FPHC consensus statements Flashcards
How does the FPHC consensus statement divide airways burns? (2)
- Supraglottic (nose/oropharynx and larynx) - most common
- Infraglottic
How can infraglottic burns be caused?
Steam inhalation
Aspiration of scalding liquid
Blast injury
Flammable gas under pressure
Aerosolised chemicals
What are the features of infraglottic burns? (5)
- Impaired ciliary activity
- Hypersecretion
- Oedema
- Mucosal ulceration
- Bronchial spasm
What 3 considerations should be made with intubation in patients with airway burns?
- Largest size tube that will be placed (bronchoscopy on ITU)
- Uncut (airway will swell)
- Careful with tube tie
What features have been shown to correlate with need for RSI (FPHC)? (6)
- Full thickness facial burns
- Stridor
- Resp distress
- Swelling on larygnoscopy
- Smoke inhalation
- Singed nasal hairs
When does FPHC recommend using cyanide antidote?
Suspected smoke inhalation AND:
- altered mental status
- CV instability
What 3 categories of burns severity does FPHC recommend using pre-hospital?
< 20%
> 50 %
What does FPHC say about water cooling of thermal burns? (3)
- Water < 20 degrees (12 ideal)
- 20 mins
- Not ice water secondary to risk of tissue necrosis
What does FPHC recommend with regards to first aid for chemical burns? (3)
1.Treat any chemical burn ASAP regardless of delay to presentation
- Use amphoteric solution as first line
- Irrigate for as long as possible
When does FPHC state fluid resus should be commenced pre-hospital in:-
- adults
- paeds
> 20%
What analgesia should be avoided in burns?
NSAIDs if requiring fluid resus
When does FPHC recommend chest escharatotomy?
Circumferential or near circumferential eschar with imprending or established respiratory compromise to to thoraco-abdominal burns
Describe the 3 parts to the FPHC extrication decision tool for non-medical personel
- Can the casualty self extricate
- Is a snatch rescue indicated?
- Deliver quickest appropriate extrication
What is the FPHC recommended first line extrication method?
Self/minimally assisted
What is the acronym USTEP, what is it used for and who recommends it?
Non-clinicians for helping self extricate
Understanding (get patient understand)
Support (emotionall)
Try moving (if unable then can’t self extricate)
Egress (clear route out)
Plan - where will they go next (chair/trolley)
Under what circumstances does FPHC state MILS is not needed inside the vehicle?
Fully conscious and no neurology
If patients have neurology what extrication measure does FPHC recommend
Rapid extrication with gentle handling
When does the FPHC recommend using a hard collar in extrication? (2)
- Suspected serious neck injury
- GCS <15 + evidence of significant injury to any body compartment
When should a binder be placed during extrication according to FPHC?
After extrication
What does the FPHC consensus statement recommend with respects to airway in pregnancy? (4)
- NP relatively c/i due to increased friability of mucosa in pregnancy
- Use smaller ETT due to swelling
- Use second generation SGA
- Use vertical incision for front of neck as increased tissue oedema seen in pregnancy makes landmarking more challenging