PAC Workbook 2 Chart 3 Flashcards
What are some potential causes of a central HS?
RF valgus, FF varus, PTTD, genu varum, pain avoidance (lateral heel injury), glute weakness causing femoral internal rotation)
What are some potential causes of an excessively lateral HS?
RF varus, FF valgus, rigid PF 1st ray, genu/tibial varum
What are some abnormal gait patterns we may see with heel strike?
Low HS, central/medial HS, flat foot (FF and RF contact simultaneously), forefoot contact
What could be some potential causes of a flat foot contact?
Shuffling gait, limited ankle dorsiflexion, pain avoidance, excessive knee flexion, pes equinus
What could be some causes of a forefoot contact HS?
Pain avoidance at the heel, pes equinus (tight plantar flexors), knee injury or lack of knee extension, nerve injury to anterior lower limb, compartment syndrome, LLD (short leg compensating)
What are some potential causes of excessive pronation during the loading response?
FF varus/supinatus, RF varus or valgus, pes equinus, PTTD, flexible PF 1st ray, long limb in LLD
What are some potential abnormal gait patterns we may see at the loading response phase?
Excessive/under pronation, supination, foot slap
What are some causes of a lack of pronation during loading response?
Rigid PF 1st ray, FF valgus, RF varus, short limb in LLD, rigid pes cavus foot, fused ankle
What could cause supination during the loading response?
Rigid PF 1st ray, rigid FF valgus, talipes equinovarus, CMT, short limb in LLD, rigid pes cavus
What could cause a foot slap during loading response?
Weak ankle dorsiflexors (nerve injury, compartment syndrome), CMT, neurological disorders (CP, MS)
What are the main gait abnormalities we could see during midstance?
Excessive/under pronation, supination
What could cause excessive pronation during midstance?
PTTD, FF varus, RF varus or valgus, pes equinus, lack of hip internal or external rotation, genu recurvatum
What are some potential abnormal gait patterns we may see at the loading response phase?
Excessive/under pronation, supination, foot slap
What could cause a lack of pronation or supination during midstance?
Rigid PF 1st ray, rigid FF valgus, RF varus (flexible), short limb in LLD
What are some gait abnormalities seen during heel lift?
Early, delayed/absent, prolonged pronation, abductory twist, supination
What could cause an early heel lift?
Pes equinus, tight plantar flexors/ limited ankle DF, PTTD, lack of hip extension or flexion
What could cause a delayed heel lift?
Pain avoidance in FF, excessive dorsiflexion (rare), shuffle gait, genu recurvatum
What can cause an abductory twist at heel lift?
Tight plantar flexors, FF varus, FHL, hallux limitus or rigidus
What are some gait abnormalities seen at toe off/propulsion?
Medial, 1st/2nd MT head, low gear, apropulsive or pick-up
What can cause a medial toe off?
Tight plantar flexors causing abductory twist, hallux limitus/rigidus, FF varus, PTTD, hypermobile 1st ray
What can cause an apropulsive toe off?
Pain avoidance in forefoot, knee injury causing lack of extension, shuffle gait
What are some gait abnormalities seen at swing phase?
Abducted, pronated, vaulting, trendelenburg, shuffle, low clearance, circumduction
What can cause a low gear toe off?
Hallux limitus/rigidus, weakness of the peroneus longus, excessive resupination, pain avoidance at big toe
What is a shuffle gait and what can cause it?
Knee and hip flexion, short stride, slow gait, forward trunk lean. Often caused by instability, lower limb injuries causing pain avoidance, neurological conditions like parkinsons