Own Knowldge - London Flashcards
princes Risborough
- As people move in from London the house prices will go up, the people living there will travel to London daily and won’t spend money on local business and so locals are driven out as housing becomes unaffordable
Shoreditch - PostWW2-1980s East London was in decline, Dock/Industrial jobs had moved to Asia – leaving unemployment, 30% manufacturing jobs in 1971, 7.5% in 2001
- Thatcher’s Government set up the London Docklands Development Coorporation in 1981.
- Web-technology start-up companies and TNCs invested in East London Tech City / Silicon Roundabout
- Former industrial buildings have been converted to offices, flats, creative industries, clubs, pubs, art galleries, restaurants, media businesses – attractive to students / graduates
- Old 5-6 storey buildings knocked down and replaced by tall apartment / office blocks, mixed in with high-end leisure and culture (e.g. gyms / Coffee Bars – hipsterfication)
- The land values are now too high for original residents, who have been forced out (gentrification)
Benefits of regeneration
1000 apprenticeship chimes available for young Londoners Education prospect, Residents have better access to amenities and services (transports improvements also mean quicker 12 min access to CBD, links to historical significance (battersea power station)
new job poutines available -22000 during construction and 25000 permanent initially targeting local residents, better transport allows quicker access to city jobs, potential property investment, likely to strict further fdi
derelict buildings ( health hazards) get repurposed and rebuilt to much higher standards, inclusion of more green space eg new linear park, focus on pedestrianised areas, reduction in traffic and pollution
Negatives of regeneration
local communities displaced and split up, affordable housing - but for who, local independent shop wonders will have to close down
new jobs may be low paid service jobs - bar work, café work, cleaners- not necessarily higher wage skilled jobs, some offices may remain empty, area becomes too expensive for local residents (gentrification) 140% increase in property values
regeneration strategies have been similar in many UK cities even within London means a loss of individuality in places, removal of road networks may mean increase traffic elsewhere?
Sustainable transport
- Jubilee line is Part of growing London Underground and overground network connected to bus networks through Kodak stations
- Source London have invested in a city wide car charging network (4500)
- London’s congestion’s charge gas created 5 percent increase in public transport use
- Santander cycle hire scheme Boris bikes now has 13500 to hire
Sustainable energy
- Low energy building techniques allow natural light and use sustainably frosted wood to clad the buildings
- Buildings are orientated towards sun getting electricity through solar panels
- Aims to reduce energy used for heating by 81% electricity by 46% and water by 58%
- London’s buses are now hybrids also use electricity to reduce carbon emmisons
Sustainable housing
• 20% of house are firstSTEPS affordable homes - rent tk buy (you buy 25-50% and rent the remainder
Sustained employment
- Companies are reviewing flexible working hours from home, numbers have doubled to 8.6%
- Reese derelict land on former east Greenwich gasworks for new twist sector
- Connected to o2 arena by separated bus car and pedestrian route ways
Sustainable green space
Car parking is beneath houses and apartments created shared space street ways and
landscape courtyard focused around shops , primary school and go surgery
Greenwich ecology park was proposed built green spaces as well the queen
Elizabeth Olympic park in Stratford
Important for London to keep its green belt of rural farmland
Sustain.e waste
London is behind uk average of 43% re cycled waste 35%
CBD land use
Commercial + offices
CBD function
Oldest part of London
Location of most offices, retail banks theatres and hotels
Canary wharf and Shard quarter
Inner city function
Old industrial areas from 18th and 19th century
CBD buildings
High density and more modern taller buildings
Inner city land use
Residential zones with limited open spaces
Inner city environmental quality
Many areas run down since deindustrialization eg Hackney tower hamlets poor quality
But many areas experiencing investment and redevelopment
Suburbs function
Extensions of inner zone and occupy largest part of area inside m25
Some areas of council housing from 1930-50 rental
Some areas are private estates (owner occupied), many built to counter recent housing shortages
Suburbs land use
Less dense and shorter residential buildings
Urban - rural fringe function
Larger out of town shopping complexes
Extension of transport infrastructure to support commuters eg cross rail
National migration
RUM as young people move to London and city for jobs and educations, increase in population, however family’s also move out to suburbs and rurals with RUM