EOR primary care - EENT Flashcards
“it was like a curtain over my vision for a few seconds/minutes” - dx? cause?
amaurosis fugax: MC cause from lack of blood flow: plaque or clot send from ipsilateral carotid artery. (also temporal arteritis, vasospasm)
treatment for amaurosis fugax ?
txt underlying cause + prevent stroke - blood thinners, endarterectomy, BP meds
functional reduction in visual acuity caused by abnormal visual development early in life. Dx?
what are the 3 kinds of amblyopia?
Strabismic: abnormal alignment of eyes
Refractive: unequal focus between eyes
Deprivational: caused by structural abnormalities of the eye obscuring incoming images
aside from obvious anatomic abnormalities on exam, what 2 things would prompt you to refer to optho for possible amblyopia?
Visual acuity worse than 20/40 in a child 3 to 5 years of age or worse than 20/30 in a child ≥6 years
Visual acuity difference of ≥2 lines between eyes
what is blepharitis and who is it most common in?
inflammation of BOTH eyelids. MC pts w/ down syndrome + eczema.
anterior vs posterior blepharitis?
Anterior: skin + base of eyelids. Can be infectious (staph aureus, strep epidermis, viral) or seborrheic
Posterior: (MC) meibomian gland dysfxn (assoc. With rosacea + allergic dermatitis)
symptoms of blepharitis
eye irritation/itching, eyelid burning, crusty, scaling, red-rimming. Eyelash flaking. +/- entropion/ectropion (more w/ posterior).
abx options for anterior blepharitis?
(azithromycin topical, erythromycin or bacitracin topical)
txt for posterior blepharitis?
eyelid hygiene, regular massage/expression of meibomian gland. +/- systemic abx if severe
possible blowout fx, pain with movement of the eye indicates what?
injury to extraocular muscles
possible blowout fx of eye, what things would prompt a CT needed?
Decreased visual acuity, widened intercanthal distance (damage to medial intercanthal ligament), evidence orbital compartment syndrome (“rock hard eye, irreducible), open globe, severe vagal symptoms (N/V/ bradycardia assoc. w/ extraocular muscle entrapment)
orbital hematoma may cause what?
signs of ruptured globe
Extrusion of intraocular contents, severe conjunctival hemorrhage, and/or a tear-shaped pupil
Orbital dystopia (loss of horizontal alignment of the eyes) and/or enophthalmos (eye receding into the orbit): these indicate what dx?
orbital floor fracture
opacity of eye lens is what?
risk factors for cataracts
old age, smoking, alcohol, sunlight exposure, DM, steroid use.
Dx? :MC bilat, trouble w/ night driving, reading road signs, fine print. Myopia. Painless progressive decline in vision
how is a chalazion different from a stye?
these are larger, firmer, slower growing, less painful. dont need Abx.
txt for a chalazion that is affecting vision?
Injection of corticosteroid or I+curretage if affecting vision.
Dx of cataracts
fundoscopy = incr lens opacity. loss of red reflex (mature)
bacterial vs viral conjunctivitis
Bacterial = thick, purulent discharge that continues throughout the day. Viral = serous fluid, burning, gritty feeling +/- systemic illness, second eye involved w/in 24-48hrs.
txt for conjunctivitis
abx NOT needed for bacterial - usually self-limited. Erythromycin ointment to shorten duration (or TMP-polymixin drops)
how long before most corneal abrasions heal?
txt options for corneal abrasion? abx for contact wearer vs no contacts. who needs a patch?
Analgesic - pilocarpine drops
Abx contact lens wearer: cover for pseudomonas (cipro, gentamycin or tobramycin)+ NO pressure patch
Abx no contact lenses: erythromycin ointment
Patch only for large abrasion (>50% eye) + cycloplegic drops
FB with rust, what do you do about a rust ring?
remove, while it will likely reabsorb on its own, you dont want to miss scarring and vision loss.
what is dacroadenitis/dacrocystitis? MC pathogen?
inflammation of lacrimal gland (adenitis) +/- lacrimal system (cystitis).= tearing, tender, edema, redness to upper lid or medial canthal of lower lid.
MC Staph Aureus.
txt for dacroadentitis/dacrocytitis?
Abx (clindamycin, vanco+ceftriaxone) → dacrocystorhinostomy
entropion/ectropion- involves what muscle? what pt population is it most common in? txt?
orbicularis oculi muscles (relaxation or spasm)
lubricating drops
what is glaucoma?
elevated IOP (>21mmHg) and damage to optic nerve.
S+S glaucoma: open vs closed
Open: MC asymptomatic. Peripheral vision loss → central vision loss. “Cupping” (over 50% of disc)
Closed: painful red eye
Dx of glaucoma (2 ways)
measure IOP via tanometry, pachymetry to measure corneal thickness (US)
txt for glaucoma: open vs closed
open: meds: prostoglandin analogs (-oprost). Laser txt, Sx.
Closed: emergent recovery in 24hrs to prevent permanent blindness. Drugs to promote miosis (dilation = pain) + Sx
screening for glaucoma?
age >40yo (fundoscopy or measure of IOP via tonometry)
Dx?:misshapen eye w/ prolapse ocular tissue from sclera or corneal opening. Markedly reduced visual acuity, enopthalmos (recession of globe into orbit) or exopthalmos, Severe conjuntival hemorrhage (360 bulbar), prolapse of iris through cornea. Obscured red reflex, teardrop/irregular shaped pupil, hyphema.
globe rupture
what is a positive siedel’s test for globe rupture?
+ Seidel’s test: parting of fluorescien dye by clear stream of aqueous humor from anterior chamber.
txt for globe rupture?
Rigid eye shield + impaled object left undisturbed. IMMEDIATE OPTHO CONSULT. Avoid topical eye solutions.
Hyphema- place at 45 degrees (keeps RBCs from staining the cornea)
internal vs external hordeolum (stye)
External: infection of lash follicle or sebaceous gland (near lid margin)
Internal: meibomian gland
txt for hordeolum
eyelid hygiene (warm compress), +/- abx (topical erythromycin or bacitracin). +/- I+D if not draining spontaneously w/in 48hrs.
what is a hyphema? what can it lead to? MC cause?
pooling of blood in anterior chamber (between cornea + iris), covers iris/pupil. Can lead to permanent vision loss. MC cause- eye trauma,
dx of hyphema
clinical, slit lamp, tanometry, CT (if trauma)
txt for hyphema
mild - heals spontaneously in one week +/- steroid or dilating drops, patch, bed rest (head of bed @ 40 degrees), limits on reading (eye movement). Severe increased IOP = Sx
pterygium vs pinguicula
Pterygium: fleshy, triangle, “growing” fibrovascular mass. MC medial side of eye. Assoc. w/ UV exposure + sand,wind,dust.
Pinguicula: yellow, elevated nodule on medial sideo sclera (fat/protein), does NOT GROW.
Dx?: sclera swollen, red, tender, blurry vision, tearing, photophia. Pain w/ movement of eye.
infectious (or rheumatic) scleritis
txt of scleritis
steroids, NSAIDs, immunosuppressive drugs, eyedrops, abx (if infective)