P1 - Relationships And Families Flashcards
Define divorce
The legal ending of a marriage
Define annulment
A statement by the Catholic Church that there was no valid marriage in the first place.
Define contraception
Artificial methods used to prevent pregnancy from taking place.
Define cohabitation
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married to one another
Define gender discrimination
Taking actions that treat one person differently to another because of their gender
What is the Catholic teaching on marriage?
- The two people must be getting married of their free will
- Must not be closely related
- Marriage is consent
- Must be made in presence of priest or deacon
- Must be willing to receive children from God
- Not valid marriage if they don’t have sex
What is the Catholic teaching on divorce?
Church does not accept remarriage after someone is divorced if the person they used to be married to is still alive. God made the bond during marriage and no one can break this. Jesus taught that remarriage was adultery.
What is the Catholic teaching on homosexuality?
- Sex should be open to new life and homosexual relationships does not allow this
- church accepts that some people are homosexual but thinks they should live celibate lives.
Define gender prejudice
Expecting someone to behave a particular way because of their gender.
What are the Catholic teachings on gender discrimination?
- Does great damage as it prevents people from developing god-given talents
- gives people low self esteem
- Thinks women should be able to have family and be in the workplace
- Objective equality - no distinction should be made between sexes in any situation (apart from priesthood for example)
Catholic teaching on procreation
- Through having children couple makes family, adding another level to families in which they themselves were raised and nourished
Catholic teaching on security
- children need stable, safe environment to develop
- this means experiencing life and responding to challenges (but in a way they must not be harmed)
- parents must always be supportive
Catholic teaching on education in the family
- parents are first people to tech their children
- should help children appreciate different aspects of life (right and wrong)
- family atmosphere should be where they are valued, offering environment where peace and forgiveness are regular
Catholic views on same-sex marriage
- Marriage is between man and woman
- Cannot promise for children meaning it’s not a valid marriage
- Catholic Church does not accept these unions as marriages
Non-Catholic views on same-sex marriage
- Homosexuals should be entitled same rights as heterosexuals
- Having children is not seen as that essential as the Catholic Church sees it
Catholic views on contraception
- Contraception makes sex non-procreative which means defeats purpose of marriage.
Non-Catholic views on contraception
- Prevents STDs
- prevents unwanted pregnancies
- there is a limit to how much a family can support
- things like morning-after pill is similar to abortion as the egg may be fertilised meaning conception has taken place and this is killing it
Catholic teaching on purpose of sexual love
Marital - promises form verbal commitment which is consummated by sex
Unitive - sex expresses and deeps couple’s love for each other becoming closer together
Procreative - God acts through sex to create new life