Outline II: Middle Ages Flashcards
Comprises today’s Western Europe countries (Italy, Spain, Britain, France, Germany)
Christian Europe
Date of the Medieval Ages (Dark Ages)
A.D. 476 - c. 1350
High level of technological achievement of the classical times was eroded by the destruction of libraries and classics; Christianity was the common religious belief; reverted to the provincialism of pre-Roman times ; majority of creative effort was directed toward defensive or religious objectives
Christian Europe - Medieval Period
Open space, usually near center with church or cathedral, town hall, and central public water well; irregular in configuration; often no streets passed straight through; public gathering space of citizenry
Square, Piazza, or Plaza
Example of a Monastery
St. Paul’s Outside-the-Walls, Rome (5th century)
St. Gall, Switzerland, A.D. 830
Example of a piazza
Piazza del Popolo, Todi, Italy
piazza della Signoria, Florence
piazza del Campo, Siena
Piazza San Marco, Venice
Design expressions of the Medieval Period (3 Key Points)
Walled Towns
Castle Gardens
The date that marks the beginning of the Mohammedan era
622 A.D.
Duration of the Islamic Spain
Eighth to fifteenth centuries A.D.
Similar to Moslem Middle East; extremely hot and dry with rugged and inarable landscape
Moorish Spain
The origin of the Islamic (Moorish) Spain in the early seventh century
Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
Forbid animal portrayal or animal or human forms, hence the development of elaborate geometric decorative embellishment for buildings and gardens
Islamic (Moorish) Spain
Other answer for another period: Persia
Belief in scientific evidence rather than miracles; paradise gardens created to prepare one for afterlife in heaven
Islamic Spain
Design expression of Islamic (Moorish) Spain (2 Key Points)
Religious Courtyard
Palace Courtyard
A place of spiritual preparation prior to entering house of worship
Religious Courtyard (Mosque)
An expression of “paradise”; idealized universe with four rivers of heaven; with elaborate geometric decorative architectural wall; has sequence of small cool interior chambers; where the King or sultan is carried as if on flying carpet; include central water feature and use of colorful glazed tiles
Palace Courtyards
Example of a palace courtyard
Canal Garden, Generalife, Granada, 1275
Palace of the Alcazar, Seville, 1364
Court of the Myrtles, Palace of the Alhambra, Granada, 1350
Court of the Lions, Palace of the Alhambra, Granada, 1375
Example of a religious courtyard
Court of the Oranges, Cordoba, c. A.D. 750-987
Describe Monasteries (3 Key Points)
Autonomous or semi-self sufficient
Orderly arrangement of facilities
Central open space (cloister) as focus of monastery complex