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> P1 - 2.9 Lungs + Gas Exchange > Flashcards
P1 - 2.9 Lungs + Gas Exchange Flashcards
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(116 decks)
2.12 Circulatory System - Blood
P1 - 1.1 Cell Structure
P1 - 1.3 Microscopy - What It Is
P1 - 1.4 Microscopy - Light & Electron Microscopes
P1 - 1.5 Microscopy - Units Of Conversion
P1 - 1.6 Microscopy - Calculations
P1 - 1.7 Mitosis
P1 - 1.8 Binary Fission
P1 - 1.9 Culturing Microorganisms (Practical)
P1 - 1.10 Stem Cells
P1 - 1.11 Specialised Cells + Differentiation
P1 - 1.12 Stem Cells in Medicine
P1 - 1.13 Diffusion
P1 - 1.14 Osmosis
P1 - 1.15 Active Transport
P1 - 1.16 Surface Area to Volume Ratio
P1 - 1.17 Specialised Exchange Surfaces
P1 - 2.1 Cells, Tissues, Organs + Organ Systems
P1 - 2.2 What are Enzymes
P1 - 2.3 Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
P1 - 2.4 Balanced Diet (Nutrients)
P1 - 2.5 Biological Molecules
P1 - 2.6 Digestive Enzymes
P1 - 2.7 Digestive Systems
P1 - 2.8 Food Tests (Practical)
P1 - 2.9 Lungs + Gas Exchange
P1 - 2.10 Circulatory System 1 - Heart
P1 - 2.11 Circulatory System 2 - Blood Vessels
P1 - 2.12 Circulatory System 3 - Blood
P1 - 2.14 Heath + Disease
P1 - 2.15 Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases
P1 - 2.16 Cancer
P1 - 2.17 Plant Cell Organisation
P1 - 2.18 Transpiration + Translocation
P1 - 3.1 Communicable Disease 1 - Introduction
P1 - 3.2 Communicable Diseases 2 - Viruses
P1 - 3.3 Communicable Disease - Bacteria
P1 - 3.4 Communicable Disease 4 - Protists
P1 - 3.5 Immune System + Defences
P1 - 3.6 Vaccinations + Immunisations
P1 - 3.7 Drugs + Medicine
P1 - 3.8 Developing New Medicines
P1 - 3.9 Monoclonal Antibodies
P1 - 3.10 Pregnancy Tests
P1 - 3.11 Plant Diseases + Defences
P1 - 4.1 Photosynthesis
P1 - 4.2 Factors that Affect Photosynthesis
P1 - 4.3 Aerobic + Anaerobic Respiration
P1 - 4.4 Exercise
P2 - 5.1 Homeostatis
P2 - 5.2 The Nervous System, Synapses & Reflexes
P2 - 5.3 Brain
P2 - 5.4 Eyes 1 - Structure of the Eye + Iris Reflex
P2 - 5.5 Eyes 2 - Accommodation + Visual Defects
P2 - 5.6 Thermoregulation
P2 - 5.7 Endocrine System
P2 - 5.8 Regulating Glucose
P2 - 5.9 Diabetes
P2 - 5.10 Kidneys 1 - Overview + ADH
P2 - 5.11 Kidneys 2 - Anatomy + Nephrons
P2 - 5.12 Kidneys 3 - Dialysis + Treatment
P2 - 5.13 Reproductive Hormones - Puberty + Menstrual Cycle
P2 - 5.14 Contraception
P2 - 5.15 Fertility Treatment
P2 - 5.16 Adrenaline + Thryoxine
P2 - 5.17 Plant Hormones 1 - Auxins
P2 - 5.18 Plant Hormones 2 - Commercial Uses
P2 - 6.1 DNA 1 Chromosomes, Genomes + Migration
P2 - 6.2 DNA 2 - Key Terms
P2 - 6.3 DNA 3 - Structure + How it Codes
P2 - 6.4 Protein Synthesis
P2 - 6.5 Mutations
P2 - 6.6 Sexual + Asexual Reproduction
P2 - 6.7 Pros + Cons of Sexual + Asexual Reproduction
P2 - 6.8 Meiosis
P2 - 6.9 Genetic Diagrams + Punnet Squares
P2 - 6.10 Family Trees
P2 - 6.11 Inherited Disorders + Embryo Scanning
P2 - 6.12 Mendel
P2 - 6.13 Variation + Evolution
P2 - 6.14 Darwin, Wallace + Lamarck
P2 - 6.15 Selective Breeding
P2 - 6.16 Genetic Modification (Genetic Engineering)
P2 - 6.17 Genome Research in Medicine
P2 - 6.18 Cloning Animals
P2 - 6.19 Cloning Plants + Tissue Culture
P2 - 6.20 Fossils + Extinction
P2 - 6.21 Speciation
P2 - 6.22 Antibiotic Resistance
P2 - 6.23 Classification
P2 - 7.1 Competition + Interdependence
P2 - 7.2 Abiotic + Biotic Factors
P2 - 7.3 Adaptations
P2 - 7.4 Food Chains + Predator-Prey Cycles
P2 - 7.5 Investigating Abundance + Distribution
P2 - 7.6 Carbon Cycle + Water Cycle
P2 - 7.7 Decay
P2 - 7.8 How Humans Reduce Biodiversity
P2 - 7.9 Maintaining Biodiversity
P2 - 7.10 Global Warming
P2 - 7.11 Deforestation + Land Use
P2 - 7.12 Trophic Levels
P2 - 7.13 Pyramids of Biomass
P2 - 7.14 Fish Farming
P2 - 7.15 Food Security
P2 - GMOs + Population Growth
RP - 8.1 Microscopy
RP - 8.2 Microbiology
RP - 8.3 Osmosis
RP - 8.4 Food Tests
RP - 8.5 Enzymes + pH
RP - 8.6 Photosynthesis
RP - 8.7 Reaction Time
RP - 8.8 Plant Responses
RP - 8.9 Field Investigation
RP - 8.10 Decay