Lecture 6: How does behavior influence attitude? Flashcards
3 reasons why behavior influences attitudes.
1) ABC model: foundation of attitudes is behavior.
2) Saying persuasive messages have a bigger influence on attitude change than hearing a persuasive message.
3) When engaging in activity (bv learning) –> update attitude (bv weak attitude becomes strong)
6 multiple paths from behavior to attitude
*Acquire information
*Dissonance reduction
Acquire information
Je moet informatie ergens vandaan halen om een attitude te krijgen. bv door muziek te luisteren.
Self-perception theory
People dont know their own attitude so they learn it from behavior. How do you know your hungry?
Implications: Ignores biological psychology and subjective experiences.
Restricting freedom of choice can motivate to restore freedom and change of attitudes.
Study about effect of censorship
“Police should never be allowed on university campus”
Censorship increased: Desire to hear message and Agreement with message
When we get a reward of things we already like, how much we like it reduces because of the reward (reduce intrinsic motivation). This is because reward justifies behavior, not strong effect.
Saying vs hearing persuasive message.
Role-plays and smoking: When you play the lungcancer patient –> reduced smoking after. Ook als het tegen je eigen attitude in gaat.
Dissonance reduction
Having inconsistent beliefs created dissonance. Attitude change is a form of reducing dissonance.
Tests of dissonance reduction
Free-choice paradigm
Induced compliance
Effort justification
Free-choice paradigm
After difficult decisions, people change their attitudes toward
option they rejected.
Induced compliance
Participants do boring task, then lie about it for $1 or $20. $1 condition: more positive attitude toward boring task.
Effort justification
Participants undergo embarrassing initiation ritual to join group.
Group is boring. Participants with more embarrassing ritual
evaluated group more positively. AKA ontgroening dispuut.
Reflection on cognitive dissonance theory
Multiple explanations but no winner: self-consistency theory, self-affirmation theory, responsibility model, action-based models.
Acquire information methods
Free samples, testers etc. Do before think or feel –> low involvement.
Cialdini’s principle of commitment/consistency
We have a desire to appear consistent with what we have already done.
Commitment has more influence when it is:
* Active (writing things down)
* Public
* Effortful (initiation rituals)
* Own choice
Consistency techniques
Self-persuasion techniques
Foot in the door technique
Low ball technique
Self-persuasion techniques
People tend to live up to what
they have written down:
“Explain why you like Brand X”
and win prize. I you explain it even if you dont mean it you convince yourself.
Foot-in-the-door technique
Ask small request → Get “yes” response
Than ask a bigger request → Get “yes” response
By Telemarketing, donations, works also if robots asks.
Low ball procedure
Present consumer good offer –>
Consumer agrees –> Change offer (less good) –> Consumer is committed and agrees.