p18 Flashcards
of the body
My doctor speaks to me over Zoom, monitoring my somatic information.
Causing sleep; sleepy, drowsy (adj); something that causes sleep (noun)
this medication is soporific, so do not drive after taking it
Measure the depth of (usually of water) as with a sounding line; penetrate and discover the meaning of, understand (usually as sound the depths)
Very disciplined and stern; frugal, living simply, austere; suggestive of the ancient Spartans
Sudden outpouring or rush; flood
Beijing tightened entry rules this month, amid a spate of new outbreaks, requiring a week of quarantine for those arriving
Seemingly true but actually false; deceptively attractive
In April, cops in Georgia pulled over a busload of mostly Black college athletes for the most specious of reasons.
Disgusting, filthy, foul, extremely neglected
Several of her family members are among the 900,000 Rohingya who have been living in squalid refugee camps in Bangladesh, where food insecurity and crime reportedly have surged since the start of the pandemic.
Crush, squash; suppress or silence; walk through ooze or in wet shoes, making a smacking or sucking sound
Major central banks are seeking to raise interest rates to squelch surging inflation, often at the cost of throttling back growth.
Equilibrium, a state of balance or inactivity, esp. caused by equal but opposing forces
Economic decline was one of the most alarming threats early in the pandemic, and businesses are just now finding economic stasis.
Immersed (in), saturated (with)
Steep the tea for three minutes.
Very loud and powerful (generally of a human voice)
the professor’s stentorian voice was enough to keep even the drowsiest student awake
Mark of disgrace, a figurative stain or mark on someone’s reputation
There’s a social stigma attached to receiving welfare.
Not generous with money, reluctant to spend or give
The company was too stingy to raise salaries.
Specify; make an open demand, esp. as a condition of agreement
The rules stipulate that players must wear uniforms.
Indifferent to pleasure or pain, enduring without complaint; person indifferent to pleasure or pain (noun)
He remained resolutely stoic even in adversity
Unemotional, showing little emotion, not easily moved
In a culture shaped by the point-and-click entertainments of Twitter, TikTok and YouTube, many younger Americans might regard a visit to one of the nation’s great historic houses as a stolid affair.