PAeasy practice test Flashcards
20 year old female with hypothyroidism and OCP use, she has hypertension. what type is it?
secondary - estrogen use
causes of secondary hypertension
genetic causes, renal diseases, hyperaldosteronism, Cushing syndrome, pheochromocytoma, coarctation of the aorta, pregnancy, thyroid or parathyroid disease, and estrogen use
sore throat, muffled voice and pain radiating to the ipsilateral ear are signs of what?
peritonsillar abscess - also drooling, trismus, deviated uvula
treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in a 6 year old
Azithromycin 1% ophthalmic solution, one drop in the affected eye twice daily for three days
(want something that has limited dosing. polymixinB/trimethoprim dosed 4 time daily isnt convenient)
what is uterine procidentia
aka complete uterine prolapse : Herniation of three (anterior, posterior and apical) pelvic compartments through the vaginal introitus
what are the old and new systems used to grade pelvic organ prolapse?
old: balden walker
new: “POP-Q”
how is the “pop-Q” system scored?
Stage 0 no prolapse is demonstrated (at ischial spines)
Stage 1 1+ cm above the hymen
Stage 2 the most distal portion is 1 cm or less proximal or distal to the hymenal plane
Stage 3 : 1 + cm below hymen but not ALL vagina has prolapsed
Stage 4 vaginal eversion is essentially complete
UA culture shows sensitivity to nitrofurantoin, can you treat the pyelonephritis with this?
no, b/c nitrofurantoin does not penetrate to the kidneys. need ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin. also can do bactrim.
best drug for acute migraine treatment?
sumatriptan, but best when taken in prodrome.
pelvic organ prolapse in anterior (cystocele) or posterior chamber (like a rectocele) needs what kind of treatment?
colporrhaphy with plication of the anterior endopelvic fascia or rectovaginal fascia
treatment for apical (middle) compartment pelvic organ prolapse ?
Uterosacral ligament suspension or sacral colpopexy
acute mitral regurg from papillary muscle rupture after MI presents with what two symptoms?
pulmonary edema and a systolic murmur.
murmur of aortic insuficiency
high-pitched, blowing diastolic murmur heard best at the left sternal border.
postmyocardial infarction syndrome aka ?
dressler syndrome - post-MI pericarditis
treatment options for mallet finger: conservative vs surgical decisions?
conservative:Place the patient in a STAX splint for six weeks and restrict DIP motion (leaves PIP joint free)
Sx: for large bone fragments, joint subluxion, or complex open injuries.
at what age should the majority of males have palpable testes? how do you find it?
6mo - if not found, attempt to palpate a retractile or undescended testis by sweeping one hand along the anterior iliac spine with the other hand at the scrotum until the testis is pushed into a position where it can be examined.
TPA absolute contraindications (5 general categories)
- head Sx, trauma, stroke or bleeding in past 3 mo
- known brain mass/aneurysm/AV malformation
- active internal bleed, bleeding condition
- uncontrolled HTN
- abnormal blood glucose,
In an adult with low back pain who presents for evaluation, which of the following is most consistently associated with a risk for malignancy in the United States? Hx of CA or weight loss?
HX of CA
first and second line txt for Cdiff
- vancomycin 2. metronidazole
MC cause :sudden onset of target-shaped lesions on the extensor surfaces of the arms and palms of the hands. They are asymptomatic.
erythema multiforme: HSV
* can also be caused by mycoplasma
sulfa and PCN drugs
MOST important primary prevention for recurrence of skin cancer
sun safe behavior (over yearly physicals)
Txt of HIT?
treatment should not be delayed while awaiting lab results. All forms of heparin, including unfractionated heparin, should be immediately discontinued and an alternative anticoagulant (thrombin inhibitor) should be initiated.
plt transfusion for HIT?
*A platelet transfusion should be avoided in most cases, unless acute bleeding is present.
steps to Dx asthma in acute onset of symptoms in primary care office
- oxygen saturation check
- If low, a nebulizer would be the next most likely step
- Definitive diagnosis requires spirometry once the patient is known to be stable
biggest risk factors for urinary stress incontinence?
- age
2. vaginal childbirth
what imaging is used for screening for AAA?
staging of AC joint injuries (type 1-3 and the corresponding recommendations for time to return to play). which types need ortho referral?
I- stretched (sprained) AC ligament. 3days -2wks
II- torn AC, sprained CC. 2-4wks
III- torn AC, torn CC. 6-12 wks
type II + need ortho referral
initial treatment for anterior epistaxis
- direct pressure- tamponade
2. chemical cauterize/thrombogenic foam/ balloon
suspected third interspace Morton’s neuroma, which treatment modality in primary care is associated with the best outcome?
steroid injection (+/- cause permanent numbness) - only 30% success rate
- Sx if failed.
- orthotic pads have little proven benefit
screening guidelines for gestational DM
- universal screening for overt diabetes (not gestational) at the initial prenatal visit in all patients by checking A1C; a diagnosis of overt diabetes is made when A1C is ≥6.5 percent
- 24-28wks
two step: nonfasting 50gram 1hr test >140 –> fasting 3hr 100gram GTT (fasting >95, 1hr >180, 3hr >140)
one step: fasting 75gram 2hr test
txt options for gestational DM, risk of 2nd line?
best - insulin
2. glyburide (risk of eclampsia)
sugar goals fasting and post prandial for Gestational DM
goal fasting <95, post prandial <120
labor induction for gestational DM: uncontrolled DM/macrosomia vs controlled/no macrosomia
uncontrolled: 38 wks
controlled: 40wks
Dx and treatment of mild diverticulitis symptoms ?
no labs or CT needed. clear liquids +/- abx (cipro or bactrim + metronidazole)
pain with mortons neuroma
lancinating (Stabbing) MC third metatarsal digit space, radiating to toes on either side.
A 13-year-old male presents to your clinic with a two-week history of a painful, enlarging mass in his right mid-shaft tibia. - what is the likely bone mass?
ewing sarcoma
(osteoid osteoma is not associated with a mass, osteoid sarcoma is found at metaphysis, myosarcoma is found in large muscles)
vaccines reccomended for 65yo+?
pneumoccocal 23 and 13, up to date on Tdap and flu.
causative organism and treatment for erysipelas
strep pyogenes + PCN
Dx of lactose intolerance
hydrogen breath test (after trial of lactose free diet)
dermatitis herpetiformis is common in what disease?
celiac dz (sprue) - itchy, papulovesicular all over body