PAAM Exam 2 Flashcards
What is always your number one priority on any call:
When is scene safety assessed:
When would you use NOI versus MOI?
Do you have a legal obligation to enter a unsafe scene:
= yourself
= when you first get the call
= After you make your GI of the PT
= NO
What is known as “action circle” at the scene of an accident?
What is the safe (minimum) radius of the action circle?
What is the purpose of the “Circle Survey”?
= circular area extends out from accident vehicles & 50ft (min) radius
= 50ft
= Survey all 360 degrees of accident
Dangers of performing rescue in confined space?
Dangers of performing a rescue in a farm silo?
Order which you should conduct a water rescue?
= Gases & Collapsing
= Sinking, only up & down
= Reach (with long pole), Throw (flotation device), Row (boat), Go (water entry)
Distance to park w/ 1 of cars on fire at road incident?
Position of vehicle approaching potential hazard?
Book most used to identify hazard materials:
Must be worn working scene of vehicle accident:
= 100ft or>
= Uphill & Upwind
= Emergency Response Guidebook
= Reflective vest
What info do you obtain w/ general impression?
What is the purpose of the primary assessment?
= Immediate life/death signs/hemorrhaging, PT info
= Fix any life threatening problems
Assessed during PT assessment?
Something wrong in primary assessment, what are you to do?
Type of hemorrhage cause interruption of ABCs:
= 1. SS/sizeing, M/NOI, 2. PT assess, 3. LOC, 4A, 5B, 6C
= Stay & Play
= squirting/arterial
Assessed during “A” phase of primary assessment?
Assessed during “B” phase of primary assessment?
Assessed during “C” phase of primary assessment?
= Airways all possible & best airways
= Breathing; quality, rate, rhythm, symmetry,
= Circulation; CTC, quality, rate, rhythm, regularity, strength
How do you use the AVPU scale?
GCS- E points:
M points:
S Points:
= Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive
= 4 Alert, 3 Verbal, 2 Pain, 1 Unresponsive
= 5 Oriented, 4 Confused, 3 inappropriate words, 2 sounds, 1 no audiation
= 6 Obeys comands, 5 localizes to pain, 4 withdraws w/ pain, 3 flextion, 2 extension, 1 no response
Systolic BP estimates for following pulse sites- Radial
= 80
= 70
= 60
How long to conduct a primary assessment?
= 60secs
Goal of therapeutic communication?
What is therapeutic communication?
= PTs feel heard & understood; can help reduce anxiety, build trust, & improve quality of care provided.
= Specific techniques & strategies to establish a positive rapport, convey empathy, & effectively gather info from PTs.
Active communication consists of what 4 things?
What actions can you take for a good 1st impression?
= sender, a message, a receiver, and feedback
= Introduction, Open stance, eye contact, ect
PT distance in intimate zone?
You assess for what in what zone?
PT distance in person space?
where most our PT assessment occurs
Distance for social space?
Distance for public space?
= 0-1.5 feet
= Internal signs in intimate zone
= 1.5-4ft
= Personal zone
= 4-12ft
= 12ft or more
3 different relative Lvls mean to a PT:
1. Remaining at eye level:
2. Standing above/over PT:
3. Dropping below eye level indicates:
= eye contact Lvl
= equality
= authority & can be intimidating
= Willing for PT have some control (w/ elderly&PEDI)
Eye contact 50/70 rule- 50%:
helps interaction by making it by creating a :
= maintain eye contact 50% of the time= speaking
= Maintain eye contact 70% of the time= listening.
= comfortable & engaging w/o making other uneasy
Be familiar with the parts of active listening:
Silence, Reflection, Facilitation, Empathy, Clarification, Confrontation, Interpretation, Asking about feelings, Explanation, Summarization,
SAMPLE history:
= Sign/Symptoms, Allergies, Meds, Past med/ Hx, Last oral intake, Events leading up
= Onset, Provocation/Palliation, Quality, Radiating, Severity, Timing - Associated Sign/Symptoms & Pertinent Negatives
= Alcohol, Epilepsy, Insulin (hypo/hyperglycemia), Overdose, Uremia (kidney failure), Trauma, Infection, Psychosis, Stroke
= Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures/Penetrations, Burns, Lacerations, Swelling, Tenderness, Instability, Crepitus
Goal of the secondary assessment?
4 techniques when assessing PT in 2nd assessment?
=more through exam objective & measurable (quantifiable) info is taken from PT’s health condition: vitals, SAMPLE, ect
= 1st. Visual, 2nd. Palpation, 3rd. Percussion, 4th. Auscultation
2nd. Palpation inspection:
= Fingers for sensations EX pulse, Ball of hand(calluses) for vibrations (tactile fremitus- vibration in back when talking)
3rd. Percussioning:
= striking surface of body; Direct EX sinus taping listening for hypo-rresonant dull sound means filled sinuses, Indirect= tap on top of own fingers (percussing for pneumo) Blunt percussion= hitting hard EX kidneys hitting & listening for pain response
Erb’s point @:
= 3rd ICS L-sternal border.
= heart murmurs can be heard more distinctly.
4th. Auscultation:
= Diaphragm hyper-sounds lungs bell= (held at stem), BP & heart sound
Percussion sounds:
Tympany sound:
Hyperresonance sound:
Resonance sound:
Dull sound:
Flat sound:
= tone’s resonance/lack of indicates if region is filled w/ air, air under pressure, fluid, or normal tissue
= “drumlike” , loud intensity, High pitched, Medium duration, located in stomach “teeter-totter”
= “Booming” ,loud intensity, Low pitched, long duration, located in Hyperinflated-Lung “Hums of mongolian”
= “Hallow” , loud intensity, low pitched, long duration, located in a normal lung “Ringing tornado”
= “thud” , Medium intensity, medium pitched, medium duration, in solid organs “Dumb down-syndrome”
= “Extremely dull” , Soft intensity, High pitched, short duration, in muscle & atelectasis “fly flying by”
expressive aphasia:
Receptive aphasia:
PT w/ aphasia be mistaken for:
= defective speech caused by motor deficits
= voice changes caused by vocal cord prob/s
= defective language from brain damage
= words will be garbled
= words will be clear but unrelated to your questions.
= a psych disorder b/c such difficulty speaking
(ODERS) Fruity breath:
Urine or ammonia:
Bitter almonds:
General bad breath:
Fishy vaginal/penis odor:
Fecal breath:
= cyanide poisoning
= hygiene and/or infection
= infection and/or Ghonearrhea
= GI obstruction
Pulse Deficit:
Pulse Deficit indicates:
Pulsus Alternans:
Pulsus Alternans indicates:
= difference in HR w/ auscultation & PR w/ palpation.
= not all heartbeats make palpable pulse, often A-Fib
= Alternation of strong & weak pulses, typically
=L-ventricle dysfunc/or H-failure & often chronic condition of the heart.
Cardiac Output formula:
Formula for BP:
Calculate a PT’s MAP:
= Heart Rate (beats per minute)
= Stroke Volume (amount of blood pumped per beat)
= BP= SVR x (SV x HR)
= DBP+ ⅓(SBP-DBP) SBP-SystolicBP & DBP-DiastolicBP
(Korotkoff sounds & in order) 1st sound:
2nd sound:
3rd sound:
4th sound:
5th sound:
= snapping
= swooshing
= tapping
= thumping (muffling)
= silence
= “Sounds Silly That They Sing”
(skin signs) Pallor:
=Abnorm/ pale; hypoxia by shock or hypothermia.
= Blue: hypoxia
= yellow: liver failure
= Red: carbon monoxide
= small flat purple spots by cap/blood/;many etiologies
= purple spots by minor cap/ bleeding
= purplish patches; poor circu/oxygen/seen near-death
= Bruising
= elevated area <1cm w/ serous fluid
= elevated palpable area w/ liquid or viscous matter
= “bulb” Vesicle diameter >1cm
= Red/blue threads “spider”
= linear epidermis loss leaving dermis exposed
= excessive exfoliation white-silver-tan
= thickening/hardening epidermis w/ emphasize lines
= thin “clear” epidermis
Skin turgor test:
Norm/ skin tugor:
Decreased skin mobility suggests:
“Tenting” Poor turgor:
= pulling skin fold over bony area then releasing it
= immediately returns to its original state.
= edema or scleroderma, a progressive skin disease.
= results from dehydration
(Abnormal Nails) Clubbing:
Terry’s nails:
Transverse/Beau’s lines:
= “finger clubs” distal phalanx of fingers rounded/ bulbous & Proximal nail feels spongy; from chronic hypoxia in COPD & lung cancer.
= inflamed nail; can be acute trauma or chronic & Cuticle isn’t visible
= Separation of nail from nail bed; can be from fungal infections, psoriasis, or trauma.
= white w/ narrow pink band @ tip; can indicate liver disease, diabetes, or heart failure
= horizontal grooves; nail growth disruption from illness, trauma, or nutritional deficiencies
= small pits; can be an early sign of psoriasis
Medical word for unequal pupils >1mm:
Unequal pupils alert you to:
Medical word used for pinpoint pupils:
Medical word used for dilated pupils:
Name of eye chart used to test visual acuity:
Bitemporal hemianopsia:
Left/Right Homonymous Hemianopsia:
Homonymous Quadrantic Defect:
Medical word for ecchymosis around eyes& sign of:
= anisocoria
= Brain trauma!!!
= Miosis
= Mydriasis
= Snell chart
= loss of vision in the outside half of each eye
= loss of vision in right or left half of both eyes
= loss of vision in the same quadrant of both eyes
= Periorbital ecchymosis & basilar skull fracture
3 parts of the ear:
What part contains the three ossicles:
= Outer, middle, Inner
= Middle ear
Outer Ear consists:
= Auricle, External Acoustic Meatus “Ear canal”, & Tympanic membrane “eardrum”
Inner ear contains:
Names of 3 ossicles:
= Vestibule, Semicircular canals, Cochlea, Labyrinth
= “Hammer” malleus, “Stirup” incus, “Anvil” stapes
“Hammer” of ear:
= Malleus “both have M”
“Stirup” of ear:
= Incus
“Anvil” of ear:
= Stapes
Medical word for ecchymosis behind ears & a sign of: What can be assessed using an otoscope:
= Retroauricular- ecchymosis
= Typmanic membrane for Otitis media
Name/meaning for increased JVD during inhalation:
Kussmaul’s sign & Hemothorax
Pressure in the jugular veins approximate:
Elevated jugular venous pressure can indicate:
= central venous pressure (CVP)indicator of body’s overall blood volume & venous return
= R-sided heart failure or fluid overload.
PT w/ subcutaneous emphysema:
= Air leaking from respiratory into tissues of neck ;indicating a serious neck/chest injury.
Presence of Carotid bruit:
What is a carotid bruit:
= usually means= atherosclerosis
= sound of turbulent blood flow around partial vessel obstruction
3 phases when assessing PT’s chest- Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
= Inspection: shape, symmetry, & abnormal m-nts or signs.
Palpation: Feel for tenderness, vibrations, & abnormalities.
Percussion: Tap to assess the underlying lung tissue & identify areas of abnormal density
adventitious lung sounds:
= crackles/rales, wheezes, rhonchi, stridor, & pleural rubs
What is considered normal heart sounds?
= S1/S2 “lub dub”
S1 Sounds auscultate @:
S2 Sounds (aortic) auscultate @:
S2 Sounds (Pulmonic) auscultate @:
= 5th ICS at Left Sternal border “TRI BI”
= 2nd ICS at Right Sternal border “aoRtic Right”
= 2nd ICS at Left Sternal “puLmonic L”
Aortic Valve auscultate @:
Pulmonic Valve auscultate @:
Erb’s Point auscultate @:
Tricuspid Valve auscultate @:
Mitral Valve (Apex) auscultate @:
= 2nd ICS, Right Sternal border.
= 2nd ICS, Left Sternal border
= 3rd ICS Left sternal border.
= 4th ICS Left Sternal border
= 5th ICS, Left Midclavicular line
What makes the heart sounds?
What heart valves are open during diastole?
What heart valves are open during systole?
= Bi/Tricuspid valves closing S1 & pulmonic/aortic valves closing S2
= Bi&Tricuspid
= Pulmonic & Auratic
What is a scaphoid abdomen & its significance?
Obvious pulsating mass indicates what in abdomen?
Accumulation of fluid across PT’s abdomen is?
= Abdomen appears sunken; can indicate malnutrition or diaphragmatic hernia.
= Indicates an abdominal aortic aneurysm. AAA
= Ascites
Cullen’s Sign:
Grey Turner’s sign:
= Bruising @ umbilicus; intra-abdominal bleeding
= Shoulder referred pain from abdomen
PT vomiting up bright red blood is called?
PT coughing up blood from respiratory system is?
PT passing bright red blood in stool is? Hematochezia
PT passing very dark, sticky, foul Smelling stool is?
= Hematemesis: upper GI bleed “em flem”
= Hypotyposis “hy-pot cough”:resp/ bleed
= Hematochezia; Lower GI bleed “crap w/ blood”
= Melena; Upper GI bleed
What is Kehr’s sign/meaning:
PT w/ Murphy’s sign means?
Where/what is McBurney’s Point?
= Referred shoulder pain from spleen or liver
= Suspected gall bladder infection→ cupping under rib w/ breath causes pain
= LRQ pain w/ rebound tenderness ⅔ of way from umbilicus to illicac; pos/ appendicitis
(Pitting edema)- +1 grade:
+2 grade:
+3 grade:
= 1-2 mm (0.04-0.08 inches)
= 3-4 mm (0.12-0.16 inches)
= 5-6 mm (0.20-0.24 inches)
= 7-8 mm (0.28-0.31 inches)
(0, +1, +2, or +3 pulses)- 0 pulse grade:
+1 pulse grade:
+2 pulse grade:
+3 pulse grade:
= Absent, no detectable pulse
= Weak; thready, barely detectable,
= Normal; easily felt but not bounding.,
= Strong; full & easily palpable.
What is Lordosis?
What is Scoliosis?
What is Kyphosis?
= Swayback “Lord the way swayback”
= Lateral curve “S curve”
= Humpback
CN 1:
= Olfactory → smell “1 nose”
CN 2:
= Optic → vision (sensing light) “2 eyes”
CN 3:
= Oculomotor: pupil m-vt (controls pupils sizes) “3 words cocaine constricts pupils”
CN 4:
= Trochlear: eye motor function (look up & down) “it go up, down, up, down”
CN 5:
= trigeminal “suicide “= chewing muscles (chewing mastication), Sensory→Ophthalmic (forehead), maxillary (cheek)& mandibular (chin) “5 fingers to the face/chew”
CN 6:
= abducens= Lateral Eye m-vt “6 letters (TO SIDE)”
CN 7:
= facial: controls facial expressions, taste @ front 2/3s of tongue, & some F.s of salivary & lacrimal glands “L I C K M A D”
CN 8:
= vestibulocochlear= sense hearing, balance, equilibrium
CN 9:
= glossopharyngeal= controls taste @ back of tongue, helps w/ swallowing by saliva production. “9 lime”
CN 10:
= vagus “wondering” parasympathetic F.s: HR, digestion, & RR & also provides sensory info from throat & voice box.
CN 11:
= Accessory = traps Muscles motor
CN 12:
= Hypoglossal = motor tongue control out “12 & 21 baskin robin flavors”
Cranial nerves carrying parasympathetic nerve fibers?
CN: 3,7,9,10
Ocular Muscles do what & Innervated by 3CNs:
Remember by:
= control eye m-nt by Oculomotor (CN-III), trochlear (CN-IV),& abducens (CN-VI)
= OCULAR MUSCLES is 13 letters = CN 3+4+6
Contractile cell RP:
Contractile cell AP:
Autorhythmic cell RP:
Autorhythmic cell AP:
Neuron cell RP:
Neuron cell AP:
= -90mV
= -85mV
= -60mV
= -40mV
= -70mV
= -55mV
Ion that depolarizes Contractile cell :
Ion that repolarizes Contractile cell :
Ion that depolarizes Autorhythmic cell :
Ion that repolarizes Autorhythmic cell :
Ion that depolarizes Neuron cell :
Ion that repolarizes Neuron cell :
= Sodium
= Potassium
= Calcium
= Potassium
= Sodium
= Potassium
(Pacemaker spots in heart w/ firing rates) SA
AV rate:
Purjunkie rate:
= 60-100
= 40-60
= 15-40
Electrical stimulus travel from SA node to L-atrium via:
= Backman’s Bundle
(Einthoven’s Triangle) Negative Lead 1@:
Positive Lead 1 @
Negative Lead 2 @
Positive Lead 2 @
Negative Lead 3 @
Positive Lead 3@
Remember by:
= RA
= LA
= RA
= LL
= LA
= LL
= neg-pos RA to arm to LL
(Einthoven’s Triangle 12/15lead) V1=
V2 lead @=
V4 lead @=
V3 lead @=
V5 lead @=
V6 lead @=
V4R lead @=
V5/8 lead @=
V6/9 lead @=
= (anterior)4th ICS(between 4&5th~1inch R sternum)
= (anterior) 4th ICS ~1inch L of the Sternum
= (anterior) 5th ICS Midclavicular (left breast)
= (anterior) ½ way in between V2&4
= (anterior) 5th ICS Anterior Axillary
= (anterior) 5th ICS Mid Axillary
= (anterior) 5th ICS Midclavicular
= (posterior) 5th ICS Mid-Scapular
= (posterior) ½ way in-between Scapula & Spine
= 4 & 5 ICS and 1/2 inbetweens
What is the normal speed of ECG paper?
25mm per sec
Positive electrode = what flex on ekg:
Positive charges look at what side of heart:
= + flex on ekg: LL & lead 2 positive
=+ charges look at inferior side of heart
Positive electrode makes wave:
Negative electrode makes wave:
= makes inverted wave “U”
= makes wave positive “/"
!!!Einthoven’s triangle: green electrode:
Blue electrode:
Red electrode:
=neutral/ground “ground grass”
= Negative “feeling blue”
= Positive
!!!Einthoven’s triangle: Lead 1 & view:
Lead 2 & view:
Lead 3 & view:
= negative RA → positive LA (Left lateral camera view)
= negative RA→ positive LL (Inferior camera view)
= negative LA→ positive LL (slight lateral Inferior camera view)
(Einthoven’s triangle) BiPolar Limb Leads:
= 2 electrodes, + & -, “+looks to -”,
Unipolar Limb Leads:
= Augmented by the cardiac monitor
= Right Arm positive (inferior)
= Left Arm positive (lateral )
= Left Leg positive (inferior)
(EKG) Horizontal Boxes: Each small box ?secs:
5 small boxes equal:
Each large box is ?secs:
= 0.04 sec
= 1 large box
= 0.20 sec
Vertical Boxes Each small box is:
Each small box also equals:
5 small boxes equal:
Each large box is:
2 large boxes equal: 1 mV
= 0.1mV
= 1 mm
= 1 large box
= 0.5 mV
= 1 mV
ECG Heart waves – P wave:
QRS complex:
T wave:
= Atrial depolarization
= Ventricular depolarization
= Repolarization of ventricles
P Wave- Morphology:
Interval P Wave Duration:
PRI wave duration:
Amplitude in the limb leads:
Amplitude in the precordial leads:
= Smooth hump, Upright in limb lead:1-3, Biphasic(2 waved) in V1, should have same morphology
= <0.12secs
= 0.12-0.20secs 3-5 small boxes >5 boxes (Atrium depolarizing)=
= < 2.5 mm in the limb leads
= < 1.5 mm in the precordial leads
QRS Complex- Morphology- Q Wave is:
R Wave is:
S wave is:
Interval Duration:
= 1st negative deflection after the P wave
= 1st positive flection after the P wave
= any negative deflection after the R wave
= 0.04 – 0.12 sec/ 1-3 small boxes
T Wave- Morphology:
Interval Duration:
Amplitude in limb leads:
Amplitude in precordial leads:
= Upright in all leads except aVR & V1, Normally downslope>upslope
= Variable (QT Calculation)
= < 5 mm/ 5 small boxes in the limb leads
= < 10 mm in the precordial leads
Oxyhemoglobin is:
Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c):
= oxygen carrying Hemoglobin
= carbon dioxide on hemoglobin amino-acid
= Hemoglobin not picking up ( w/ iron in ferric (Fe3+) vs oxy)
= Hemoglobin not bound to oxygen.
= Hemoglobin bound to carbon monoxide (CO).
= Hemoglobin irreversibly bound to sulfur.
= Hemoglobin bound to glucose for measuring long-term BGL control
Cranial nerves name mnemonic:
Cranial nerve names:
= “Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And Feel A Girl’s Vagina, Such Heaven!
1. Olfactory
2. Optic
3. Oculomotor
4. Trochlear
5. Trigeminal
6. Abducens
7. Facial
8. Vestibulocochlear (or Auditory)
9. Glossopharyngeal
10. Vagus
11. Spinal Accessory
12. Hypoglossal
Tracheal Stenosis:
=narrowing of trachea from injury/ scarring often caused by Cricothyrotomy
“Coffee grounds” in mouth suggests:
Pink sputum indicates:
Green/Yellow phlegm suggests:
= upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleed.
= acute pulmonary edema
= a respiratory infection
Heart sounds)Ejection Click:
Opening Snap:
Pericardial Friction Rub:
=a stiff or stuck valve.
= stenotic bi/tricuspid valve’s leaflets recoiling abruptly after diastole.
=inflammation causing visceral & parietal surfaces to rub w/ each heartbeat.
= Rumbling/vibrating noise from turbulent blood flow through heart valves, a large artery, or a septal defect.
Heart sounds)Ejection Click:
Opening Snap:
Pericardial Friction Rub:
=a stiff or stuck valve.
= stenotic bi/tricuspid valve’s leaflets recoiling abruptly after diastole.
=inflammation causing visceral & parietal surfaces to rub w/ each heartbeat.
= Rumbling/vibrating noise from turbulent blood flow through heart valves, a large artery, or a septal defect.
Can loose testie from torsion in how many hours:
6 hours
ABDMN consistent pain for how many hours is a surgical emergency:
=6 hours
1957, Dr. J. Frank Pantridge & his colleague Dr. John Geddes made:
= modern concept of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for the early treatment of cardiac arrest.
The 3 types of ECG leads are:
bipolar, augmented “unipolar”, and precordial.
(Bipolar leads) impulse moving toward + electrode creates:
Impulse moving toward -electrode causes:
= + deflection (upward) on the ECG paper or monitor.
= a - (downward) deflection on ECG paper/monitor.
Artifacts on ECG produce:
Common causes of artifacts include:
=deflections by factors other than heart’s electrical activity
= Muscle tremor/Shivers, PT m-vt, Loose electrodes, 60-hertz interference, Machine malfunction
Chronically ill=
= Can’t do basic human necessities
= sick soreness
= lack of strength
= energetic
= VERY energetic
(eye H-test) Direct response:
Indirect (consensual):
H test actual name:
= observe same pupil
= observe opposite pupil
= crossing eyes when going to nose
= Ocular eye motor movement test
Bristol stool chart & types:
= type 4 healthy, type1 hard deer pebbles, type 8 liquid
Aaron’s signs:
Rovsing’s sign:
Psoas sign:
= Epigastric pain during palpation to McBurney’s point
= RLQ pain w/ palpation to LLQ
= RLQ pain when PT tries to raise R-leg against resistance
Priapism penis causes:
= sickle cell anemia, meds, spinal damage
Cranial nerve types mnemonic:
Nerve types:
= “Some Say Marry Money, But My Bitch Says Big Boobs Matter Most.”
= 1. Olfactory - Sensory
2. Optic - Sensory
3. Oculomotor - Motor
4. Trochlear - Motor
5. Trigeminal - Both
6. Abducens - Motor
7. Facial - Both
8. Vestibulocochlear (or Auditory) - Sensory
9. Glossopharyngeal - Both
10. Vagus - Both
11. Spinal Accessory - Motor
12. Hypoglossal - Motor
Cranial nerve location mnemonic:
Nerve locations:
= “Sexy EMTs Play Erotic Jokes, Exciting Their Erotic Lover’s Asshole Stimulating Them.”
= Sniffer- smells (Olfactory)
= Eyes - Eyesight (Optic)
= Pupils - Pupils & eye movement (Oculomotor)
= Eyes = eyes movement (Trochlear)
= Jaw -mastication (Trigeminal: sense face & motor jaw)
= Eyes - Eye movement (Abducens)
= Taster - Taste & facial expression (Facial)
= Ears - Ears hearing & balance (Vestibulocochlear)
= Licker- tongue taste & swallow (Glossopharyngeal)
= ABDMN- Autonomic control thorax & ABDMN (Vagus)
= Shoulders -shrug & neck m-nt (Spinal Accessory)
= Tongue - Tongue movement (Hypoglossal)