Over view 2 Flashcards
role of supreme court
Plessey v fergueson 1896
Gaines v canada 1938 - separate but equal must really be equal
brown v topeka board of education 1954
green v connaly 1970 - federal funds would be withheld from schools that remained segregated
role of congress
turning points
Brown v board of topeka education
Presidency of Johnson
New deal
role of state governments
black codes
segregation prevalent before 1890s in the south
voting restrictions
Little rock - many state governments resisted B v BoE. in Texas the police prevented it, in little rock arkansas too
James meredith - clash of missisipi government and JFK, black student into desegregated school
alabama also heavily against desegrgetaion -
eugene bull connor and his actions against protesters in 1963
role of organsiations
NAACP in 1909
UNIA in 1911
CORE in 1942
SCLC in 1957
Black panthers in 1966
lincoln made the emancipation proclamation and the 13th Amendment
made president after andrew johnson
used federal troops to support teh reconstruction
however early presidents did nto want to lose the support of white democrats
followed grant
all black advisors in the government were dismissed
and the executive areas of the government became segregated
told NAACP secraary, walter white that he had to rely on southern white democrats to get New deal passed
blacks indirectly benefitted from aid and legilsation
presidents committee of civil rights 1946
executive order to desegregate the army in 1948
eisenhower was reluctant to make changes out of fear of opposition - seen by his reluctance to act when state governments in texas prevented desegregation by force
did act in little rock
the civil righst acts in 1957 and 60 were very weak and did little
spoke against discrimination and began preparing a general civil rights bill in 1963 before his death
prevented from implementing it by souther opposition
1964 civil rights act - end to discrimination
1965 voting rights act - conditions of voting registration made illegal
Affirmative action
1972 act extending employment legislation
historically negative towards civil rights
has opposed the 1964/65 legislation
claimed to have a ‘colour-blind’ administration but appointed the least blacks since eisenhower
also a reduction in welfare payments
last president (use for synthasis)
vetoed a civil rights bill that made it easier to challenge employment discrimination
below 7% of his appointments wer of racial minorities, appointed conservative black man clarence thomas in a stratgeic move
reconsturction era
andrew johnson
14th Amendment - equal protection under the law
15th amendment - right to vote
1866 civil rights act - asserted that blacks were citizens