neuro Flashcards
pusher syndrome
increased spasticity/tone neck and trunk muscles
pushes towards weak side
mobilize towards strong side
don’t use cane on strong side will push over
stand on posterior lateral weak side
brown sequard syndrome
ipsilateral motor/vibration loss
contralateral pain + temperature loss
stab/knife injury to half of spinal cord
anterior cord syndrome
damage to anterior spinal cord
cervical flexion injury
loss of motor function, pain/temp below level of lesion
central cord syndrome
damage to central portion of spinal cord
cervical hyperextension injury
motor loss > sensory
sacrum spared
posterior cord syndrome
posterior portion of spinal cord damaged
loss of proprioception, pressure sense, vibratory sense
no motor loss
sensory ataxia
cauda equina syndrome
flaccid paralysis LMN
areflexsive bowel and bladder, sacral anesthesia
autonomic dysreflexia
autonomic reflex to noxious stimulus causing sympathetic over-activity
widespread vasoconstriction, increased BP >20mmHg, increased HR then bradycardia, severe headache, profuse sweating, flushed skin
notify nurse, check for catheter, loosen clothing/source, document
C6 spinal cord lesion functioning abilities
limited self-care activities with tenodesis grasp (don’t stretch)
independent/min assist with slide board transfers
independent manual cough
wheelchair propulsion with projection rims (short distances)
power wheelchair community
drive car with adaptive controls
capable of living independently
NLI C5 and above resp. function
require ventilatory support using IPPV
deep breathing exercises
assisted cough capable
abdominal binder
respiratory muscle strengthening
repositioning in bed vs. in chair
in bed at least once every 2 hours
in chair - pressure relief maneuvers every 15 mins for 2+ mins
anterior cerebral artery syndrome (stroke)
medial aspect of frontal and parietal lobes
contralateral hemiparesis and hemi-sensory loss
urinary incontinence
absence of willpower/decision making (abulia)
akinetic mutism (reduced movement for speech)
difficulty with motor planning (apraxia)
broca’s aphasia (expressive)
middle cerebral artery syndrome (stroke)
lateral aspect of frontal, temporal and parietal lobes
contralateral hemiparesis and hemi-sensory loss face, UE, LE
contralateral homonymous hemianopia (vision = XO/XO)
wernicke’s aphasia (receptive speech)
broca’s aphasia
global aphasia
unilateral neglect, anognosia, apraxia, spatial disorganization/depth perception
internal carotid artery syndrome (stroke)
significant edema
increased ICP - coma, pressure on brainstem (uncal herniation)
Posterior cerebral artery syndrome (stroke)
occipital lobe, medial and inferior temporal lobe, upper brainstem, posterior diencephalon
homonymous hemianopia
visual agnosia
central post-stroke pain (thalamus)
sensory impairments
contralateral hemiplegia
oculomotor nerve palsy
vertebrobasilar artery syndrome (stroke)
supplies cerebellum and medulla, pons, internal ear
ipsilateral and contralateral symptoms
Ataxia (ipsilateral)
impaired sensation over face (ipsilateral)
impaired pain and thermal regulation (contralateral)
5 D’s, 3 N’s
Locked in syndrome
patient awake/aware but complete paralysis of voluntary muscles apart from eyes
preserved consciousness and sensation
lacunar syndrome
strongly associated with hypertension and diabetes
can be pure sensory
can be pure motor
higher cortical areas preserved - consciousness, language, visual fields
pseudobulbar affect
sudden outbursts of crying, laughing, other emotions not in context
left hemisphere lesion behaviours
slow, cautious, anxious, disorganized
hesitant to try new tasks - need encouragement, support, feedback
aware of deficits
difficulty communication/processing in sequential linear order
right hemisphere lesion behaviours
quick, impulsive, poor judgement
overestimate abilities
unaware of deficits
increased safety risk
difficulty with spatial-perceptual tasks and grasping whole idea
ideational apraxia
cant produce purposeful movement on command/automatically
no idea how to do the movement or plan
ideomotor apraxia
cant produce movement on command but may do it automatically
normal range ICP
5-20cm H2O
ICP > 20 - elevated
ICP > 25 - critical
signs of increased ICP
decreased consciousness - stupor/coma
altered vital signs
widened pulse pressure
cheyne-stokes breathing
non-reactive pupils (CN 3)
reduced motor function
cerebellar gait
ataxic gait
sensory ataxia with high stepping/stomping gait
intervention: add ankle weights, auditory cueing, proprioceptive feedback, slow movements, break down movements, give assistive device