Mental health/capacity Flashcards
What is section 2 MHA?
-Assessment up to 28 days
- Recommendation of 2 doctor and application made by Approved Mental Heatlh Professional (AMHP)
What is section 3 MHA?
- Allows treatment for up 6 months
-Recommendation of 2 doctor and application made by Approved Mental Heatlh Professional (AMHP)
What is section 4 MHA?
- Emergency power of detention for 72 hours
- Recommendation of 1 doctor and application from AMHP
What is section 6 MHA?
Authorises applicant (AMHP) or person authorised by AMHP to take patient to hospital following an application for admission
What is section 17 MHA?
Patients permitted to leave from hospital, or to receive treatment in community
What is section 18 MHA?
If patient AWOL allows any AMHP/hospital staff/police or anyone authorised in writing by managers of hospital to return patient to hospital
Ambulance staff need written authorisation
What is section 135(1)
Warrant allowing police to enter and property and remove patient to a place of safety
What is Section 135(2)
Warrant authorised by judge allowing a police offiver to enter a property to retain a pateitn already under MHA
What is section 136 MHA?
Allows officers to detain for <24hours for assessment:
-where patient appears to be suffering from mental disorder
-AND needs immediate care/contro
-AND in patients best interests.
Not in patients house/garden
What is the acronym for doing a MSE?
ASMPTOI - All Silly Medics Try Psych At Once Indeed
What are the parts of the MSE? (7)
Appearance and Behaviour
Mood (both subjective and objective)
Perception e.g. delusion/paranoia
Cognition and Orientation
Which risk assessment tool do NICE advise?
What are the 5 P’s for risk assessment?
- Presentation
- Precipitating factors
3 .Perpetuating factors - any ongoing stressors - Predisposing factors - FHx. PMHx, Psych hx, social, trauma
- Protective
To what age does the MHA apply?
> 16 years
What are the 5 key principles of capacity?
- Assumed capacity
- All practical steps to help make decision should be made
- Unwise decisions allowed
- In patients best interests
- Least restrictive option