Packaging and Transport of nuclear substances regulations Flashcards
alternate activity limit for an exempt consignment
activity limit for a consignment that is above the activity limit for an exempt consignment set out in IAEA regs and that has been approved for meeting the exemption criteria set out in those regs
basic radionuclide value
means either an A1
in TBq, an
in TBq, an activity concentration limit for an exempt
material in Bq/g or an activity limit for an exempt consignment in Bq, as set out in the IAEA Regulations
What are A1 or A2?
from IAEA
A1 shall mean the activity value of special form radioactive material that
is listed in Table 2 or derived in Section IV and is used to determine the activity
limits for the requirements of these Regulations. A2 shall mean the activity value of radioactive material, other than special form radioactive material, that is
listed in Table 2 or derived in Section IV and is used to determine the activity
limits for the requirements of these Regulations
confinement system
assembly of fissile material and packaging components intended to preserve criticality safety
what is consignment
Consignment shall mean any package or packages, or load of radioactive
material, presented by a consignor for transport.
-consignee is the receiver
containment system
Containment system shall mean the assembly of components of the
packaging specified by the designer as intended to retain the radioactive material
during transport.
Contamination shall mean the presence of a radioactive substance on a
surface in quantities in excess of 0.4 Bq/cm2
for beta and gamma emitters and
low toxicity alpha emitters, or 0.04 Bq/cm2
for all other alpha emitters.
(a) For transport by road or rail: any vehicle;
(b) For transport by water: any vessel, or any hold, compartment, or defined
deck area of a vessel;
(c) For transport by air: any aircraft.
criticality safety index
Criticality safety index (CSI) assigned to a package, overpack or freight
container containing fissile material shall mean a number that is used to provide
control over the accumulation of packages, overpacks or freight containers
containing fissile material.
what is fissile material?
material capable of sustaining a nuclear fission chain
excepted package
package designed in accordance with IAEA regs
It can have radioactive material provided that dose rate at 10 cm from any point on the external surface is < 0.1 mSv/h
(a) It is an empty package having contained radioactive material;
(b) It contains instruments or articles not exceeding the activity limits specified
in Table 4;
(c) It contains articles manufactured of natural uranium, depleted uranium or
natural thorium;
(d) It contains radioactive material not exceeding the activity limits specified
in Table 4;
(e) It contains less than 0.1 kg of uranium hexafluoride not exceeding the
activity limits specified in column 4 of Table 4.
exclusive use
the sole use, by a single consignor, of a conveyance
or of a large freight container, in respect of which all initial, intermediate and
final loading and unloading and shipment are carried out in accordance with the
directions of the consignor or consignee
fissile-excepted radioactive material
-excepted from being classified as fissile by IAEA or contained in package that is excepted from being classified as fissile
large object
-object that has been decommissioned from nuclear facility, that is contaminated with nuc, and cannot be transported in a package in these regulations due to its dimensions
low dispersible radioactive material
either a solid radioactive
material or a solid radioactive material in a sealed capsule that has limited
dispersibility and is not in powder form
low toxicity alpha emitters
Low toxicity alpha emitters are: natural uranium, depleted uranium, natural
thorium, uranium-235, uranium-238, thorium-232, thorium-228 and thorium-230
when contained in ores, or in physical and chemical concentrates;
or alpha
emitters with a half-life of less than 10 days
low specific activity material
radioactive material that
by its nature has a limited specific activity, or radioactive material for which
limits of estimated average specific activity apply
an enclosure used by a single consignor to contain
one or more packages, and to form one unit for convenience of handling and
stowage during transport.
registered user
a person who has received confirmation under subsection 19(3) from the Commission
that their use of a package has been registered
surface contaminated object
a solid object that is not
itself radioactive but which has radioactive material distributed on its surface
special form radioactive material
either an indispersible solid
radioactive material or a sealed capsule containing radioactive material.
transport index
number that is used to provide control over radiation exposure, assigned to package, overpack, or freight
type A package
activity does not exceed
A1 for special form
A2 for all other radioactive material
type B and type C package
shall be classified in accordance
with the competent authority certificate of approval for the package design issued
by the country of origin of design
contents are specified in certificate of approval
Type B(U) and Type B(M) packages, if transported by air, shall meet
the requirements of para. 432 and shall not contain activities greater than the
(a) For low dispersible radioactive material — as authorized for the package
design as specified in the certificate of approval;
(b) For special form radioactive material — 3000A1 or 10^5
A2, whichever is the
(c) For all other radioactive material — 3000A2.
what about stickers for tiny packages?
put in larger package with radioactive sticker on inside so someone sees it when they open it
multilateral approval
> 0.1 kg of uranium hexfluoride that is non-fissile or fissile-excepted
Type H(U)
unilateral approval
> 0.1 kg of uranium hexfluoride that is non-fissile or fissile-excepted
Type IP-1, IP-2, IP-3
industrial package type 1, 2, 3
types of packages (list)
(a) Excepted package;
(b) Industrial package Type 1 (Type IP-1);
(c) Industrial package Type 2 (Type IP-2);
(d) Industrial package Type 3 (Type IP-3);
(e) Type A package;
(f) Type B(U) package;
(g) Type B(M) package;
(h) Type C package.
Packages containing fissile material or uranium hexafluoride are subject to
additional requirements.
where does this act apply?
packaging and transport of:
- prescribed equipment
- nuclear substances
-incliudes consigning, handling, loading, receipt, unpacking
where do these regulations not apply?
-transport of naturally occuring substance, so long as activity < 70 kBq/kg or activity does not exceed 10X activity concentration limit for exempt materials per IAEA
-nuc implanted or given to person for medicine etc or stays in their remains
-sample taken for bioassay
-nuc used by holder of a license on private property for an activity they are licensed to do, and access is controlled
-nuc contained in samples or remains, if the specific activity of the nuclear substance averaged over mass < 10^-6 A2/kg
-nuc contained in product that doesn’t need license
-nuc that is integral part of conveyance
-that has activity that doesn’t exceed values for exempt material per IAEA
-nuc in check source or radiation device that doesn’t need license
-nuc that consists of non-radioactive solid objects with
radioactive material present on any surface in quantities not exceeding 0.4 Bq/cm2
for beta and gamma
emitters and low toxicity alpha emitters and 0.04
for all other alpha emitters
-nuc in a person being transported for treatment due to intake or contamination.
-that is in a load of waste that triggeerd an alarm as long as the waste meets certain conditions.
-nuc being transported for proper characterization, and meets certain requirements
-nuc being transported by peace officer, as long as meets certain requirements
human or animal remains- activity limit by which these regs don’t apply
specific activity of the nuclear substance averaged over mass < 10^-6 A2/kg
max surface activity for a non-radioactive object with radioactivity on surface that can be transported without following these regs
- 4 Bq/cm2 for beta and gamma emitters
0. 04 Bq/cm2 for all other alpha emitters
what does the person characterizing a nuc sample have to do?
- keep a record on the detector and disposal of the nuc for 2 years
- file report with commission by April 30 that contains summary of radiation detections for calendar year
- notify commission if the source is characterized as licensable
what happens if alarm indicates dose rate > 5 uSv/h and < 25 uSv/h
- consignor, carrier, and consignee must:
- immediately report to commission- what happened and what have they done
- characterize source within 10 days and make follow-up report immediately if it is a licensable source, within 21 days if it is not licensable
what happens if alarm indicates dose rate > 25 uSv/h and less than 500 uSv/h
consignor, carrier, and consignee must:
- immediately report to commission, tell them what happened and what they did
- isolate load, prevent dispersal, and control access to make sure people are not exposed to doses above limits
- expert in radiation must come assess situation
- report results to commission within 10 days and make follow-up immediately if licensable, or within 21 days if not licensable
LSA-I material
- uranium and thorium concentration not greater than 3 % by mass
- stuff where radioactive material is uniformly distributed and for which average specific activity does not exceed 10^-6 A2/g or 30X activity concentration limit for exempt material values
- Radioactive material for which A2 is unlimited
- ores with natural radionuclides
LSA-II material
consists of material:
- that is less than 225 L of water with a tritium concentration that has activity level no greater than 0.8 TBq/L
- in which activity is distributed throughout and for which estimated average specific activity does not exceed 10^-4 A2/g for solids and gases and 10^-5 A2/g for liquids
solid material not in powder form and
-specific activity < 2 x 10^-3 A2/g
when does someone need a license to transport nuc substance?
specifically to package and transport- license still required to use etc
- it is category I,II, or III
- nuc is in package that is Type B(U)-96, Type C-96, or Type H(U)-96
- Nuc is in large object
- transport of object cannot meet the regs
- transport of use requires special use vessel
- transport requires multilateral approval of shipments
what does application for license to transport nuc require?
-info required from general nuclear safety and control regulations
-info required from nuclear security regs if substance is category I, II, III
-name and adresses of each consignor and consignee
-description of nuc
-country of origin
-reason for choosing route through Canada
-name of each carrier
-dates, times and locations of its arrival in and departure from Canada and scheduled stops in canada
-certificate number
-number of packages
-types of conveyance used
-name of vessel and flag state
-UN number for nuc
-reference number of emergency response assistance plan approved under section 7 of transportation of dangerous goods act
-transport plan covering radiation protection, emergency response, special precautions
-management system
requirements to include on license application for transport if nuc is contained in large object
1) show that internal contamination is
- contained in object
- meets requirements for SCO-I or SCO-II
- is non-fissile or fissile-excepted
- caused by substance in solid form; any liquid content is negligible
2) show that large object
- meets free drop test per IAEA
- does not have dose rate on contact > 2 mSv/h
- < 4 Bq/cm2 of contamination on exterior surfaces
The non-fixed contamination on the accessible surface averaged over
300 cm2
(or the area of the surface if less than 300 cm2
) does not
exceed 4 Bq/cm2
for beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity alpha
emitters, or 0.4 Bq/cm2
for all other alpha emitters
The fixed contamination on the accessible surface averaged over
300 cm2
(or the area of the surface if less than 300 cm2
) does not
exceed 4 × 104
for beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity
alpha emitters, or 4000 Bq/cm2
for all other alpha emitters
The non-fixed contamination plus the fixed contamination on the
inaccessible surface averaged over 300 cm2
(or the area of the surface
if less than 300 cm2
) does not exceed 4 × 104
for beta and
gamma emitters and low toxicity alpha emitters, or 4000 Bq/cm2
all other alpha emitters
-limits exceed SCO-I
(i) The non-fixed contamination on the accessible surface averaged
over 300 cm2
(or the area of the surface if less than 300 cm2
) does
not exceed 400 Bq/cm2
for beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity
alpha emitters, or 40 Bq/cm2
for all other alpha emitters;
(ii) The fixed contamination on the accessible surface averaged over
300 cm2
(or the area of the surface if less than 300 cm2
) does not
exceed 8 × 105
for beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity
alpha emitters, or 8 × 104
for all other alpha emitters;
(iii) The non-fixed contamination plus the fixed contamination on the
inaccessible surface averaged over 300 cm2
(or the area of the surface
if less than 300 cm2
) does not exceed 8 × 105
for beta and
gamma emitters and low toxicity alpha emitters, or 8 × 104
all other alpha emitters
object too large to transport as per regs
- all openings are sealed
- The non-fixed contamination on the external surfaces does not exceed 4Bq/cm2 for beta, gamma dn low toxicity alpha
0. 4 Bq/cm2 for all other alpha emitters
) The non-fixed contamination plus the fixed contamination on
the inaccessible surface averaged over 300 cm2
does not exceed
8 × 10^5 Bq/cm2
for beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity alpha
emitters, or 8 × 10^4
for all other alpha emitters
describe free drop test
The specimen shall drop onto the target so as to suffer
maximum damage in respect of the safety features to be tested
if transport of nuc substance cannot meet requirements of regs, what does one put in the license to transport application?
- show that overall safety is at least equivalent to that if regs were met
- explain why regs cannot be met
- any special precautions to take to compensate for inability to meet regs
if transport of nuc requires special use vessel, what does one include in license to transport application?
- vessel owner and operator name and contact
- copy of radiation protection program applicable to shipment
- details of consignment
- stowage arrangement for consignments
- dates, times, locations of arrival in Canada and any scheduled stops
- copy of certificate or approval applicable to packages or materials in consignment
- name of vessel and flag state
- vessel’s flag state approval of radiation protection program
if transport of nuc requires approval of shipment with IAEA regs, what does one include in license to transport application?
- period of time for which approval is sought
- infor on radioactive contents, expected conveyance, proposed route
- copy of applicable approvals for package design
- details of how the precautions etc per IAEA will be put into effect
- for fissile material, info on sum of criticality safety indexes, and any safety assessment, emergency response etc
H(M) package requirements
- meet national or international standards (doesn’t have to be organization for standardization standard ISO 7195, as long as safety is equivalent)
- must withstand hydraulic test
- must withstand free drop test
- must withstand thermal test
- cannot have pressure relief devices
H(U) requirements
- must meet international organization for standardization standard ISO 7195 (Nuclear energy- packaging of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for transport
- must withstand hydraulic test
- must withstand free drop test
- must withstand thermal test
- cannot have pressure relief devices
describe thermal test
- expose specimen for 30 min to thermal environmental that provides heat flux equivalent or worse than a hydrocarbon fuel-air fire
- expose specimen to 38Celcius subject to solar insulation conditions specified and subject to design max rate of internal heat generation within package by radioactive contents
what packages require the design to be certified?
- type B and C packages
- packages used to transport fissile material
- packages used to transport 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride
- special form radioactive material
- low dispersible radioactive material
packages tjat can be used without being certified, if approved by foreign competent authority
- special form radioactive mateial in transit
- Type B(U)-96 or Type C-96 package if in transit
- Type H(U)-96 package if it has >0.1 kg of uranium hexafluoride
does the calculation of a value demonstrating that fissile-excepted radioactive material will remain subcritical have to be certified by commission?
yes, except for some exceptions
what must be on application for certification of design?
- approval issued by a foreign authority
- recommended inspection and servicing
- instructions for packing, transport, receiving, maintenance, unpacking
- further info required to meet regs
-give commission a reaosnable opportunity to observe any test the applicant includes to meets regs
producing package of certified design
- must be produced per certificate
- package must be marked with certificate number, design number, and serial number
does one need to apply to commission to use a certified design package?
how long does the record of the management system have to be kept?
2 years after prescribed equipment is removed from service
consignor’s responsibility
- provision of info for carriers
- notify competent authorities
- possess certificates and instructions
Packages that can be transported without license
in order of least to most risk:
-Type IP-1, 2 or 3
-Type A
-Type B or C of certified design
-package of certified design used to transported fissile material
-package of certified design used to transport 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride
-unpackaged LSA-I or unpacked SCO-I
-a package that contains 0.1 kg or more of uranium
hexafluoride and that is of a design that has been approved as a Type H(U)-96 package by a foreign competent authority)
categories I,II, and III can be in each type??
packages that can be transported with license
(i) a nuclear substance contained in a large object,
(ii) a nuclear substance whose transport does not
meet all of the requirements of these Regulations,
(iii) a nuclear substance whose transport requires a
special use vessel,
(iv) a nuclear substance whose transport requires
multilateral approval of shipments in accordance
with the IAEA Regulations, and
(v) a package that is in transit and is of a design
that has been approved as a Type B(U)-96 or Type
C-96 package by a foreign competent authority in
accordance with the IAEA Regulations;
can previously certified packages be used
yes, so long as they meet certain conditions
can LSA-I and SCO-I material be transpoted without packaging?
yes, but must make sure there will be no escape of radioactive content from conveyance or loss of shielding
conditions under which LSA-I and SCO-I materials cane be transported in Type IP-1 and 2 packages
- transported in conveyances that are not carrying passgengers
- transported in conveyances or freight containers from one consignor only
- only loaded at the consignor’s location and unloaded at the consigne’s location
who needs to implement radiation protection program?
every consignor, carrier, or consigne, other than those who handle excepted packages
-records must be kept 2 years after program ends
when do consignor/carrier/consgnee have to do workplace dose minotiring or indivdual dose monitoring?
work place or individual if dose expected to be between 1 and 5 mSv a year
individual if dose expected to be > 5 mSv/yr
examples of dangerous occurrences
- conveyance is in an accident
- package is damaged
- material is lost or stolen
- radioactivity has escaped from a containment system
- fissile material is outside confinement during transport
- level of non fixec contamination exceeds allowable level (i.e. 4 Bq/cm2 for beta, gamma, low toxicity alpha, and 0.4 Bq/cm2 for all other alpha emitters)
what do you do in event of dangerous occurrence?
- limit dispersal of material
- place barriers, signs etc to control entry
- record name, address of anyone who may have been exposed and request they stay available for assessment by expert in radiation protection
- obtain expert
- send preliminary report to commission
- inform consignor
- full report submitted within 21 days
what is included in full report after dangerous occurrence?
- date, time, and location of failure to comply
- names of people involved
- details of packaging and package
- probable cause
- effects on environment, health, safety, security
- doses that any person received
- actions taken to remedy failure and prevent recurrence
radiation limits for package under exclusive use
10 mSv/h on external surface of package
2 mSv/h on surface of conveyance
0.1 mSv/h at distance of 2 m from conveyance surface
radiation limits for package not under exclusive use
2 mSv/h on external surface of package
0.1 mSv/h at 1 m from package
2 mSv/h on surface of conveyance
0.1 mSv/h at 2 m from surface of conveyance
definition of exclusive use
A service whereby a transport vehicle is assigned for the sole use of a specific consignor, loaded only by that consignor, and unloaded only by the consignor or consignee. The carrier does not load any other consignor’s freight in the vehicle and expedites delivery of the vehicle to the consignee
can a person other than consignor or consignee open a package?
ONLY if:
- measures are taken to prevent persons from receiving doses of radiation higher than dose limits
- package is opened in presence of expert in radiation protection
what if someone other than cosignor or consignee opens package while in transport?
- must restore it to condition that meets requirements of regs before forwarding it
responsibilities on opening package
check if:
- package is damaged
- package has been tampered with
- if the package contains fissile material, if any fissile material is outside confinement system
- any portion of contents is outside containment system
what must person do if they find issues with package (i.e. damaged etc) when they go to open it?
- make preliminary report to commission and consignor
- within 21 days, make full report
what must be in report of damaged, lost etc package?
- date, time, location of discovery
- name of people involved
- details of packaging and packages
- probable cause
- effects on environment, health, safety of persons, security
- radiation doses any person received or likely to receive
- actions taken to remedy and prevent recurrence
what must the carrier do if the consignment cannot be delivered to the consignee?
- notify consignor, consignee, and commission
- keep consignment in area where access is controlled by carrier
record required for every person who packs radioactive material in a type IP-2, IP-3, or Type A package
- technical specs of design
- type, quantity, and state of radioactive material
- documentation showing package meets regs
- instructions for packing, transport, receiving, maintenance, unpacking
-keep it for 2 years after day when packing occurs
UN number for radioactive material
necessary markings for transport of radioactive source
• Necessary markings:
o Identification of either consignor or consignee, or both – need durable and legible marking
o Radiation trefoil symbol should be on outermost receptacle; should be water and fire resistant.
o Different types of shipping labels:
Category I white label with trefoil symbol giving list of radioactive components and the activity.
Category II or III yellow labels include transport index (TI)
how to calculate transport index
determine the max radiation level in mSv/h at 1 m distance from external surfaces of package. This value multiplied by 100 gives the TI. Values shall be rounded up to the first decimal place, except that values of 0.05 may be considered zero.
categorize I-white, II-yellow, III-yellow
o TI = 0 and max radiation level at any point on external surface <= 0.005 mSv/h I-white
o TI > 0 but <=1 and max radiation level at any point on external surface > 0.005 mSv/h but <= 0.5 mSv/h II-Yellow
o TI >1 but <=10 and max radiation level at any point on external surface > 0.5 mSv/h but <=2 mSv/h III-Yellow
o TI > 10 and max radiation level at any point on external surface > 2 mSv/h but <= 10 mSv/h III-Yellow, Must be transported under exclusive use.
• Where the TI satisfies the condition for one category but the surface radiation level satisfies the condition for a different category, assign it to the higher category.
-TI is in mrem/h
IP-1, IP-2, and IP-3 requirements
- must meet design requirements for each category
- type II has more requirements than type I and type III has more than type I and II
- requirements can include tests (like thermal test, drop test)
Type H
-either excepted package, type IP-1, II, or III
type C package limits
Type C packaging is an overpack for transportation of radioactive material without any activity limits by any conveyance including aircraft. The Type C package must maintain its containment upon impact onto a target at a velocity of 90 m/s (this is similar to a fall from a height of 450 m).
considerations for disposal, recycling, and reuse of activated linac components
- 62Cu, 64Cu, and 56Mn have half lives of half day or less so not significant
- 181W, 185W have half lives of 121 and 75 days, respectively. Neither had radioactive progeny. Only emit gammas and betas; energy of about 130- 140 kEv
options for disposition of activated linac components
- return to manufactuer
- transfer to accelerator refurbishment company
- disposal via normal waste streams
what conditional clearance level did CNSC set out for activated linac components?
- 0.5 uSv/h measured at 5 cm
- demonstrating what isotopes are in linac and that they are below conditional levels would be really difficult to do.. thus CNSC established this rule based on dose rate
package type for LDR seeds
Type A, category I
package type for HDR source
type A, category II yellow (non-exclusive use)
category I, II, III
o TI = 0 and max radiation level at any point on external surface <= 0.005 mSv/h I-white
o TI > 0 but <=1 and max radiation level at any point on external surface > 0.005 mSv/h but <= 0.5 mSv/h II-Yellow
o TI >1 but <=10 and max radiation level at any point on external surface > 0.5 mSv/h but <=2 mSv/h III-Yellow
o TI > 10 and max radiation level at any point on external surface > 2 mSv/h but <= 10 mSv/h III-Yellow, Must be transported under exclusive use.
• Where the TI satisfies the condition for one category but the surface radiation level satisfies the condition for a different category, assign it to the higher category.