Ovine Physical Exam Flashcards
What are you looking for in the distance exam on a sheep?
Look particularly for lameness, coughing, and general condition of the flock. You are unlikely to be able to count the respiratory rate from a distance, but do observe the breathing characteristics of the flock as a whole, and of your sheep amongst them. Observe attitude, carriage of head and ears, coat or wool condition, condition of hooves, overall body condition (though body condition scoring is done by palpation), obvious asymmetries, lameness, soiling of the rear end by diarrhea. Sick sheep may separate from the flock, but generally they mask signs of illness until they are very sick
How do you catch a sheep?
hand under the mandible and behind the rump or by the hind leg
What is the normal temp in a sheep?
102.0- 104.0 F
What is normal ruminations?
~2/ min
How long do you listen to the rumen?
2 minutes
What lymph nodes can be palpated?
Submandibular, pre-scapular and pre-femoral
Normal pulse in a sheep
Normal respiration in a sheep?
12-20 bpm
How do you age a sheep?

Where do you listen for lung sounds in a sheep?
Cranial ventral border at 6th rib, mid thorax at 7th rib, caudal border at 11th rib
Where are heart sounds best heard in a sheep?
Heart sounds best heard in axilla between 2nd and sixth rib. Take care to push the head of the stethoscope under the elbow to listen to the cranial portion of the heart.
What bacteria causes ovine foot rot?
Fusobacterium necrophorum
T/F: ORF is not a zoonosis
False! It most certainly is, watch for crusty faced sheeps!!