Paediatric emergency Flashcards
- special consideration?
- management (4)
-if child below 1 then high floppy larynx so don’t over extend
-ensure the airway is patent
high flow O2
do they need air support/ ventilation
disease specific management
- how to determine the effort of breathing (5)
- hoe to determine the efficacy of breathing (4)
recession: subcostal/intercostal
accessory muscle use
nasal flaring
additional noise: stridor/wheeze
pulse oximetry
effects on end organs
- how to asses (6)
- assesing dehydration: signs at 5-10% and signs at > 10%
-HR rhythm pulse volume Cap refill (central and peripheral) BP effects on other organs (consciousness, skin perfusion- temp/colour, urine output
-5-10% mildly dry mucous membranes slightly reduced skin turgor mildly reduced urine output normal conscious level no shock
>10% very dry mucous membranes sunken fontanelle reduced skin turgor significantly reduced urine output altered conscious level shocked \+cold hand and feet prolonged CAP refill
- asses using what (3)
- posture (2)
pupil response to light
-Decorticate: stiff, bent arms, clenched fists and arms held out straight
Decerebate: arms and legs held straight out, toes down, head and neck arched back
-asses by (3)
what is the paediatric sepsis 6?
- give high flow O2
- IV access & bloods: cultures, glucose & lactate
- IV or IO broad spec antibiotics
- fluid resuscitation: 20ml/kg salineover 5-10 mins
revers shock and normalise HR, BP & peripheral perfusion
asses for fluid overload
do another bolus if still shocked - consider inotropic support wary (adrenaline)
- involves senior clinicians/specialists early
-presentation (5)
non-specific, generally unwell with tachycardia, fever and reap distress
- what is it
- presentation (4)
- treatment
- acute inflammatory injury of the bronchioles, usually viral
- cough, wheeze, off feeds, fever
- supportive: resp support & NG feeding
- also know as
- presentation
- treatment
-Croup, parainfluenzae virus
-upper airway obstruction
see hypopharynx distention and narrowing of the air column
-steroids reduce oedema and risk of admission
Foreign bodies
-x ray
- presentation (7)
- investigations (8)
- management (2)
- rash characteristics
-non-specific: fever, headache, stiff neck, altered mental state, leg pain, cold peripheries and skin changes
-Lumbar puncture if no sign of raised ICP
+ FBC, CRP, coagulation screen, blood culture, PCR, blood glucose, blood gases
+ bac= specific antibiotic after IV ceftriaxone if >3 months (benzylpenicillin if in community) ,
viral= steroids
-starts form a single point on the body so need to do whole body exam to look for rash
tumbler test: non blanching
- suspect when
- management
-when an injury is not matched by the history
-involve everyone
if you see pos rib fractures on X-ray then do full skeletal survey
name the 4 causes of GI obstruction in children
congenital pyloric stenosis
most common arrhythmia in childhood?
how does congenital heart disease present?
cyanosis & heart failure in the first aka/months