Paediatrics Flashcards
What is the pathophysiology of ITP?
Destruction of circulating platelets by anti-platelet IgG autoantibodies
Oppositional defiance disorder behaviours:
- Annoying
- Rule breaker
- Easily Annoyed
- Blames others
- Resentful
- Argues with adults
- Temper
- Spiteful/ vindictive
Cardiovascular defects associated with Down Syndrome?
- Atrial Septal Defect
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Atrio-ventricular Septal Defect
Cardiovascular defects associated with Marfan’s syndrome?
- Aortic root dilation
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Aortic regurgitation
Cardiovascular defects associated with Turner’s syndrome?
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Bicuspid aortic valve
Chromosomal abnormality -> Down syndrome?
Triplication of chromosome 21 (all or part)
- trisomy 21
- translocation -> 3 chromosome 21s
- mosaicism
Chromosomal abnormality -> Turner’s syndrome?
X chromosome abnormality (a whole or part of an X missing)
Sites for eczema?
Infants: head (cheeks, foreheads, skalp), extensor
Children: flexors (wrists, ankles, popliteal fossae and antecubital fossae)
Eczema Treatment
- Moisturiser
- Occlusive dressing - up to several times/ day
- Topical corticoseroids Infected
- Systemic antibiotics
- Salt or bleach baths
Persistent pruruitis
• Antihistamine
○ phenergan If really severe
- Calcineurin inhibitors
- UV light
- immunosuppressants
Causes of Acyanotic heart disease in infants
L->R shunt
- Aortic Stenosis
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Coarctation of the aorta
Causes of Cyanotic heart disease in infants
R -> L shunt
- Ebstein’s anomoly
- Transposition of great arteries
- total anomolous pulmonary drainiage
- tricuspid atresia
- hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Causes of jaundice Day 1
Day 1 - Always pathological
- Congenital Infection
- Hemolytic diseases
○ Erythroblastals faetalis
- Rhesus incompatability
- ABO incompatability
○ G6PD deficiency
Causes of jaundice Day 2 - 2 weeks
- Haemolytic - as above, more commonly present in the first day or 2
- Infection, as above + UTI or other infection
- Physiological/ breastmilk
- Polycythaemia
- Bruising
- CN syndrome
- Dehydration - exacerbating factor
Causes of jaundice >2 Week
- biliary duct obstruction - atresia
- Hepatitis
• As above
○ Physiological
○ Breast milk
○ Haemolytic - G6DP in particular
○ Polycythamia
• Bowel obstruction
○ Hypothyroidism
Normal baby weight?
Normal baby height?
48-53cm (50cm)
Normal baby head circumfrence
35cm average
Of the neonatal head bleeds, which one are you most concerned about?
Subgaleal - Baby can bleed out, so want to have IV cannula in if suspicious. Not defined by suture lines.
Also SAH and subdural haemorrhage for neurological complications
Where is a subgaleal haemorrhage?
below the (galeal) aponeurosis but above the periosteum
Where is a cephalhaematoma?
between the skull bone and periostem (cannot cross over bone edge)
Where is a caput succundeum?
Under the scalp but overlies the aponeurosis. Crosses suture lines. (is a oedamatous swelling from pressing against the cervix. Generally resolves after a few days.)
What is the cause of Erb’s palsy?
Upper brachial plexus injury during birth (C5, C6), very common in breech babies and large for gestation age babies.
What is the most common neonatal fracture during birth?
(Humorous is most common long bone fracture)
Risk Factors for Clavicle fracture during birth?
- increased weight,
- operative vaginal delivery,
- shoulder dystocia