Introduction to Economics Flashcards
What is the definition of economics?
Social science that studies the choices that individuals, businesses, govs, and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity and incentives that influence and reconcile choices.
What is macroeconomics?
The study of the performance of the national economy and the global economy
What is microeconomics?
The study of the choices that individuals and businesses make, the way these choices interact in markets, and the influence of governments.
In the question “what, how and for whom?” what is the “what” part?
What: what we produce varies globally and changes throughout time.
E.g US today: agriculture 1% total production, manufactured goods 22%, services 77%.
China today: agriculture 10%, manufactured goods 47% and services 43%.
In the question “what, how and for whom” what is the “how” part?
Technology and resources determines how we produce. Resources used to produce goods = factors of production (Capital, entrepreneurship, land, labour)
What are the factors of production?
- Capital - machinery
- Entrepreneurship - human resource that organises labour, land and capital. They are the drivers of economic progress
- Labour - physical and mental efforts from people working
- Land - raw materials
In the question, “what, how and for whom” what is the “for whom” part?
- Who consumes goods and services depends on income. - Large incomes = larger range of goods and services that can be bought.
- Small incomes = fewer options and smaller range of goods and services.
How do people earn income?
By selling the services of the FOPs they own: land earns rent, labour earns wages, capital earns interest and entrepreneurship earns profit. Labour earns most income
In the question “Does the Pursuit of Self Interest Unintentionally Promote the Social Interest?” what does self interest refer to?
When you making a choice due to thinking it is the best on available for you. All the choices made about how to use time and other resources are made in the pursuit of self interest.
In the question “Does the Pursuit of Self Interest Unintentionally Promote the Social Interest?” what does social interest refer to?
An outcome is in the social interest if it is best for society as a whole. E.g starting a business because it makes YOU a profit, provides WORKERS with a job and allows CUSTOMERS to pursue their self interest of buying from you.
What is efficiency?
- When a situation can’t be improved upon
- Resource use is efficient if it is not possible to make someone better off without making someone else worse off
What is the definition of unfairness?
Too much inequality is unfair
What is globalisation?
Expansion of international trade, borrowing, lending and investment. Brings jobs and destroys others - particularly in manufacturing.
For whom does globalisation work in the self interest of?
Of those consumers who buy low cost goods and services produced in other countries, also in the interest of the firms producing the goods who sell in high cost regions but produce in low cost regions.
What are the consequences of Information Age monopolies?
- Climate change as self interested choices contributes to global warming
- Economic instability - 1993-2007 = economic instability. Known as Great Moderation.
What is market capitalism as an economic system?
Individuals own all the land and capital and are free to buy and sell land, goods and services in markets. No supreme planner guiding the use of scarce resources and the outcome is unintended and unforeseeable.
What is centrally planned socialism as an economic system?
Gov owns all the land and capital, directs workers to jobs and decides what, how and whom for to produce. The USSR and several Eastern European countries and China have used this system in the past. Economies today tend to be mixed.
What do protesters against market capitalism believe?
- Big corporations have too much power and influence on govs
- Democratically elected govs do a better job of allocating resources
- Big corporations are winners, workers are losers
What do economists believe regarding market capitalism?
- The self interest of big corporations is maximum profit
- Decisions unintentionally promote social interest
- Politicians are ill equipped to regulate corporations or to intervene in markets
- In a market, buyers get what they want for less than they would be willing to pay and sellers earn a profit so they both gain
In terms of the economic way of thinking, what is a choice?
A tradeoff - whatever choice you make, you could have chosen something else. Exchange - giving up one thing to get something else.
What is a rational choice?
- One that compares costs and benefits and achieves the greatest benefit over cost for the person making the choice
- Only the wants of the person making a choice are relevant to determine its rationality
What are benefits in terms of the economic way of thinking?
- Gain or pleasure a choice brings
- Determined by preferences
- Some benefits large and easy to identify
- Some benefits small
- Benefit measured as the most that a person is willing to give up to get something else
What is the cost in terms of the economic way of thinking?
What you must give up - opportunity cost - highest valued alternative that must be given up to get it
What does choosing at the margin refer to?
- The OC of an increase in activity is called marginal cost
- To make decisions, you compare marginal benefit and marginal cost
- If the marginal cost exceeds the marginal benefit, you don’t make the decision
How do incentives work?
- Incentives help predict self interested choices
- People undertake those activities for which marginal benefit exceeds marginal cost, the reject options for which marginal cost exceeds marginal benefit
How do we know if a choice is made due to incentives?
If choices are not in self interest, we have made them due to incentives
What are positive statements in terms of economics as a social science and policy tool?
- It says what is currently believed about the way the world operates
- Might be right or wrong
- Tested by checking facts
- Task of economists is to check positive statements
What are normative statements in terms of economics as a social science and policy tool?
- What ought to be
- Depends on values and cannot be tested
- Policy goals are normative statements
- You may agree or disagree but can’t test it
How can economics advise policy?
- Useful for advising govs and business
- Can’t help normatively
- They can evaluate solutions to already set goals
- They do this by comparing marginal benefit and cost
What is the production possibilities frontier?
- A model that illustrates scarcity
- Shows combinations of goods that can/cannot be produced
- Only looks at 2 goods while all other factors remain constant
- Points outside PPF are unattainable
- Inside PPF = attainable
- On PPF = efficient
What is production efficiency?
- If goods and services are produced at lowest cost
- Occurs on points of PPF
- Resources are unused when they are idle but could be working
- Resources are misallocated when they are assigned to tasks for which they are not the best match
What is the tradeoff along the PPF?
Choices along the PPF involve a trade off - due to fixed amount of CELL and technology - we can employ these to produce goods and services but we are limited in what we can produce
Trade off = opportunity cost
What is opportunity cost?
- The OC of an action is the highest valued alternative foregone
- PPF enabled calculation of OC
How does opportunity cost relate to the PPF?
- OC is a ratio - the decrease in the quantity produced of another good as we move along the PPF
- OC of decreasing production of one unit comes hand in hand benefit of increasing production of a different unit
What is marginal benefit?
Marginal benefit from a good or service is the benefit received from consuming one more unit of it
What is marginal cost?
Marginal cost from a good or service is the opportunity cost from producing one more unit of it
What are preferences in comparison to production possibilities?
Preferences describe what people like and want and production prossibilities describe the limits of what is feasible
What is a marginal benefit curve?
- Illustrates preferences - shows relationship between MB from a good and quantity consumed of that good - unrelated to PPF
- MB measured by the most people are willing to pay for an additional unit of it
- Decreases because we like variety
- Represents quantity of other goods and services you are willing to forego
What is allocative efficiency?
- Can never increase units of production on PPF without decreasing units of another product
- If an additional unit of product A costs more to produce than anyone thinks it is worth, we can get more value from our resources of by moving some of them away to producing product B
How does economic growth relate to production possibilities?
- Expansion of PPs is econ growth
- EG = increase in standard of living
- Faster we make production grow = greater the OC of econ growth
What are the costs of economic growth?
The amount by which our PP expands depends on the resources we devote to technological change and capital accumulation which involves a tradeoff