Output and Costs 2.0 Flashcards
Why is the ATC curve u shaped?
ATC is the sum of AFC and AVC. The shape of the ATC curve combines the shapes of AVC and AFC. The u shape arises due to two opposing forces:
- Spreading total fixed cost over a larger output
- Eventually diminishing returns
What affect does the spreading of fixed costs have on the ATC curve?
As fixed costs are spread, average fixed cost falls causing the curve to slope downward
What affect does diminishing returns have on the ATC curve?
As output increases, more labour is needed to produce an additional unit so AVC eventually increases and the AVC curve slopes upward
How does the ATC curve combine the effects of diminishing returns and the spreading of fixed costs?
Initially, both AFC and AVC decrease do the ATC slopes downward. As output increases further, and diminishing returns set in, AVC increases. AVC eventually increases at a faster rate than AFC falls causing the ATC to slope upward
What is the link between total product and total cost curves?
TP = TVC, output plotted against labour is TP and output plotted against the cost of labour is TVC, the graph can show labour and cost on the x axis because variable cost is proportionate to labour
What is the relationship between average product and marginal product and average cost and marginal cost?
As marginal product and average product rise, marginal cost and average variable cost fall. At the point of average maximum product, AVC is at a minimum. As labour increases further, AP decreases and AVC increases.
What does the position of a firm’s short run cost curve depend on?
- Technology
- Prices of factors of production
How does technology affect the position of a firm’s short run cost curves?
A technological change that increases productivity and thus MP and AP lowers the
cost of production and shifts the curve downward because the same FOPs are producing more output.
How does technology affect small and large outputs?
The change in the mix of fixed costs and variable cost means that at small outputs, ATC might increase, while at large outputs, ATC decreases.
How do the prices of factors of productions affect the position of a firm’s short run cost curve?
An increase in the price of an FOP increases the firm’s costs and shifts its cost curves. How the curves shift depends on which factor price changes.
What impact does a shift in rent or a fixed FOP have on the short run cost curve?
It shifts the TFC and AFC curves upward and shifts the TC curve upward but leaves the AVC and TVC and MC unchanged.
What impact does a shift in wages or a variable FOP have on the short run cost curve?
It shifts the TVC and AVC upward and shifts the MC upward but leaves the AFC and TFC unchanged.
What is the nature of costs in the long run?
All costs are variable as a firm can change both the quantity of labour and the quantity of capital, the behaviour of these costs depends on the firm’s production function
What is the firm’s production function?
The relationship between the maximum output attainable and the quantities of both labour and capital,
How are diminishing returns present in the firm’s production function?
They occur as the quantity of labour increases because the marginal product of labour eventually decreases
What is diminishing marginal product of capital?
The marginal product of capital is the change in total product divided by the change in output when the quantity of labour is constant.
How does the minimum ATC vary between small and large plants?
It occurs at a greater output for larger plants than it does for smaller plants because the larger the plant, the higher total fixed cost and therefore, for any given output, a higher average fixed cost
Which size plant is the economically efficient plant for producing at a given output?
The one that has the lowest ATC, when a firm is producing a given output at the least possible cost, it is operating on its long run average cost curve
What is the long run average cost curve?
The relationship between the lowest attainable average cost and output when the firm can change both the plant it uses and the quantity of labour it employs
How does the LRAC curve help a firm plan?
It tells the firm the plant and the quantity of labour to use at each output to minimise average cost. Once the firm chooses a plant, the firm operates on the short run cost curves that apply to that plant.
When do economies of scale occur along the LRAC curve?
If average cost falls as output increases
When do diseconomies of scale occur along the LRAC curve?
If average cost rises as output increases
What are economies of scale?
Features of a firm’s technology that make average total cost fall as output increases, causes LRAC curve to slope downward
What are diseconomies of scale?
Features of a firm’s technology that make ATC rise as output increases, causes LRAC curve to slope upward
What is the minimum efficient scale?
The smallest output at which LRAC reaches its lowest level, it is found where average cost is lowest