(P4) Oncology Flashcards
What is cancer?
- Name given to a group of related diseases
- occurs as a result of genetic mutations
What is a tumour?
An abnormal mass of tissue the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of a normal tissue
How can cancer be prevented?
- Smoking cessation
- Eating healthy
- Exercise regularly
- Reduce alcohol intake
- Sun smart
- Reduce processed red meats
What is metastatic cancer?
- advanced or secondary cancer
- cancer spread to another part of the body
What is the aim of treatment for metastatic cancer?
Control the cancer rather than cure it
Where can cancers metastasise?
- in blood
- in lymphatic system
- by direct invasion
- across body cavities
What are the different types of cancer?
- Brain and SC
- Carcinomas
- Sarcomas
- Leukemia
- Lymphoma and Myeloma
How is cancer diagnosed?
- Breast and bowel screening
- Blood test
- Biopsy
- Lumbar puncture
- CT & MRI
- Tumour markers
- Cytology
What is staging?
- Used to define the size and spread of the cancer
- TNM commonly used
What are the 5 stages of staging?
O = Carcinoma in situ
I = localised
II = early localised advanced
III = late locally advanced
IV = Metastasized
What is the medical treatment for cancer?
- chemotherapy
- immunotherapy
- radiotherapy
- hormone therapy
- stem cell transplant
What is chemotherapy?
Is a treatment with cytotoxic drugs, which control cancer by killing cells during the process of cell division
What are the aims of chemotherapy?
- reduce size tumour
- kill cancer cells in the body
- reduce risk or reoccurrence
- control growth or spread
- easing cancer symptoms
What are side effects of chemotherapy?
- bone marrow toxicity
- neutropenia
- thrombocytopenia
- urinary toxicity
- weight loss
- fatigue
- cardiac toxicity
- constipation
- anxiety & depression
What are the different chemotherapy toxicities?
- msk
- pulmonary
- cardiac
- neurological