Paeds Flashcards
APGAR scale
quick evaluation of new borns health + need for immediate medical care
administered 1 min and 5 mins after birth
score 0-10: 4-6 moderately depressed >6 excellent, <4 severely depressed
score 0-2 for muscle tone, heart rate, grimace (reflex), appearance, respiration
risks of births 28-32 weeks after gestation
undeveloped lungs, no surfactant yet
Asmmetrical tonic neck reflex integration age
5 months
stimulus : head turning
response : extension of UE and LE to side the face is turned to
moro reflex integration age
5 months
stimulus : sudden head drop backwards
response : extn and abd of UE with opening of hands and crying
landau reflex integration age
24 months (2 years)
stimulus : supported in prone with hands under thorax
response : head, neck, back, LE extension
Symmetrical tonic neck reflex integration age
12 months
stimulus : flexion or extn of cervical spine
response : cervical spine flexion causes UE flexion and LE extn
response : cervical spine extension causes UE extn and LE flexion
gross motor development milestone - roll prone to supine
3 months
gross motor development milestone - roll supine to prone
6 months
gross motor development milestone - head control
4 months
gross motor development milestone - standing
9 months
gross motor development milestone - stair climbing (step-to)
18-20 months
gross motor development milestone - reciprocal stair climbing
3 years
floppy infant syndrome
global hypotonia and decreased antigravity strength
supine position: baby limbs collapse against gravity “frog leg position”
= legs fully abducted and externally rotated, arms flaccid beside head
rag doll posture in ventral suspension
head lag on pull to sit
down syndrome
extra 21st chromosome
normal milestones but delayed later
features: flat nose, narrowed eyes, small mouth/jaw, protruding tongue
risks: ligamentous laxity and global hypotonia, respiratory problems, congenital heart conditions
Cerebral Palsy
disorder of movement development and posture resulting in activity limitation due to NON-PROGRESSIVE disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain
perinatal = after birth, prenatal=before birth