P2 Q1 cells Flashcards
Who is credited with perfecting the first microscope in 1625?
Galileo Galilei
Robert Hooke in 1665 discovered _________ by _____________
Looking at cork
Robert Hooke thought cells looked like cells from _________ or _______________
A monastery
Robert Hooke thought cells only existed in
Plants fungi
In 1673 he used a microscope to observe a pond and saw single celled organisms
Anton van Leuwenhoek
Leuwenhoek called his discoveries…
Because Leuwenhoek observed fish, birds, frogs, dogs and humans etc he knew cells were found in…
Animals as well as plants
Incorrect hypothesis that says that life forms were able to emerge from non living things, such as mice from dirty clothes or maggots from rotting meat
Spontaneous generation
In the 19th century, spontaneous generation was disproven by __________________ when he noticed that contamination of the media only occurred when in contact with the environment
Louis Pasteur
*also discovered vaccines and pasteurization
In 1838 __________________ concluded that all plants are made of cells
Matthias Schleiden
In 1839 ___________ stated that all animal tissues are composed of cells
Theodor Schwann
In 1858 ___________________ concluded that cells must arise from preexisting cells
Rudolf Virchow
3 basic components of cell theory
- All organisms are composed of one or more cells
- The cells is the basic unit of life
- All cells are produced from preexisting cells (cell division)
This type of cell has no nucleus and make up bacteria and archaea (e.g E.coli)
This type of cell contains a nucleus, is much larger and makes up protists, fungi, animals and plants
(Single celled organisms include the amoeba)
States that organic molecules were synthesized from Inorganic compounds in the atmosphere
Organic molecules were synthesized at hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor
Hydrotermal vents
Organic molecules were synthesized when comets or asteroids struck the Early Earth
Unanswered Questions of the origin of life
- How did the primordial soup acquire simple monomeric building blocks (for polymers)
- Conditions for assembling such polymers
- Self replication of polymers
- If RNA, DNA, proteins, etc came first or if they emerged simultaneously
In abiogenesis life arises from ____________
Non living matter (simple inorganic compounds)
Which experiment proves Abiogenesis
The Urey-Miller Experiment
Urey and Miller designed an apparatus that simulated _____________ and they put electrodes to simulate
Earth’s early atmosphere over Earth’s early ocean
Urey and Miller found ____________
Organic amino acids
Some scientists think life came from rocks from _________ caused by impacts
Meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969 and is one of the most studied because it belongs to a group of meteorites rich in organic compounds (like sugars)
Murchinson Meteorite
Some hypothesize about __________ __________ being found in Mars
Biological microfossils