Our World Flashcards
Define humanity.
The worldwide community of mankind.
Define stewardship.
The duty of care given to humans by God to look after the planet.
Define dominion.
To have power over something.
Define Kalifah.
To be a representative of Allah on Earth.
Define Fitrah.
The feeling of morality and judging right from wrong.
Define responsibility.
Something that is expected of us.
Define animal rights.
The debate over whether or not human rights are more important than animal rights and whether animals should be treated and respected in a similar way to humans.
In what books of the bible is the creation of Earth described?
Genesis 1 and 2
Describe the Christian creation theory.
God made the Earth in six days:
1) Light and dark were made
2) Sun, moon and stars were made
3) Day and night were made
4) Animals were made
5) Time and seasons were made
6) Humans were made
According to the Christian creation story, what did God do on the seventh day?
He rested.
Describe the Islamic creation story.
“Allah made the Raven and the Earth and all the animals, birds and fish; the sun, moon and stars; the planets and rain; and the angels.”
Allah instructs the angels to bring him seen different coloured mounds of Earth from which he makes Adam and Eve. They live freely in a garden but are not allowed to eat from a certain tree. However they are tempted to do so by Iblis so are cast from the garden forever.
What is a literalist interpretation of the Christian creationist story?
Literalists believe exactly what the story says - the Earth was created in six 24-hour days and Eve was made from Adam’s rib.
What is a non-literalist interpretation of the Christian creation story?
Non-literalists believe that God made the world in 6 stages but not as described. The root-word for day literally means “period of time.”
Describe the Big Bang Theory.
This theory suggests that the world began with a bang. The dense matter that makes up the universe began to expand 15 billion years ago, bursting away with great power.
Describe Darwinian Evolution.
Darwin noticed how animals had adapted to their environment. He was able to show clearly that changes in the physical make up of animals was a result of natural selection.
Why did religious believers resist Darwinian Evolution?
•It claimed natural selection was responsible for animals evolving rather than divine intervention
2) It suggested humans evolved from apes so weren’t made in God’s image.
How did some believers make Darwinian Evolution work with the Bible teachings?
They said that God created natural selection and that God still plays a part when significant evolution is required.
Complete the bible quote:
“L u m m… a l t h d o a t E.”
“Let us make man… and let them have dominion over all the Earth.” (Genesis 1:26)
Complete the Bible quote:
“W y l s t a c d n d i t.”
What does it mean?
“When you lay seige to a city do not destroy its trees.” (Deuteronomy 20:19)
Early Christians believed we were sent to Earth to protect it and so mistreating the Earth was to against God. Nowadays it is used to condone the exploitation of natural resources.
Complete this Surah quote:
“S, y L i e i e r.”
What does it mean?
“Surely, your Lord is efficient in enforcing retribution.” (Surah 6:165)
Although we are Allah’s representatives, he is not afraid to bring retribution upon those who need it.
Complete this Surah quote:
“G i t t c o m i t c o t h a t E.”
What does it mean?
“Greater indeed than the creation of man is the creation of the heavens and the Earth.” (Surah 40:57)
Muslims should not forget that the Earth is more important than them. As such Muslims are to protect nature.
What is the aim of Christian Aid?
To help people no matter who they are to improve their lives offering long and short term aid.
What is the aim of Muslim Aid?
To help the poor overcome suffering due to natural disasters.
What is the aim of Oxfam?
To reduce the number of people who die, fall sick or suffer as a result of conflict or natural disasters.
What is the aim of Greenpeace?
To expose the causes of environmental destruction.
Define soul.
The part of the human that lives on after death. It also allows us to perform actions such as worship and loving.