P1 4.3.1. Communicable diseases (will come up) Flashcards
How can disease be prevented
Wash hands before preparing foods or after sneezing
Kill vectors with insecticides or destroying their habitats
Isolate the infected person
What are pathogens
Microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
What are the different types of pathogen
How can pathogens be spread
Direct contact
Why do bacteria make us feel ill
They produce toxins which damage cells and tissues
Why do viruses make us feel ill
They live and reproduce in your cells which can cause damage and make the cells burst
Which pathogens reproduce rapidly in your body
Symptoms of measles (VIRUS)
Red skin rash, fever. If complications arise it can be serious and lead to pneumonia or brain infection
How does measles spread (VIRUS)
Through droplets from an infected persons sneeze or cough
How is measles prevented (VIRUS)
Most young children are vaccinated against measles
How is HIV spread (VIRUS)
Sexual contact or exchanging bodily fluids eg blood
When needles are shared when taking drugs
Symptoms of HIV
Causes flu like symptoms
The virus attacks immune cells and when the immune system can’t cope with other infections or cancers it becomes AIDS
How can HIV be controlled
With antiretroviral drugs as they stop the virus replicating in the body (only works before AIDS)
Symptoms of tobacco mosaic virus
Mosaic pattern on leaves and parts of the leaves become discoloured
Why is tobacco mosaic virus bad
The discolouration of the plant means it can’t carry out photosynthesis as well, affecting the plants growth
Symptoms of salmonella
Stomach cramps
How do you get salmonella
Eating food thats been contaminated whilst being prepared in unhygienic conditions
Eating chicken that caught the disease whilst alive
How is salmonella prevented
Most poultry is vaccinated against salmonella as it prevents it from catching the disease then spreading it to humans
Symptoms of gonorrhoea
Pain when urinating
Thick yellow or green discharge from vagina or penis
How is gonorrhoea spread
Sexual contact, unprotected sex
How is gonorrhoea prevented/treated
Used to be treated with antibiotic penicillin however many strains are now resistant
Its treated with antibiotics
How is gonorrhoea prevented/treated
Used to be treated with antibiotic penicillin however many strains are now resistant
Its treated with antibiotics
Symptoms of rose black spot
Purple or black spots develop on the leaves of rose plants
Leaves then turn yellow and drop off
Less photosynthesis can happen so the plant doesn’t grow very well
How does rose black spot spread (FUNGAL)
Through the environment in water or by the wind
How can rose black spot be treated
Using fungicides and stripping the plant of its affected leaves
The leaves need to be destroyed so it can’t spread to other rose plants
Symptoms of malaria (PROTIST)
Repeating episodes of fever
Can be fatal
How can the spread of malaria be controlled
Stopping mosquitos from breeding eg removing water sources
Sleeping under a mosquito net
Spraying exposed skin with insect repellent
How does malaria spread
Mosquitos are the vectors
They pick up the malarial protist when they feed on an infected animal
Every time the mosquito feeds on another animal it infects it by inserting the protist into animal’s blood vessels