
- short stature
- deafness from childhood - can cause ear bones to degenerate
- joint and bone pain
-dental problems - malformation of teeth
How is osteogenesis imperfecta diagnosed
X -rays
Genetic testing
Dermal fibroblast culture - abnormal collagen
Mx of osteogenesis imperfecta
NO cure
Prevention of fracture
-bisphosphonates - increase bone density
-vitamin D supplements - prevent deficiency
MDT approach
-occupational therapy
-ortho surgeons to manage fractures
-specialist nurses
-social workers
What is transient Synovitis
Temporary irritation and inflammation in the synovial membrane of the joint
What is transient synovitis commonly associated with
Viral upper respiratory tract infection
Presentation of transient synovitis
Often occur few weeks after viral illness
Refusal to weight bear
Groin or hip pain
Mild or low grade temperature
Mx of transient synovitis
-Simple analgesia
-exclude septic arthritis
-if they develop a fever send to A and E
What is osgood schlatters disease
Inflammation at the tibial tuberosity where the patella ligament inserts.
Common in adolescents
Is osgood schlatters typically unilateral or bilateral
Pathophysiology of osgood schlatters
-patella tendon inserts at tibial tuberosity at epiphyseal plate
-Stress from running, jumping and other movements at the same time as growth in the epiphyseal plate result in inflammation on the tibial epiphyseal plate
- avulsion fractures can then lead to visible lump below the knee which can be tender
Presentation of osgood schlatters
Gradual onset of :
-Visible or palpable hard and tender lump at the tibial tuberosity
-Pain in the anterior aspect of the knee
-The pain is exacerbated by physical activity, kneeling and on extension of the knee
Mx of osgood schlatters
Initial Managment to reduce pain and inflammation:
-Reduction in physical activity
-NSAIDS (ibuprofen) for symptomatic relief
Once settled Can do stretching and physio
What is rickets
A condition affecting children where there is defective bone mineralisation causing soft deformed bones
-in adults it is called osteomalacia
Causes of rickets
- Deficiency in vitamin D / calcium can be due to poor diet or genetics
What is the hereditary form of rickets called and how is it inherited
- Hypophosphataemic rickets
- X linked dominant
Bone deformities seen in rickets (5)
Bowing of legs - curve outwards
Knock knees - curve inwards
Rachitic rosary - ribs expands at costochondral junctions causing beads in the chest
Craniotabes - soft skull
Delayed teeth - under development of enamel
Presentation of rickets
May be ASX
-bone pain
-swollen wrists
-bone deformity
-poor growth
-muscle weakness
-abnormal fractures
Risk factors for rickets (5)
Things that can cause vitamin D deficiency
-dark skin
-lives northern latitudes where there is less sun
-lots of time indoors
-premature birth
-medical condtions - IBD, CF, coeliac due to malabsorption of vitamin D
Ix for rickets (8)
Serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D - less than 25 nmol/L
X-ray - may show radiolucent bones (osteopenia)
Serum calcium - low
Serum phosphate - low
Serum ALP - high
PTH - high
Malabsorption screen - anti TTG (coeliac) , autoimmune tests- for IBD
Kidney function test
ferritin - aneamia
Management of rickets
- breastfed babies - given formula feed with fortified vitamin D, mothers given b vitamin D supplements
Children with vitamin D deficiency
-ergocalciferol - 6000IU pd
Children with rickets
-refer to paediatrician
-calcium and vitamin D supplements
What is osteomyelitis
Osteomyelitis refers to inflammation in a bone and bone marrow, usually caused by bacterial infection.
What is haematogenous osteomyelitis
when a pathogen is carried through the blood and seeded in the bone. This is the most common mode of infection
What is direct contamination osteomyelitis example
at a fracture site where bacteria can enter through
Most common bacterial cause of osteomyelitis
Staphylococcus aureus
Risk factors for osteomyelitis (6)
Open fractures
Orthopaedic operations, particularly with prosthetic joints
Diabetes, particularly with diabetic foot ulcers
Peripheral arterial disease
IV drug use
Presentation of osteomyelitis (4)
Pain and tenderness
Investigations of osteomyelitis
X rays
- periostea reaction - changes to bone surface
- localised osteopenia - thinning
- destruction
US guided aspiration - for MC+S
MRI - best imaging investigation
Blood tests - WBC, CRP and ESR raised
Blood cultures - causative organism
Bone cultures
Mx of osteomyelitis
-Antibiotic therapy
Acute cases:
- 6 weeks - flucloxacillin (+ Rifampicin/fusidic acid for first 2 weeks)
Clindamycin/ vancomycin if Penecillin allergy
Chronic cases - 3 months + of antibiotics
Surgical - debridement and drainage
What is developmental dysplasia of the hip
A conditon where there is structural abnormality in the hips caused by abnormal development of the fetal bones during pregnancy
What two things can occur due to DDH
Subluxation - partial dislocation