P&SC Flashcards
What is S&OP?
Sales and Operational Planning
What are CROGs?
CROG = Country Regulatory Orientation Guide
- Internal SLB guideline for countrys specific permit and licenses on chemical, lithium batteries, radiation, explosives.
What is the role of S&OP?
Sales and Operations Planning will align strategy, portfolio, sales and resouves.
It syncronizes all plannning activities accross all functions in the company.
What is distribution?
Logistics + Material Management
What is TMS?
Transport Management System
From product center or 3rd party supplier - only NEW products
LCT = movement of pre-owned assets
Fixed material transfer
Fixed Transfer
What is important for Material Management?
What is the mission of SSO
The supply chain function delivers supply chain management by orchestrating the planning, sourcing, procuring and delivery processes. The end-to-end process, to optimize our supporting functions and leverage our size and global footprint.
Supply Chain has merged with OPRM, to integrate demand to deliver value stream and reduce cost of products and
service delivery
Guiding Principles of SSO
- Align
- Simplify - break silos, reduce duplication of process
- Create Value - D2D integration catalyst to further reduce total cost of ownership and improve working capital
How is SSO organizational matrix?
1. HQ
CEO -> EVP Core -> VP P&SC (Gwenola Boyault)
Basin President (Wallace) -> GU Managing Director (Rob Fox) -> Supply Chain Manager (Jana Ruas)
-> Procurement and Sourcing
-> Regulatory Compliance
-> Process Improvement
-> Distribution Manager
-> Facilities
Supply Chain Manager: Commom procurement and sourcing activities in the GU (indirect spent), import and export activities, domestic logistics and facilities management.
Procurement, distribution, compliance
Indirect spent = cross division costs core and non-core (IT, hse, hr).
Division president (Aparna) -> Tech VP (Simon) -> Division HQ P&SC Manager
Division President (Aparna) -> VP Division -> DGM (Tomas Filiponi)-> GU P&SC Manager (Abigail)
->Resources Manager
->M&S Coordinator
-> Resources Coordinator
-> Inventory Planner
-> Supplier Manager
Functions of HQ P&SC
1- TCC
2- S&OP (proper allocation of resources, portfolio alignment)
3- Supply chain services
4- Global procurement (1- Supplier performance> supplier contract performance; 2- sourcing; 3- category)
5- D2D value stream
Division HQ:
Division Tech delivery VP> Division P&SC
1- Division OCC P&SC (Basin level. delivery of assets in short term, support for Division GU P&SC, resource allocation and utilization across GU’s)
2- Division S&OP (sales and op planning)
3- Procurement
4- Supplier contracts
5- Division D2D (ensure demand and supply are aligned with each other, effective allocation of resources)
a. Resources delivery
b. Demand planner (strategic demand forecast, all resources (assets, inventory, M&S))
c. Category manager> supplier manager
Demand to deliver performance, global visibility for demand and supply, procurement strategy
What are P&SC functions on the Division
Division GU:
DGM> Division GU P&SC
1- Regulatory compliance
2- Supplier
3- Resource manager (Demand and supply plans are optimized across locations, cost effective sharing)> resource coordinator> resource assistant
4- Materials> materials supervisor> materials specialist + storekeeper
5- Division procurement lead
**Division GU P&SC manager **ensures the division has all the resources needed to execute the job or make a sale.
Works with GU SC to optimize PCPR, L&R, M&S and T&M lines
Owns division direct spend, rentals and inventory management
Planning and delivery of assets and M&S
P&SC Roles inside the GeoUnit (Basin)
**GU MD> GU Supply chain:
1- Materials (warehouse, inventory control) > materials supervisor> materials specialist + storekeeper
2- Sourcing leader> sourcing specialist (sourcing process, cheapest high-performance risk managed supply base)
3- Supplier (manages the relationship between the supplier)
4- Regulatory compliance (compliance with laws applicable to our business)
5- Logistics (movement of goods within GU for field ops)> import export manager + logistics supervisor
6- Facilities (operations and maintenance of facilities)
**GU Supply chain manager **is responsible for cross division procurement and supply chain activities.
What is the difference from Supply Chain Manager and Division Geounit P&SC Manager?
Supply Chain Manager (Basin, Jana) =
responsible for cross division procurment, sourcing, import/export, domestic logistics, facilities management and indirect spents (cross division core and non-core).
**Division GU P&SC Manager (Abigail)= **
ensures the division has all the resouces needed to execute the job or make a sale.
Direct spent, rentals and inventory management.
Both SC Manager and Division P&SC Manager work together to optimize PCPR, L&R, M&S and T&M lines
What are supply chain service center?
There are 4 supply chain service centers:
Kuala Lamput
What are CS?
Customer Service.
Focus on M&S, financial inventory and assets order
P2P, on-time delivery, total lead time, timely GR
What are PSC?
Purchase Service Centers.
4 PSC: Kuala Lamput, Bogota, Tyumen, Bucharest.
What is LCT?
Logistics Control Tower
Coordinates logistics shipments (field to field movement) of FMT and FAT procceses.
3 Global LCT: KL, Bogota and Bucharest. KSA and Russia.
What are DSC?
DSC = Distribution Service Center
A hub for the flow of materials from suppliers to operations.
4 main: Dubai, Rotterdam, Houston, Signapore.
Used as storage locations for centralized stock.
What is GOLD?
Global Oilfield Logistics and Distribution.
A business process and system that organize, coordinate and control the logistics and distribution to all equipment, materials and supplies needed by our OFS entities.
What are GPS?
GPS = Global Procurement Support Center.
Link between sourcing and purchasing (sourcing strategies, new catalogs analysys, vendor master data).
How does supply chain add value to the organization?
- Anticipate and Plan for Demand
- Acquire and Operate at the lowest total cost
- Deliver goods and services effectively and efficiently
What are the basic roles of Supply Chain Function?
- Sourcing to contract - Overseeing sourcing process to deliver service.
- Supplier Management - Relationship with supplier groups locally
- Materials Management - Warehouse of Materials + material movement
- Logistic Management - Domestic movement of material + custom compliance from import/export
- Facilities Management - Managing local construction projects and repais