Paediatrics Flashcards
What is the paediatric weight calculation for 1-5yrs?
(2 x age in years) + 8
What is the paediatric weight calculation for 5-12 years?
(3 x age years) + 7
What are the paediatric weight calculations for different age categories?
< 1 year = (0.5 x age months) + 4
1-5years = (2 x age years) + 8
5-12 years = ( 3 x age years) + 7
What is Sandel Tape?
Length based way of calculating weight
How should an OP airway be inserted in paediatric patients?
Using tongue depressor and right way up
When does DAS recommend surgical airway in paeds?
SATs <80% and falling
What does DAS recommend for a surgical airway in under 1yrs?
What does DAS recommend in age 1-8 yrs as first line for surgical airway?
Percutaneous cannula unless ENT experience
- surgical if failed
When do DAS recommend surgical airways as first line?
> 8 years
Where should an IO be avoided in pre-school kids?
Humeral head as not ossified enough
When should ionotropes be started in paeds (according to ABC PHC)
After 40ml/kg fluids
Describes the parts of the FLACC pain scoring system in paeds
What is the FLACC score for paeds pain out of?
How are Wong-Baker faces used to assess paeds pain?
6 faces - score 0 to 10
When can Wong-Baker faces be used to assess pain?
> 3 years
Describe the visual analogue scale (VAS) for assessing paeds pain
10cm line with no pain on one end and worst pain imaginable on the other. Child marks where there pain is
What is the dose of adrenaline nebs for paeds stridor?
5ml of 1:1000
What are the doses of adrenaline in paeds anaphx?
> 12 years = 500mcg
6-12 years = 300mcg
6months-6 years = 150mcg
<6 months = 100-150mcg
When does NICE recommend febrile seizures be conveyed? (5)
- First seizure
- < 18 months old
- Complex seizure
- Diagnostic uncertainty
- Parental anxiety/unable to cope
What makes a febrile seizure complex? (4)
- > 15mins
- Focal
- More than 1 episode within 24 hours
- Incomplete recovery
What are 3 differences in the distribution of traumatic injury in paeds? (3)
- Younger ages less likely to have c-spine injury
- Complaint chest means can have little external evidence of injury but can have lung injury
- Liver/spleen more exposed therefore more prone to injury
Before CPR in paeds resus what should be done?
5 rescue breaths
What is less likely to be a cause of arrest in paeds?
Under what age should the brachial pulse be used to check of a pulse?
< 1 yr
When should the ‘encircling technique’ be used for CPR?
< 1 year
What are the ventilation rates for paeds patients during resus? (5)
neonate = 30
< 1 year (infant) = 25
1-8 years = 20
8-12 years = 15
>12 = 10-12
What 3 things must be present to diagnose BRUE?
- < 1 year
- <1 mins
- Sudden return to baseline
What 4 signs/symptoms characterise a BRUE (need at least one of these)
1, Cyanosis/pallor
2. Absent/irreg breathing
3. Increased or decreased tone
4. Altered GCS
How much of a babies birth weight is expected to be lost by week one and when should they regain it?
- 10%
- Week 2
How should temperature be measured in babies <4 weeks?
Electronic axilla thermometer
How should temp be measured in children 4 weeks to 5 years?(3 options)
- Electronic axilla thermometer
- Chemical dot thermometer
- Infra-red tympanic thermometer
Under what age should babies have full septic work up?
3 months
If a child > 3 months with a fever only has green features but no source what should be done? (2)
- Urine sample
- Assess for signs of pneumonia
What is an amber flag for paeds re: skin colour
Pallor reports by parents
What are red flags for paeds re: skin colour? (3)
- Pale
- Mottled
- Blue
What are amber flags for paeds re: activity? (4)
1, Not responding normally to social cues
2. No smile
3. Only wakes on prolonged stimulation
4. Decreased acitivity
What are red flags for paeds re: activity (4)
- No response to social cues
- Appears ill to healthcare professional
- Does not wake or stay awake
- Weak/high pitched/continous cry
What are amber flags in paed fevers < 5yrs re: resp (4)
- Nasal flaring
- RR > 50 in 6-12 months
RR > 40 > 12 months - <95% SATs
- Crackles on chest
What are red flags in paeds re: resp (3)
- Grunting
- RR >60
- Mod-severe chest indrawing
What are amber flags in paeds fever < 5yrs re: CVS (4)
- HR
>160bpm < 1year
> 150bpm 1-2 years
> 140bpm 2-5 years - CRT > / 3 secs
- Poorer feeding
- Decreased UO
What are paeds red flags re: CVS? (1)
Increased skin turgor