Ovarian fetal imaging Flashcards
How do we date on ultra sound?
date back from last menstrual period (2 weeks before fertilisiation)
Transvaginal scan (insert probe into vagina) or scan
Can also scan thru bladder - can see water filled (black)
- transvaginal - gives the best approach, can see a fluid filled strucutre = gestation sac
- begining of yolk sac
see black - blader, then below it see gestaiton sac - black filled with fluid - if empty - no baby going to grow , will be feeleing pregnant as trophoblasts are still making hormones
Appearance on ultrasoudn - white circle around a black dot
synctiotrophoblasts that invade the uterus
what week does it look like a human?
9 weeks (7 weeks post fertilisation)
crown rump length - 4mm at 6 weeks - live embreyo
7 weeks - doubles and goes to 8mm –> if havnt doubled by this time then it pregnacy is terminated -
threatened abortion
- defined as bleeding and cramping in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
- can be seen as dark patch next to gestation sac
anembreynoic pregnancy
fetal demise
- empty sac
- missed abortion use colour to see heartbeat