Gross motor at 3 months
No head lag
Good head control
Gross motor at 6 months
Rolls to front + back
Pulls self to sitting
Lies on tummy
Gross motor at 7-8 months
Sits without support
**red flag at 12 months
Gross motor at 9 months
Pulls to standing
Gross motor at 12 months
Cruises around furniture
Walks with one hand held
Gross motor at 13-15 months
Walks unsupported
Gross motor at 18 months
Squats to pick up toys
Gross motor at 2 years
Walks upstairs + downstairs whilst holding rail
Gross motor at 3 years
Rides tricycle
Independently walks up + downstairs
Gross motor at 4 years
Hops on 1 leg
2 gross motor red flags referral points?
1) Sitting without support - refer at 12 months if not doing so.
2) Walking unsupported - report at 18 months if not doing so.
Fine motor + vision at 3 months
reaches for objects
fixes and follows to 180 degrees
Fine motor + vision at 6 months
palmar grasp passess objects between hands visually insatiable (looks everywhere)
Fine motor + vision at 9 months
early pincer grip
points with finger
Fine motor + vision at 12 months
good pincer grip
bangs toys together
Which milestone should a child be able to build a tower of 2 at?
15 months.
Which milestone should a child be able to build a tower of 3 at?
18 months.
Which milestone should a child be able to build a tower of 6 at?
2 years.
Which milestone should a child be able to build a tower of 9 at?
3 years.
What should a child be able to draw at 18 months?
circular scribble
What should a child be able to draw at 2 years?
copies vertical line
What should a child be able to draw at 3 years?
copies circle
What should a child be able to draw at 4 years?
copies cross
What should a child be able to draw at 5 years?
copies square + triangle
Fine motor milestones red flag?
Having a hand preference before 12 months of age may indicate cerebral palsy.
Speech and hearing at 3 months
quietens to parent’s voice
turns towards sound
Speech and hearing at 6 months
double syllables
Speech and hearing at 9 months
understands ‘no’
says ‘mama/dada’
Speech and hearing at 12 months
knows + responds to own name
Speech and hearing at 12-15 months
2-6 words
understands simple commands
Speech and hearing at 2 years
combines 2 words
points to body parts
Speech and hearing at 2.5 years
vocabulary of 200 words
Speech and hearing at 3 years
short sentences (3-5 words) asks 'what' + 'who' questions
Speech and hearing at 4 years
asks ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions.
Red flag for social behaviour + play milestones?
If not smiling by 10 weeks = refer.
social behaviour + play milestone at 6 weeks?
social behaviour + play milestone at 3 months?
enjoys friendly handling
social behaviour + play milestone at 6 months?
not shy
social behaviour + play milestone at 9 months?
tries to put everything in their mouth
when should child put its hand on the bottle whilst being fed?
6 months
when should child drink from a cup + use a spoon?
12-15 months (these skills develop over this time)
when should child be competent with a spoon + not spill with a cup?
2 years.
when should child use a spoon + fork?
3 years
when should child use a knife + fork?
5 years
when should child be able to dress + undress independently?
4 years
when should child put on hats and shoes?
2 years
when should child able to take off shoes + hats but not put them back on?
18 months
when should child start helping to get themselves dressed + undressed?
12-15 months
when should child play peek-a-boo?
9 months
when should child wave bye-bye and play pat-a-cake?
12 months
when should child play happily alone?
18 months
when should child play near other children but not with them?
2 years