Outcomes of Inflammation Flashcards
Outcomes of acute inflammation
Resolution (turns back to normal)…only if short lived, lack of major tissue destruction and capable of regeneration
Healing by connective tissue replacement (fibrosis, scarring)…occurs when substantial tissue destruction occured or incapable of regneeration
Abscess formation
Chronic inflammation
Abscess formation
Result of suppurative inflammation from pus which is neutrophils, necrotic cell debris and exudate
Particularly from infections from pyogenic organisms (staphylococcus)
Neutrophils in pus secrete enzymes that can destroy tissue
Cavity filled iwht pus and dead microorganisms…band of neutrophils surrounds
Outcomes of abscess
Collapse of cavity and scar formation
If not possible, microbes will break out of abscess and disseminate via bloodstream (sepsis)
How can chronic inflam occur
From acute
OR in absense of acute which starts as low grade
3 ways chronic inflam can start as low grade
Persistent infections by certain microbes…low toxicity won’t initiate acute
Prolonged exposure to certain toxins
Autoimmune dz - own tissue antigens generate abnormal, harmful immune response
Characteristics of chronic inflam
Tissue infiltration by mono nucleated vs. poly from acute
Destruction caused by these cells
Healing by fibrosis
Most important cell of chronic - tissue repair, fibrosis, secretes mediators
Start of chronic inflammation
When monocyte becomes predominant cell type extravasating (about 48 hours after onset)…repleaces neutrophil
Macrophage activated by
Classical pathway - inferferon gamma elaborated by T-lymphocytes…non-immunological endotoxins
Alternate pathway - cytokines other than interferon gamma
Lymphocytes and chronic inf
Secrete lymphkines that activate macrophages…activated macrophages secreted monokines that activate lymphocytes…..so and so forth “vicous cycle”
Plasma cells and chronic inf
Antibody productoon
Granulomatous inflammation
Distinctive type of chronic inf characterized by granulomas in tissue…focal aggregate of macrophages
Immune gradnuloma forms when
Macrophages phagocytose a substance they are unable to degrade (TB, syphilis)
Indigestible substance is immunogenic (induces cell-mediated immune response by T-lymphocytes)…results in transformation of macrophages into epithelioid cells
Morephologic - immune granuloma
Epithelioid cells - macrophages that look like epithelial cells
Langhans giant type cells - huge cells that are fusion of epithelioid macrophages (lots of nuclei around edges)
Necrosis - granuloma may have necrotic center
Could have other cell types as well
Foreign body granuloma
From substances too large to be phagocytosed in a single macrophage…substances NOT capable of eliciting T cell mediated response
Talc, asbetos, silica, surgical suture
Morphological differences of foreign body granuloma
Giatn cells have nuceli arranged randomly throughout cytoplasm
May or may not have other inflammotry cell collar
Foreign body material materail can usually be visualized
Epithelioid ARE still found