Outcome 5 (Drugs Used In Medicine) Flashcards
- What are the key responsibilities of a hospital pharmacist?
- Dispensing limited supplies of drugs to hospital patients, and on their discharge from hospital
- give advice to clinicians regarding contraindications and the most appropriate form of medication (inhalers, ointments, injections etc)
- Ensure that any combinations of medication prescribed are compatible
- some pharmacists will ready-make medicines if not available
- What are the key responsibilities of a community pharmacist?
- Same as hospital pharmacist but additionally:
- keeping a register of controlled drugs for legal and stock
- liaising with doctors about prescriptions
- managing, supervising and training pharmacy staff
- budgeting and finance
- keeping up to date with pharmacy practice and new drugs
- operating a needle exchange
- What other responsibilities might a community pharmacist undertake?
- selling OTC medicines
- advising public on treatment of minor ailments
- advising of adverse side affects or potential interactions of drugs
- preparing dosette and cassette boxes with days of the week, usually for the elderly or people with learning difficulties
- undertaking Medicine Use Reviews (MUR) which helps patients understand why and how they need to take their medicines
- providing a prescription intervention service
- measuring and fitting compression hosiery
- monitoring blood and cholesterol levels
- offering a diabetes screening service
- arranging the delivery of prescription medicines to patients
- What are the two main acts of Parliament that instructs on the production, storage and prescribing of drugs?
Medicines Act 1968
Misuse Of Drugs Act 1971
- What are the three categories the Medicines Act 1968 divides drugs into?
GSL (General Sales Licence) : may be bought in limited supplies and doses from any shop, but must be supplied in a childproof container
P (Pharmacy) : available without prescription but only from a pharmacist
POM (Prescription Only Medicine) : available only from a pharmacist when prescribed by an appropriate practitioner
- Under what circumstances is possession of a POM an offence?
If the holder has no prescription, the drug is also controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and therefore is an offence to hold it)
- What three categories are drugs divided into by the MODA?
Class A : including heroin, ecstasy, cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD and psilocybin mushrooms
Class B : including amphetamines, codeine, cannabis and methylphenidate
Class C : including gammahydroxybutrate (GHB), ketamine, diazepam, many tranquillisers, sleeping tablets and anabolic steroids
- What is the further categorisation to MODA implemented in 2001 regarding possession and supply?
Schedule 1: drugs that have no medical value (ie hallucinogens which are primarily used in research)
Schedules 2-5: contain the other regulated drugs. These could fall into class A, B or C but may also fall into one of the Schedules for legitimate medical use. An example is morphine, which is a class A drug and falls into Schedule 2 when supplied lawfully.
- What are the 3 main drug periodicals in the UK, which give up to date information regarding drugs and medical dressings licensed for use?
BNF (British National Formulary)
MIMS (Monthly Index of Medical Specialties)
BP (British Pharmacopoeia)
- What is a drug’s generic name?
The name of the chemical constituents (active ingredients) of the drug itself. Often written in lower case, and should be on all medicine containers
- What is a drug’s proprietary name?
The name given to the chemical constituents by the drug manufacturer for marketing purposes- the trade name. E. G. Viagra (its generic name is sildenafil)
- Anaesthetic
For removal of feeling
- Analgesic
Relief of pain
- Antacid
Drug to neutralise stomach acid
- Antibiotic
Kills bacteria
- Anticoagulant
Reduces blood clots
- Antidepressant
Lifts the patient’s mood
- Anti-emetic
Reduces nausea/ vomiting
- Antihistamine
Reduces the production of histamine
- Antihypertensive
Reduces blood pressure
- Anti-inflammatory
Reduces inflammation
- Antipyretic
Reduces fever/ temperature
- Antitussic
Reduces cough
- Bronchodilator
Dilate the bronchial tubes (to treat asthma)
- Chemotherapy
Toxic drugs that kill malignant cells
- Contraceptive
Prevents conception
- Decongestant
Relieves congestion of mucus
- Diuretic
Increases the production of urine
- Expectorant
Liquid drug that forces coughing of secretions from respiratory tract
- Hypnotic
Used to induce natural sleep
- Myotics
To constrict the pupil of the eye
- Narcotic
Derived from opium to induce a deep sleep
- Prophylactic
Substance used to prevent disease
- Proton Pump Inhibitor
Inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
- Sedatives
Used to lower function
- Statins
Used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood
- Steroids
Contain hormones
- Tranquilliser
Reduces anxiety