1-2 2-2 3-2 Flashcards
a violation or infringement of a law or agreement
Boys, meanwhile, are twice as likely as girls to be suspended for the same infraction, a gap that race compounds.
Blend, merge, or unite
With the sunset of the pandemic, educators now perceive that education in a post-pandemic world must amalgamate the advantages of online instruction with important pedagogical goals associated with in-person teaching.
Improve; make better or more bearable
American Airlines is offering pilots raises of nearly 17% by the end of 2024, a sign that the airline is trying to ameliorate the staffing shortages that have plagued the industry.
Gradually pay off a debt, or gradually write off an asset (청산하다)
Retailers that own facilities generally view them as long-term investments and amortize them over thirty years
Something that is not in its correct historical time; a mistake in chronology, such as by assigning a person or event to the wrong time period
Pain relief; inability to feel pain
… the accidental discovery of a connection between analgesia and inflammation opened a new pathway to pain treatment
Make void or null, cancel, abolish (usually of laws or other established rules)
Unfortunately, his arrogance annuls the many generous favors he does for the people
Medicine that relieves pain (noun); soothing, relieving pain (adj); not likely to offend or arouse tensions
the otherwise anodyne comments sounded quite inflammatory when taken out of context
Self-evident truth requiring no proof; universally or generally accepted principle
Refuse to proceed or to do something
Some large health care organizations may balk at handing over their data to AWS
Lacking freshness and originality; cliché
Something that ruins or spoils
national frontiers have been more of a bane than a boon for mankind
Morally low, mean, dishonorable; of little or no value; crude and unrefined; counterfeit
their base obedience to every unprincipled action ordered by their leader
Howling in a deep way, like a dog or wolf
the mob was baying for revenge
to give a false impression of; contradict
His manner and appearance belie his age.
The evidence belies their claims of innocence.
Harmless; favorable; kindly, gentle, or beneficial; not cancerous
Both malicious and benign apps use code libraries to interact with the OS kernel