P11 Waves Flashcards
What is a wave?
The transfer of energy from one place to another withought transfering matter (stuff)
What happens when a wave goes through an object?
The energy of the wave will cause the object’s atoms to ossilate and transfer energy between them.
The atoms will ultimatly stay in the same place. When the ossilate they are just moving up and down or sideways.
What is the amplitude of a wave?
The maximum displacement from the undisterbed position (crest- middle)/(trough to the middle)
What is the wavelength?
The distance from 1 point on a wave to the same point of the wave next to it
Eg crest to crest
What is Frequency
The amount of complete waves which can lass through a point in 1 second
Measured in Hz (Hertz)
1Hz = 1 wave per second
What is the period of a wave. How do you calcuate it?
The amount of time it takes a full cycle of a wave to pass through a point
T = 1/F
Period(seconds) = 1/Frequency(Hz)
What is a transverce wave?
When the ossilations are perpedicular to the direction of energy transpered.
If a wave is traveling to the left the ossilations will go up and down
Give an example of a transverse wave
All electromagnetic waves … light
Ripples in water
What is a longitudinal wave
A wave the ossilations travel at the same direction (parrelel) to the direction of the energy transfer
The the wave is tranfering energy to the left the ossilations will be left to right
What is an example of Longitudinal waves
Sound waves
What is rarefractions and compressions?
These are found in longitundinal waves
Rarefractions are where there are large gaps between each molecule in the wave
Compressions are where there are small gaps between each molecule in the waves
They will be in alternating order.
An area of rarefraction will be follwed by an area of compression.
How do you calcuate Wave Speed?
Ws= F X Wl
Wave Speed(m/s) = Frequency(Hz) X Wave Length(meters)
V =fλ
WS = D/T
Wave Speed(m/s) = Distance(M)/Time(s)
What is wave speed?
The speed of which energy is being traveled
Exam Trick - If someone is measure the speed of a wave that bounces off a wall what do you need to remember?
That the wave has traveled to the wall and back. Therfore if they say that the distance to the wall is 6m you need to double that and use 12m.
What effects the pitch of a wave in sound waves?
The wavelength and frequency