Over There Flashcards
What song was routinely sung at British recruitment rallies?
Your King and Country Want You
Who wrote Your King and Your Country Want You?
Paul A. Rubens
What was one of the most aggressive American recruiting songs?
What Kind of American Are You
What was Irving Berlin’s song that became The Official Recruiting Song primed on the sheet music cover?
For Your Cuntry and My Country
What was Berlin’s other recuriting song?
Let’s All Be American now
What were the two French patriotic songs dating from the French Revolution?
Chant du depart and La Marseillaise
What were throngs of people singing in Paris the night before mobilization was to begin according to Edit Wharton?
Chant du depart
What French liuetenant remarked that a level crossings crowds would sing La Marseillaise to incoming troops?
Henri Desagneaux
What was England’s national anthem?
GOd Save the King
Who said that God Save the King is not suitable as a marching tune?
Critic Ernest Newman
Why was God Save the King and the Star-Spangled Banner not suitable for marching?
Because they were both in triple meter while marching is in duple meter
What song emphasized the patriotism of walking rather than driving?
Keep Cool! The Country’s Saving Fuel (And I Had to Come Home in the Dark)
What song was a promotion of belt tightening?
Ill Do Without Meat and Ill Do Without Wheat But I Cant Do Without Love
What song was an advertising campaign for American cigarettes?
The Makin’s of the U.S.A> (A Plea in Song fo tobacco for the Boys Over There)
What is a Bull Durham?
A popular cigarette marketed by the American Tobacco Comany
What commercial song did Harry von Tilzer and Vincent Bryan produce?
In My Merry Oldsmobile (1905)
What newspaper received a letter from a Colonel praising the quantity of cigarettes that were sent over to France ?
The New York Sun
What pivate wrote a Hymn of Hate against England?
Ernst Lissauer
What did the Kaiser do when he heared Lissauer’s Hymn of Hate against England?
Give him a medal
What two works did John Philip Sousa make to contribute to America’s esprit de corps?
Sabre and Spears and Solid Men to the Front
What tune did Sousa arrange to serve as the U.S> Field Artillery March?
Over Hill, Over Dale
What was the Russian term for theatrical entertainments?
What was the German justification for invading Belgium?
That the Flemish people were actually a Germanic race that deserved incoporation into the Reich
How was the theme of the Flemish race deserving incorporation into the third Reich in musical plots?
By Flemish lasses and German men in arms fallnig in love
According to the rules of troupe how many members were allowed to be in the troop?
Up to six
According to the rules that governed troup performance how many days could a performance last?
No more than two to three days
Where did the first English concerts start in France?
In the port of Le Harve in 1915
What British nurse described the impact of on hospital concert?
Dorothy Nicol
What two songs were produced after the sinking of the Luisitania?
When the Lusitania Went Down and the Lusitania Memorial Hymn
What was the name of George M. Cohan’s daughter?
What did George M. Cohan do when he finished making Over There?
Hold a broom for a gun and sing Over There as he marched around the kitchen
Who painted the cover image for Over There?
Norman Rockwall
What did Cohan modestly later say he did when he made Over There?
That he only dramatized a bule call
What did Cohan use to make most of his tunes?
The four major and minor chords that can be produced by the piano’s black keys
What did Cohan do with his royalties from Over There?
Donate them to war charities
What was Cohan eventually awarded for his national support with Over There?
A COngressional Gold Medal in 1936
What did cynical doughboys change the last line of over There to?
And we wont come back, we’ll be buried over their
what vaudeville star recorded this performance of Over There?
nora Bayes
What composer recorded Over There and adjusted the text to make it international and added drums to mimic machine-gun fire?
Enrico Caruso
What did scornful British troops change the last two lines of the chorus in Over There to?
They’re coming over, they’re coming over,/ And they won’t get there til its over, over there
What was the Britsih nickname for American soldiers?