Overview Flashcards
black codes
set up following teh freeing of slaves
meant to keep them in an inferior position
limited porpty ownership
outlawed inter-racial marriage
not allowed to vote
founded by nathan forest in 1865
* prevent blacks from voting
* violence agains blacks and those trying to vote
* white supremacy
the name given to the southern reconstruction of infrastructure, where the north tried to impose their ideology on AA on the south
13th amendment
abolished slavery
4 million freed slaves
14th amendment
equal protection under the law
15th amendment
extended the vote to black people
jim crow
the introduction of fromal segregtaion in the south between 1887-1891
white mobs would beat and kill black men, usually under the guise of a rape or assault on a white woman
cases rarely brought to court, if so all-white juries would convict
ida b wells
believed that rape was not the cause of lynching and the innocence of white women
she used lobbying and literture to oppose lynching
booker t washington
Tuskegee institute 1881
believed that blacks should first securing marketable skills in numeracy and literacy
was not concerned with segregation, but more on black self-sufficiency
plessey v ferguson
sued after being denied a seat n the white train
it was ruled that this form of segregation was constitutional
set a precedent for segregation
National Association for the Advancemnt of Colour people formed in 1909
aimed to invetsigate and take legal action against racism
350,000 served
served in segregated battaltions
fought alongside the french, broadening their horizons on the possibility of racial equality
Harlem reneisance
outpouring of black artistic talent, ie literature and art in teh 1920s/30s
however it solifidied teh idea of defacto and dejure rights, nightclubs were owned by whites and teh only time blacks were allowed in was to work as prostiutes and staer hands
Universal negro imporvments association - 1911
marcus garvey
believed in securing economic and social rights for blacks, as well as a focus on embracing black beauty
black star line
WEB de bois
opponent to Booker T
believed that a talented tenth would spread a movement of political change
wall street crash
lead to further unemployment for african americans
new deal
the new deal did not intend, directly to benefit AA.
However they did benefit from reforms, such as 30% of them being on relief.
negatively, sharecropping was hti hard and refroms of the social secuirty act did not help them
- black migration increased
- serious riots, Detroit 1943
- the army remaind segregated, even the red cross sepereated black and white blood
- 100,000 sent to france and england, broadening their horizons
lynda brown
the supreme court ruled for the desegregation of schools following the case of brown v topeka board of education went to the supreme court
white citizens council
after the desegragation of schools,intedning to maintain segregation in almost all forms - much like the KKK but without lynchings
monthgomery bus boycott
NAACP activitst rosa parks thrown off bus for not giving her seat to a white person
black people boycotted buses for almost a year
following the boycott in the case of bowder v gayle, it was ruled unconsituitonal to segrgetae bus
little rock
1957, governor faubus prevented 9 black children from entering the school using federal troops.
eisenhower sent in paratroopers and stated that 10,000 of the states guards were under rfederal control, protecting teh students
emmet till
apparently made remarks to a white woman, was shot in the head and tossed in the river
an all white jury found them not guilty
- skillfully appealed to less edcuatd AA (which the NAACP and de bois had failed to do)
- he believe dthat true change could be achieved only by ending the cycle of violence
- Sotuher Christain Leadership Conference
- effective use of public image
kings actions :
birimgham alabama1963 : fist sclc protest (police overrecated however it did birng publicity)
march on washintgon 1963: to maintain pressure organised a march on wahsintgon (i have a dream speech (250,000 marched)
black power
Protesting segregation, they believed, failed to address the poverty and powerlessness of african americans
Inspired by the principles of racial pride, autonomy and self-determination expressed by Malcolm X
black panthers
formed out of the ideas of malcolm x and called for equality and armed resistance to white hositility. they alled for demands such as all black juries
voting rights act 1965
pressure from king and the sclc in selma, montogomery during a protest led to federal protetcion and a promise bu johnson that the act would b passed
* restrictions on voting such as eucational or knowledge tests were illegal
civil righst act 1964
under teh continued pressure of king and the sclc, and although johnson needed little pressure to act, te civil rights act was inrtoduced.
largely defeated southern resistance
* outlwaed disicrimation
* fair employment pratcises comiison set up
enjoyed a better relationship with civil rights leaders than nixon had done
there was limited support for republicans at this yimr, 90% voted for democrat, jimmy carter
George h w bush
challenged his apponent during teh campaign as weak on black crime
vetoed a bill that made it easier to challenge job discimination
appointed less than 7% black, but did startegically apoint clarence thomas, a black republican lawyer
twice as many black fedeal judges than before
nixon took a strong line on law and order, especially agaisnt black panthers
affirmative action - affriming the rights of blacks, partiuclalry in edcuation and employment
work quotas
a genuine interest in improving the social economic position
perpared a general civil rights bill before he was killed but was prevented from passing it due to sotuehr white opposition
voting righst act 65
civil righst act 64
also appointed the first AA supreme court judge
historically negative views on civil rights
reagan appointed fewer blacks than any presdient since eisenhower
LA riots
following rodney king affair
50 killed, 2000 injured
rodney king
arrested for drink driving
filmed being assaulted by officers
they all got off without charge
the process of sending black and white children into schools of the opposite race in order to accelerate inetrgration of races
freedmans bereu
set up in 1865 by the federal governemnt to support freed slaves
education and financial support
landowners divided up their plantations into small tenqancies, the freedmen would pay rent to the farmers but usually through working. essentially a continuation of slavery
de facto
official position in reality
de jure
position in law
haynes tilden compromise
The Democrats agreed not to block Hayes’ victory on the condition that Republicans withdraw all federal troops from the South, remvoing protection of blacks
chicago race riots
1919 following the war
enforced teh idea to authorities that segregation was vital to ensure peace
supreme court
plessey v fergueson
brown v board of education, other decisions in the 60s ruled against segrgetaion - buses in 1960
freedom rides and sit ins
MLK developed a new confidence in yoing protesters and white liberals in the north
1960 - woolworths sit in would spread acorss states
1961 - the idea that black and whites would sit together on buses where it was legal in teh north and stay there even when entering the south
Congress of racial equality
set up in 1942 to protest agianst the growing segregtaion in the north
malcolm x
critic of he non violence of the sclc, believed that they and teh NAACP begged favours from the white man
Dismissed by the NOI in 1963 for being too political
focused more on the socio-economic position of blacks
didnt want intergration, belived whites were racist
chicago campaign
the sclc and king has failed to adress social and economic issues of black people, as teh root of society
even in their campaign in chciago they failed to adress it or solve it, being peted with stones
little rock support
executive order against discimination in teh armed forces
no specifi civil righst act bus aa did benefit
CCC - civilian conservation corps provided jobs
Federal emergency relief administartion
Public works administration
however teh armed forced and work camps were segrgetaed and aa paid less
andrew johnson
against civil rights
did support the reconstruction
woodrow wilson
did little for civil rights, even praised teh KKK for defending souther rights after the civil war
opinion of early presidents
unwilling to act due to the need to maintain white souther support
jessee jackson
a theology close to that of MLK and the SCLC
he also ran for president twice - using dissolution black voters to gain votes