Paediatric GI Flashcards
MC cause of what in infancy?
Risk factors
infants regurgitate their feeds.
preterm delivery
neurological disorders
features of GORD in children
before 8 weeks
vomiting/regurgitation - milk vomits after feeds and could be after laid flat.
excessive crying - esp whilst feeding
diagnosis of GORD in children
mx of GORD in kids
30 degree head up during feed.
sleep on back - reduce cot death risk
ensure not overfed , trial smaller feed
trial thickened formula eg:
- rich starch
- cornstarch
-locust bean gum
-carob bean gum
- trial alginate therapy - gaviscon. not at same time as thickened formula.
prokinetic if specialist: metoclopramide
when could you give a ppi in gord in kids
1 or more of:
- unexplained feeding difficulties like refusing, gagging/choking
- distressed behaviour
- faltering growth
complications of gord in kids
failure to thrive
frequent otitis media
in older kids dental erosion.
GORD kid has severe comp like failure to thrive what to do?
if med tx ineffective do fundoplication
adults: indications for upper gi endoscopy
over 55
sx over 4 weeks or persistent sx despite tx
relapsing sx
weight loss
what to do in gord suspected adult if endoscopy negative
24hr oesophageal ph monitoring (gold standard)
adults: mx of gord
endoscopy proven oesophagitis
endoscopically negative reflux disease
- full dose ppi 1-2 mths
- if response, low dose tx when needed
- if not double dose ppi 1 month
- full dose ppi 1 mth
- response: low dose tx, when needed
- if no response: H2RA (famotidine) or prokinetic 1 mth
stop nsaids
antacids like gavison - short term
complications adult gord
benign strictures
barrett’s oesophagus
oesophageal carcinoma
what is GORD?
acid from stomach flow through lower oesophageal sphincter and into oesophagus
irritates lining and causes sx.
why does the acid affect oesophagus more than stomach?
squamous epithilial lining in oesophagus more sensitive to acid than columnar epithelial lining in stomach.
causes of gord in adults
greasy spicy foods
coffe tea
hiatus hernia
how does gord present in adults
dyspepsia :
- heart burn
- acid regurg
-nocturnal cough
-hoarse voice - retrosternal/epigastric pain
red flags with GORD - adults
2 week wait referral.
- urgent direct-acess endoscopy.
dysphagia - any age - 2 week wait refer
- over 55
-weight loss
-upper abdo pain
-reflux - tx-resistant dyspepsia
-n+v - upper abdo mass on palpation
-low hb (anaemia) - raised platelet count.
what is a oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy?
assess for what?
camera through mouth down to oesophagus, stomach and duodenum.
used to assess:
- gastritis
-peptic ulcers
-upper gi bleed
-oesopageal varices (liver cirrhosis) - barrets oesophagus
- oesophageal stricture
- malignancy of oesophagus/stomach
pt comes in with upper gi bleeding ie melaena or coffee ground vomiting what to do ?
urgent endoscopy
what is fundoplication?
laparoscopic fundoplication - tie the fundus of the stomach around lower oesophagus to narrow LOS.
What is a hiatus hernia?
4 types?
1- sliding
2- rolling
3 - combo of sliding and rolling
4- large opening with additional abdo organs entering thorax
hernation of stomach through diaphragm.
- normally diaphragm opening at los level and fixed.
- narrow opening helps maintain the sphincter and stop acid and stomach contents refluxing up.
- when its wider, stomach enters through diaphragm and contents reflux up.
how can a hiatus hernia be seen?
barium swallow
sliding hiatus hernia
rolling hiatus hernia
type 4
- sliding:
- stomach slides up through diaphragm, gastro-oesopageal junction pass up into thorax.
- rolling:
- seperate portion of stomach folds around and enters through diaphragm opening alongside oeso.
- large hernia
- bowel pancreas or omentum pass up through diaphragm.
What is pyloric stenosis caused by ?
when does it present and how?
2nd to 4th week of life - projectile vomiting - 30 mins after feed.
rarely upto 4 months.
cause: hypertrophy of circular muscles of pylorus.
epidemiology of pyloric stenosis
males : 4* more
10-15% infants positive fhx
1st borns - more affected.
features of pyloric stenosis
projectile vomiting - 30 mins after feed
constipation and dehydration
palpable mass - upper abdomen - poss (hypertrophic muscle of pylorus)
- hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic alkalosis due to persistent vomiting.
how would you diagnose pyloric stenosis?
how would you manage pyloric stenosis?
uss - thickened pylorus
ramstedt pyloromyotomy. - laparoscopic pyloromyotomy :
- incision into smooth muscle of pylorus
- widen canal allowing food to pass from stomach to duodenum as normal.
blood gas: hypochloric (low chloride) met alkalosis. - baby vomits the hcl from stomach.
presentation of pyloric stenosis pt
1st few weeks of life
hungry baby thin pale failing to thrive.
projectile vomiting.
what is the pyloric sphincter?
ring of smooth muscle forms canal between stomach and duodenum.
hypertrophy and narrowing of pylorus causes the stenosis.
food cant travel.
then you get powerful peristalsis in stomach as it tries to push food into duodenum but it cant so goes other way: oeseophagus - projective vomit.
What is zollinger ellison syndrome?
what is gastrin?
gastrinoma associated with?
rare condition.
duodenal or pancreatic tumour secretes excessive quantities of gastrin.
gastrin: hormone stimulates acid secretion in stomach.
severe dyspepsia
peptic ulces
gastrin-secreting tumours - gastrinomas associated with MEN1 - autosomal dominant. - can cause parathyroid and pituitary tumours
What is hirschsprung’s disease?
caused by aganglionic segment of bowel due to developmental failure or parasympathetic (MYENTERIC) auerback and meissner plexuses.
important for childhood constipation!!
associations of hirschsprungs disease
3 times mc in males
downs syndrome
MEN type II
Waardenburg syndrome: pale blue eyes, hearing loss and patches of white skin and hair)
pathophysiology of hirschsprungs disease
parasympathetic neuroblasts fail to migrate from neural crest to the distal colon and rectum. - section at end of colon left without parasympathetic ganglion cells.
therefore : developmental failure of parasympathetic auerback and miessner plexuses
therefore uncoordinated peristalsis
therefore functional obstruction
aganglionic section doesnt relax - constriction. - loss of movement of faeces and obstruction in bowel.
possible presentation of hirschsprungs disease
neonatal period: failure or delay to pass meconium more than 24 hrs.
chronic constipation since birth
poor weight gain/failure to thrive
older children:
abdo distention
ix for hirschsprungs disease
abdo x ray
rectal biopsy - gold : bowel histology: abscence of ganglionic cells.
mx of hirschsprungs
initially: rectal washouts/bowel irrigation
fluid resus
definitive: surgery to affected segment of colon
RELEVANCE OF myenteric plexus in hirschprungs disease
the myenteric plexus or the auerbachs forms the enteric nervous system - brain of gut.
its not there for hirschsprungs.
this nerve plexus run along bowel in bowel wall.
- stimulates peristalsis of large bowel. - without it the bowel loses mobility and cant pass food along length.
what is hirschsprung - associated entercolitis?
lead to what?
inflammation and obstruction of intestine.
2-4 weeks of birth with :
- fever
-abdo distention
-diarrhoea(often with blood)
- features of sepsis
life threatening.
lead to : - toxic megacolon an perforation of the bowel.
- abx
-fluid resus
-decompression of obstructed bowel
What is biliary atresia?
obliteration or discontinuity within extrahepatic biliary system : obstruction in bile flow.
3 types of biliary atresia
1: proximal ducts patent, common duct obliterated
2: atresia of cystic duct and cystic structures found in porta hepatis
3: atresia of left and right ducts to level of porta hepatis.
pt presenting with biliary atresia?
1st few weeks of life
jaundice - extending beyond phsyiological 2 weeks.
darkin urine and pale stools.
appetite and growth disturbance. - could be normal in some
signs of biliary atresia
hepatomegaly with splenomegaly
abnormal growth
cardiac murmurs if associated cardiac abnormalities present.
ix of biliary atresia
Serum Billirubin : conjugated and total. conjugated high total normal
LFT: serum bile acids, aminotransferases raised.
serum alpha 1 antitrypsin: deficiency
sweat chloride test: CF involves biliary tract
uss of biliary tree and liver: poss distention and tract abnormalities
percutaneous liver biopsy with intraoperative cholangioscopy
mx of biliary atresia
surgery only definitive: dissection of abnormalities into distinct ducts and anastomosis creation.
medical: abx and bile acid enhancers after surgery
KASAI PROTOENTEROSTOMY: attack section of SI to liver opening where bile ducts normally attaches.
complications of biliary atresia
unsuccessful anastomosis formation
progressive liver disease
cirrhosis with eventual HCC
prognosis of biliary atresia
good if surgery successful
if fails: liver transplant needed in 1st 2 yrs of life
What is marasmus?
Severe malnutrition caused by an overall deficiency in caloric intake (protein and energy). Usually kids under 5, in developing countries.
Results in extreme fat and muscle loss, causing stunted growth, severe weight loss and immunodeficiency.
Common in areas of famine or severe malnutrition
presentation of marasmus
Severe weight loss
Prominent bones, sunken eyes, thin, dry skin
Growth failure
Mx of marasmus
Gradual intro of calories
Micronutrient supplementation
Long term nutritional rehabilitation and infection management