Overview of Brainstem Organisation Flashcards
What structures constitute the brainstem and where does it extend from rostrally and caudally?
from the pyramidal decussation (region where medulla becomes the spinal cord) includes the medulla, pons and midbrain and ends at the Mammillary bodies
In what cranial fossa is the brainstem found?
How can we recognise the midbrain anatomically? (dorsal and ventral surface features)
dorsal surface = Superior and inferior Colliculi Ventral surface = Cerebral peduncles (huge white matter tracts)
What and where is the facial colliculus?
elevated ‘hill’ located on the dorsal surface of the pons in the floor of the 4th ventricle. It is formed by fibres of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve as they loop over the abducens nucleus.
How can we recognise the Pons anatomically?
dorsal surface has the facial colliculi. Ventral surface has cerebeller peduncles (superior, middle and inferior)
How can we recognise the medulla?
Dorsal surface -posterior columns, gracile-nuclei and cuneate tubercle. Ventral surface: inferior Olivary nuclei and pyramids descending to the pyramidal decussation
What is the tectum?
the tectum is the roof of the brainstem - the dorsal aspect - it is only found in the midbrain and is made up of the inferior and superior colliculi
What is the tegmentum?
area of the brainstem ventral to the ventricles, it is continuous with the spinal cord - it is in all parts of the brainstem and contains the CN nuclei and the reticular formation
What are the broad regions of the brainstem (3 in midbrain, 2 in pons and medulla)
tectum (roof in midbrain), tegmentum, basis (ventral)
What is the basis region of the brainstem important in?
Ventral part of the brainstem and is involved in descending motor control -> region where the corticospinal tracts go
How and where do the cranial nerves exit the brainstem?
exit the ventral surface (except CN IV) in order rostro-caudal. First 4 (CNI-IV) exit above the pons (with I and II not associated with the brainstem), next 4 exit in the pons, last 4 exit the medulla
Where do sensory nuclei develop from embryologically?
Alar plate
Where do motor nuclei develop from embryologically?
Basal plate -> remember motor tracts are in the BASIS => basal
How are the cranial nerve nuclei positioned in the brainstem?
grouped based on similar functions in one of 6 columns on either side of the midline (3 sensory, 3 motor)
What are the 3 motor columns and are these medial or lateral?
General somatic motor, Branchial motor
General visceral