P1 - Trinity Flashcards
Define the Mystery of Faith
The acclamation after the consecration, when people acknowledge what Christ has done for them.
Define Alleluia
Meaning ‘Praise God’. It is the Easter acclamation and is used before the reading of the Gospel at Mass
Define Trinity
The belief that there are three persons in one God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, but are separate and at the same time one being.
What evidence of the Trinity is found in the Nicene Creed?
Father - almighty creator of all things; source of all life
Son - ‘only begotten son of god’ made in same way as god; ‘before all ages’ always there; ‘virgin mary’ did not have human father; son became human outbof love of people; rose from dead and ascended to god at right hand
Holy Spirit - breath of God; gives life to things; unites trinity in love; equal in majesty, power, and worship; inspires people
What evidence of the Trinity is there in Genesis?
Father - is creator but not alone in this act
Son - creative power coming forth from Father
Holy Spirit - ‘wind from god’ ‘breath’ ‘Spirit’, it was involved in act of creation.
God the Father through God the Son creates the universe through the power of the Holy Spirit.
What evidence of the Trinity is there in the Baptism of Jesus?
Father - proclaims Jesus as Son
Son - works of jesus started with Baptism
Holy Spirit - through Spirit Jesus was able to perform miracles
Define Shema
A Jewish Pryor affirming belief in the one god found in the Torah
What did St Augustine of Hippo do?
Argued that in order to have love there must be 3 things: lover, the person they love, love that unites them. These are all parts of one nature but are three things.
God = lover
Son = person they love
Holy Spirit = love that unites them
Cannot exist without the other. Love is always sharing, self-giving and creative.
What did Catherine LaCugna do?
Thought that son comes from god but has always been eternal, and Holy Spirit is what unites father and son. This continual creative act flows outwards into whole of creation.
Differences between Augustine and LaCugna
LaCugna = humans can only know about the trinity of what it reveals to us
Augustine = focuses on relationship with the trinity
What were the teachings of the Council of Nicea?
- Son is eternally begotten from father meaning it is eternal
- Father and son have always existed together (co-eternal, one nature)
What were the teachings of the Council of Constantinople?
- Holy Spirit is lord giver of life
- Proceeds from Father
- With Father and Son is worshipped and glorified
- Spoke through the prophets
What is music seen as to do in mass?
- Unite people in praise
- Increase beauty of worship
- Helps people feel more involved
Why do we sing in mass?
- Everyone can join in
- Feel closer to God
- Reflects feelings of believers
Why is Baptism important?
- It is a sign of initiation into church
- Become member of church no matter what age
- Cleansed of sin
- Given strength of Holy Spirit to resist evil
- Name gives person identity and individuality
How do you enter into the life of the Trinity through Baptism?
They are made a sharer in life of Trinity so grace enters their life giving a new meaning and purpose to the person. They are called to live in Spirit to join in Christ’s death, defeat evil, enter into resurrection. Waters of Baptism pledge that believer will join god in heaven