Overcoming resistance to advertising Flashcards
3 types of resistance
Avoidance, contesting and empowering
Strategies to overcome avoidance
Subliminal advertising, forced exposure, product placement, influencer/ viral marketing, native advertising, content marketing, event marketing, engagement marketing and personal targeting
Subliminal advertising
- Not conscience seeing ads in for exmaple movies. Er komt dan bv een reclame van coca cola voorbij geflitst voor een halve seconde.
- Dit werkt niet want je geeft geen aandacht eraan, het gaat via systeem 1 (nonverbaal).
What is possible with subliminal advertising?
Subliminal language primes may cue pre-existing associations but not new or overriding existing ones. We can associate stimuli with a brand as love, sex, humor etc. Something we value positively.
Forced exposure
Forcing people to watch you ad, for example you cant skip youtube ads. Con: may induce negative attitude because its forced.
Product placing
Brands in movies for positive brand associations. For example apple in movies.
Influencer marketing
Via social media by influencers who are popular. Positive cause feels as a friend rather than marketeer, so we interpret it different. Also feels like we know them and take their advice. Worked too well –> now have to say if content is commercial.
Viral marketing
Example mcdonalds: what is your favorite flavor to dunk your fries in? Hard to predict what goes viral, we spread it ourselves.
Native advertising
Presenting advertising as it is news, very misleading. Not allowed anymore because of the big impact.
Content marketing
Guide of which restaurant is the best or allerhande from albert heijn. Lot of recipes customers can use and the products can be bought at the store.
Event marketing
Organize or sponsor a whole event to advertise product. Red bull does it a lot –> formule 1.
Extinction rebellion and event marketing
They do it too sort of. Event: blocking highway or painting paintings in museum –> gives a lot of attention.
Engagement marketing
1) “Share your ideas”: ask customer input for product or place. Starbucks use this. Involving people in creation of the brand to make a relation.
2) Decathlon waar je alle sporten kan uitproberen. Het wordt een uitje om naar die winkel te gaan.
Personal marketing
AI can predict what you like or is your phase at that moment. bv ik die gezond eet en allemaal healthy recipes krijg.
Overlappen deze marketing vormen?
Overcoming contesting
Metacommunication and metacognitive effects
Metacognitive effects
fluency and accessibility
Every advertisement carries both a message (a meaningful content) as well as a command about how to interpret the message. The command portion of the message positions the receiver to adopt a particular attitude towards the report. Like irony, you say you look good but mean the opposite.
Example metacommunication
Aldi vs albertheijn. Same groceries but aldi says something different than appie. Aldi: here you can buy the cheapest stuff. Appie: Here you can buy luxury/quality. Stimilus is the same but intepretation is different in the way the groceries are presented.
Example mascara and metacommunication
Mascara is emotion proof ipv waterproof. Makes it special and inclines that you can cry with it on.
Audi en metacommunication
Amerikaanse reclame over audi in het duits. Ook al hebben amerikanen een negatieve bias tegen duitser. This implies that Audi is confident about product.
Coolbest and metacommunication
Coolbest says that you have to keep it in the fridge which implies that it is fresh but its not.
What is goal of these examples of metacommunication?
Underlying message instead of openly saying its the best product.
The ease or difficulty with which some information comes to mind or the fluency with which new information can be processed.
two types of fluency
Perceptual fluency and conceptual fluency
Perceptual fluency
Variables that affect the speed and accuracy of low-level processes concerned with the identification of a stimulus’ identity and form. Examples: Clarity, positioning, recognition
Conceptual fluency
Variables that affect speed and accuracy of high-level processes concerned with the identification of a stimulus’ meaning and its relation to semantic knowledge structures. Examples: Prose, stereotypes and narrative.
Measuring where people look at. Want people to look at the brand. When there is a person on ad than place brand where the person gaze is (naar kijkt).
Mental imagery is easier (more fluent) when the spoon on the side where you eat at. (right cause more people are right-handed).
People have to understand and recognize where they look at. When you see a sexy women with a man, you know its a parfume (fragance) ad.
Rhyme is more fluent and more believable. Example: What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals vs what sobriety conceals, alcohol unmasks. Same sentence but people agree more with first sentence.
Of melk goed voor elk! niet persee waar maar werkt wel.
We only use 10% of our brain –> bullshit we use 100% of our brain. Also in advertisement: women do laundy, so women in laundy ads more fluent.
Ad of nike where a kid is scared and standing on a duikplank. It is relatable and seeing it makes you relive the experience –> positive evaluative response.
Accessibility effects
Experiment with 4 groups: 6 vs 12 examples and assertive vs unassertive. Rate more assertive when asks 6 cause 12 is too hard.
Accesibility as strategie
Coca cola: within arms reach, easy to recognize. Its everywhere. Marketshare is important.
Mere exposure in marketing
People dont have to like the brand but just be exposed to it a lot ( no persuasion needed). Out research we dont stick to a brand we switch but the one with the biggest marketshare is most sold.
Engaging empowerment
Beer add: man know why. It gives man more confident when seeing this and want to buy product.