Management Flashcards
Your line until CEO
- FE - Valquiria
- People Productivity Champion - Kimberly
- RP Workforce - Mario Resende
* Direct Manager: Vincent Lavaus (RP HR Director)
* Functional Manager - Simon Ross (VP Tech) - Direct Manager of Simon Ross and Vicent: Aparna
EUR FE Line until CEO
- FE
- Country PSD : Olzhas, Caio
- EUR RPE/RPI PSD Manager: Hassan Shahid. Business line Geounit manager.
- RP EUR Manager DGM Division Geounit manager: Thomas Filiponi
* Direct Manager: VP RP OAT - Ifeanyi Nwagbogu
* Functional Maneger: Manager Director EUR - Rob Fox - VP RP OAT: Ifeanyi
* Direct Manager: RP President - Aparna Raman
* Functional Manager: Basin Presisent - Wallace Pescarini - Manager Director EUR: Rob Fox
Direct Manager: OAT Basin President - Wallace Pescarini - President RP: Aparna Raman
- EVP Core Services: Abdellah Merad
- CEO - Olivier LePeuch
- Basin President - Wallace Pescarini
- EVP Geographies: Khaleed
- CEO - Olivier LePeuch
Functional Manager x Direct Manager
Functional Manager: Under Basin President. In Offshore Atlantic is Wallace Pescarini.
Direct Manager: Under Division President. In our case, RP President is Aparna Rama.
Tomas Filiponi is RP EUR Manager.
Functional Manager is Rob Fox - Managing Director Europe
Direct Manager is Ifeyani - VP RP OAT
To have a cross division strategy (Align European and Division Market) it is required to have a central management team.
How is the company structured?
5 Basins: Asia, Americas Land, Russia, Offshore Atlantic and Middle East and North Africa (MEA)
A set of Geounits with integrated strategy and commonality in terms of customer type and business model
They are a collection of GeoUnits with unified basin strategy developed upon commonality in terms of business type, customer and competitive landscape as well as an operating model. They are focused on growth, market strategy and identifying business opportunities for the Divisions to pursue and suceed in the future.
OAT Basin President: Wallace Pescarini. - 30 GeoUnits EUR… *
- Smallest geographical unit run by a Managing Director. Can be one or multiple countries.* Their focus is customer centricity, market intelligence and providing a low cost operating framework for the benefit of each division.
4 Divisions: CORE (Reservoir Performance (RP), Well Construction, Production Systems), Digital and Integration, Technology
Anchor organizational structure with full P&L owenership responsible for the business from product development to through delivery -
16 Business Lines: Ours is RPI
A set of products and services within a division portfolio, aliged with custumer workflows.
What is the New Energy?
SLB wants to be global technology leader in industrial decarbonization and clean energy.
There are five sectors:
* Carbon Solution
* Critical Minerals
* Geothermal and Geoenergy
* Low-Carbon Hydrogen
* Stationary Energy Storage
What is the EUR current scenario on renewable energies?
In EUR west
Geothermal, H2 wells
Why the SLB rebranding?
In October 2022 SLB announced its new name - SLB.
That was to emphasize the companys vision for a decarbonized energy future and affirming its transformation from the worlds largest oilfield services company to a global technology company focused on driving energy innovation for a balanced plannet.
What does the new logo means?
Logo represents the carbon budget line - the reduction in CO2e emissions to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5degC.
What are the 3 pillars of SLB?
We are safe
Respect work and life Balance
Our exeptional and diverse people are the pulse and spirit of who we are -
We are pioneers
Experiment and grow
Our passion for exploring enables us to solve the worlds energy challanges -
We act with Integrity
We deliver today and tomorrow
We focus on what matters the most
Together we deliver outsdanding results to build a sustainable future
In 2022 slb revenue increased 23% yty.
How does SLB envisions to reduce carbon emissions?
* Scope 1 - Emissions from sources controlled by company (fuel from car fleet)
* Scope 2 - Indirect (emissions caused by how electricity was produced)
* Scope 3 - Not produced by the company (use and disposal of 3rd party products)
SLB Strategy
* Scope 1 and 2: 80% comes from fuel, natural gas and diesel used in the field.
Actions: map emissions, reduce vehicle idling, improve job design, install electrical engines
- Product Innovation: Reduce operations carbon footprint.
When it is not possible to avoid flaring, we need to show how we differentiate from others:
Testing: Evergreen burner
Higher efficiency separator and automation
Cleanup Advisor
Concert (cameras to identify burner efficiency and separation efficiency)
Emissions Prection and emissions quantification (in progress)
Other segments: ORA for DST without flaring, WL for testing
Adopt new energy
* New energy at slb facilities
* Battery grade lithium
* Geoenergy
* Geothermal sources
How does evergreen compares to other?
Evergreen has 95.84% efficiency.
Conventional: 94%
But that actually represents 71% less methane. Methane is 25x worse for global warming compared to CO2.
Reduces 6-10% of CO2e
84 greated than CO2 over a 20-year period and 28 times over a century.
3 Top concerns and How managers can address to it
- Lack of competent personnel: Locations I have been have a lot of contractors or new hires that quickly need to be promoted without actually being prepared. We in testing have a lot of new technologies in place but I could not train anyone in MEA due to no person available.
Action: - Lack of ownership: I see my colleagues do not care about the company. I often hear “why do you care? it seems as if you are paying for this yourself”.
Action: managers need to engage with the personnel more than just sending them to jobs. You only feel part of the company if you know what is going on, what the company is doing. Needs to feel a bit more personal.
The majority of operators or FS are not involved in anything. - Lack of transparency: in my case as FS I never know when or where I am expected next.
Action: manager could have calls in which he will tell the overview of next jobs and what to expect.
EUR O&G industry outlook and Macros that impact the business.
Covid, Ukraine War and Environmental Restrictions.
- Covid and Ukraine war had a very big impact in the last years.
- Energy firm profits skyrocketed because of rising demand after Covid restrictions were lifted, and then because Russia’s invasion of Ukraine raised energy prices.
- More explorations jobs in EUR are seen compared to last year.
- In 2022 Shell made its highest profit in its 115 year history.
- In 2022 UK government imposed a windfall tax for the energy companies - tax imposed on companies that have benefited from something they were not responsible for - in other words, a windfall.
How does Winfall tax works?
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak introduced the 25% Energy Profits Levy (EPL) in May 2022 when he was chancellor.
The current chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, increased it to 35% from January 2023, and announced it will run until March 2028.
However, in June the government said windfall tax would end if oil and gas prices fall below a certain level for six months.
For that to happen, average oil prices must fall to, or be below, $71.40 per barrel, and £0.54 per therm for gas, for two consecutive quarters.
In last year’s Autumn Statement, the government also introduced a temporary 45% levy on what it calls “extraordinary returns” from low-carbon electricity generators in the UK.
Larger operators started paying the Electricity Generator Levy on 1 January. The government hopes it will raise about £14bn over six years.
What is TechAcess?
SLB wants to make revenue in countries without access or footprint.
So for the past years, SLB is selling equipment to countries where it would not operate. For example, TCP tools for NL. We sell the tools, they operate.
We are currently selling equipments to Turkey.
SLB Brand Evolution
- 2020 - Launched New Energy
- 2021 - First energy service company to commit to net-ze’ro target by 2050 inclusive of Scope 3 emissions
2025 - 25% reduction Scopes 1 and 2
2030 - 50% reduction Scopes 1 and 2, 30% reduction scope 3
2050 - Net Zero- 2022 - SLB announced SEES (SLB End to End Emissions Solutions). Dedicated business for eliminating methane emissions.
What is SLB Zero-flaring solutions?
Well testing equipment, REDA Multiphase HPS horizontal multistage surface pumps, and the Vx Spectra surface multiphase flowmeter
internal domain expertise
digital enablement, such as real-time monitoring, the PIPESIM steady-state multiphase flow simulator, a proprietary cleanup simulator, and other dedicated software
equipment to connect to facilities.
Closed chamber testing
SLB today (brand)
- New energy systems : Focus on creating and sclainig the new energy systems of tomorros.
The 5 new areas, carbon solutions, hydrogen, geothermal, geoenergy, energy sotrage and critical minerals.
Celcius Energy: geoenery business.
Genvia: clean hydrogen technology - Industrial decarbonization: Reducing emissions to achieve net zero. Digital sustainability plataform. Focus to expand technologies and opportunities for carbon capture, utiliziation and sequestration (CCUS).
- Digital at scale: Digital capabilities continue to grow throughout the energy industry and have become a key performance and efficiency driver. SLB’s customers will be able to use the company’s digital products and services to help meet their sustainability goals by driving transparency, better measurement, more effective planning and much more impactful outcomes with integrity. SLB recently announced the commercial release of its Enterprise Data Solution, which helps accelerate advanced workflows. This latest innovation was built in alignment with the emerging requirements of the OSDU™ Technical Standard, the open industry standard for energy data.
- Oil and gas innovation—Building on its decades of technology advancement, SLB will continue innovating new products, services and technologies that make the exploration and development of oil and gas assets cleaner, more resilient and more efficient, with lower carbon and less impact on the environment. The company will continue to build on its fit-for-basin approach, developing bespoke and custom technologies tailored for the regions and environments in which they operate. Through the continued growth of digitally enabled technologies that improve efficiency and performance, its Transition Technologies portfolio and its SEES methane elimination business, SLB will provide solutions that enable its customers to increase production from their reserves at a competitive cost and low carbon intensity per barrel equivalent.
What is the COP21?
Paris agreement signed in 2015 to make sure max 1.5 degC increase in the next century.
Who signed?
What is SLB Carbon Capture and Sequestration?
- Leading CO2 capture from natural gas
- SLB has been removing CO2 from natural gas streams since the early 1980s with our Cynara H2S and CO2 separation membranes.
Capture CO2 emission and storing or reusing so it doesnt enter atmosphere.
What is SLB Methane Elimination?
Remove methane emissions and flaring from operations.
By zero flaring (with pumps or ORA). BP Oman pumped to the storage facility.
In North America, flaring is banned and VX spectra is being used.
- Geoenergy works by using the Earth as a thermal battery. Regardless of the season, the soil temperature tens of meters below ground is constant while the surface air temperature varies. Geoenergy installations take advantage of this difference, transferring stored heat from the ground when it’s cold and reversing the process when it’s hot—providing virtually carbon-free thermal comfort to buildings year-round.
- SLB’s Celsius Energy business has developed and deployed a geoenergy solution that is currently providing near emissions-free heating and cooling for buildings in France:
25% of all energy produced is to heat and cool homes and commercial buildings.
Conflict Minerals
- “Conflict minerals” means tin (cassiterite), tungsten (wolframite), tantalum (columbite tantalite or coltan), gold, or their derivatives, which originate in the covered countries.
- SLB is committed to purchase only those parts and products containing minerals that have been procured through a validated conflict-free supply chain to avoid the use of minerals that have financed conflict in the covered countries, and we expect our suppliers to abide by the same standard.
Battery Grade Lithium production with minimal environmental impact.
High demand for Electrical cars.
Neotlith - SLB Joint venture. Pilot plant to extract Lithium from brine reservoir.
Geothermal Energy?
50 years of expertise,
GeothermEx, acquired in 2010.
Heat exchanger, turbine/generator, electricity.