P11,P12- Waves Flashcards
What is a wave
A wave is a means of transferring energy from one place to another without a transfer of matter between the two points
What are mechanical waves
Mechanical waves are vibrations that travel through a medium
Give an example of a longitudinal wave
Sound wave
What is the difference between a transverse and a longitudinal wave
In a transverse wave, the direction of energy transfer is perpendicular to the oscillation (wobbles). In a longitudinal wave,the direction of energy transfer is the same as the oscillation (straight)
What is meant by the frequency of a wave
The number of complete oscillations or waves each second
What are the two types of waves
Transverse , longitudinal
What are the crests in a wave
The top part of the wave
What is the amplitufe of a wave
Maximum displacement of a point on the wave from its rest position
What is the wavelength of a wave
Distance between the same point on two seperate waves. May be distance between crest on one wave and crest on the other.
What is frequency in a wave repressntation
Number of complete waves passing a certain point per second. Measured in (Hz).
What is the period of a wave
Amount of time it takes for a full cycle of the wave to be completed
How do you find speed of sound in air
Set up a signal generator thats is connectedbto a speaker. Swt the frequency to 1kHz and have two microphones at same distance from speaker connected to an oscilstor. Play sound and slowly move one microphone away from speaker and keep going until the two waves on the oscilstor are alligned up. Now the microphones will be exactly one wavelength apart so measure distsance between two microphones.
What is a ray
Straight line showing the path of a wave travels along
What can a wave do when they meet the boundsry between two different materials
Reflected, absorbed, transmitted
What are electromagnetic waves
Group of transverse waves that all travel at the same speed in a vacum
What are the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum from left to right
Radio waves, micro-waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet,x-rays,gamma rays
What are the three things wa wave can do at a boundary
The waves can be absorbed
The waves can be reflect
The waves can transmit through the material
If a wave slows down at a boundary what way does it bend
Towards the normal
If a wave speeds up at a boundary what direction does it bend
Away from the normal
What is a normal in waves
A straight line that is 90° to the boundary
What is refaction
When a wave reaches the boundary of two material and changes direction
What is the angle of incidence
The angle between the incoming wave and the normal
What is the angle of reflection
The engle between rhe reflected wave and normal wave
What is specular reflection
What happens when parallel waves aare reflected in a single direction
What is diffuse reflection
When parrallel waves are reflected by a rough surface and reflected rays are scattered in different directions
What is the electromagnetic spectrum
A continous spectrum of all the possible wavelengths of electromagnetic waves