Main improvemnet of the period
5% could read in 1865
50% could read in 1895
AA in work
increasing amount of AA in careers such as lawyers, doctors, artists and teachers
47,000 (out of a population of 8million though)
black organisations
increasing amount of black chirch organisations, banks, societies and insurance schemes
Haynes tilden copromise
agreement between southern Democrats and allies of the Republican Hayes to settle 1876 presidential election and marked the end of the Reconstruction era.
allowed black codes to be implemented freely and states to overlook recosntruction laws
plessey v frugeuson 1896
homer plessey attempted to use a white only carriage on a train
teh court eventually ruled against plesssey, setting a legal precedent for segregaton
tennnesee 1881
introduced segregated transport, whcih would eventually continue acorss many southern states
voting restirctions
state governments were able to enforce restrictions to prevent AA voters -
* literacy tests
* grandfather clauses
* taxes
aswell as intimidation and violence
jim crow laws
- enforced segrgeation in teh south, ie in hospitals, cemeteries ect
- placed restirctions on relations between teh differing races including sex and marriage
unfair justice system
a dispeoporitonate number of black people inrpisoned or arrested
mob violence, lynching ect was also ignored by local governments
segrgetated norther districts
- chicago - 5000 AA in an area
- Harlem (new york) - 23,000 in that district
african american indivudals during the gilded age
- Ida b. Wells
- Booker T. washington
- W.E.B De Bois
Ida B. Wells
led a campiagn against lynching afyer teh death of her friend
through writings, lectures and teh creation of anti-lynching societies
Booker T. washington
- tuskeegee institue in 1881
- attempted to provide AA with literacy and vocational skills
- agreed with segrgeation
- well regarded with white pople
- placed improtance on the independnance of blacks
W.E.B de bois
disgareed with Booker
believed social change could be achieve through protest and agitation
* pan-africanism
* black nationalism
in 1890s one killed every two days
ofetn as a result of minor offences or faulse accusations
souther stereo type of AA
social darwinism and racial hierachy supported the southern belief that sgegration was justififed, as blacks were weak, lazy and violent
effect of economic depression on the fight for civil rights
less AA were concerned with securing righst as their own day to day survival was more improtant
Oppostiion to civil rights
local governments (voting retsirctions, jim crow, black codes)
supreme court - plessey v feruegson
believed in white supremace, conducted extreme violence and lynchings agsint black people
prevent them from voting
westward expansion
many AA did not have the funds to move west, whilst 40,000 did
nearly 1/4 of all cowboys wer AA