Is It Fair? Flashcards
Define justice
To act or treat someone fairly or to bring about the right outcome
Define authority
A person/group who have been given power or control over another person/group. Authority can also come from written scripture.
Define discrimination
The treatment or action of favouring one party over another based on class, race or other distinctions.
Define prejudice
An unpleasant opinion or feeling formed without knowledge, thought or reason
Define identity
The sense of self, providing continuity in personality. It can be used as an expression of one’s belief, values or culture.
Define human dignity
The belief that the dignity of a human is the foundation of morality
Define stereotype
A set of simplistic generalisations about a group that allows others to categorise them
Define responsibility
The ability or authority to act or decide on one’s own
What is the Christian attitude to wealth?
Being wealthy isn’t wrong - it’s how you get it and use it that counts. You shouldn’t worry about how much you need or have, just love and have faith in God.
Complete the Bible quote on wealth:
“I i e f a c t g t t e o a n t f s w i r t e t k o G.”
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Complete the Bible quote on wealth:
“Y c s b G a m.”
“You cannot serve both God and money.”
What is the Islamic attitude to wealth?
Wealth should be used properly. Greed and waste are frowned upon as everything is property of Allah.
What is Zakah?
A Muslim tradition of giving 2.5% of your expendable wealth to charity.
What is Sadaqah?
The Muslim tradition of voluntarily giving to charity.
What is the Christian attitude towards equality?
- Everyone is equal in the eyes of God.
- Women recently granted priesthood
- Jesus mixed with everyone - think of the prostitue and the tax collector
Complete this Bible quote on equality:
“G s n p.”
“God shows no partiality.”
What is the Islamic attitude towards equality?
- Ummah - all Muslims are equal no matter who they are
* Hajj demonstrates equality - everyone wears the same white robe
Complete this quote from Muhammad’s Last Sermon:
“A w p i n b t a b p, n i a b p b t a w p.”
“A white person is not better than a black person, nor is a black person better than a white person.”
What is Christian Aid?
A Christian charity focused on helping people regardless of background using short- and long-term aid.
Where is Christian Aid based?
All over the world but generally in LEDCs.
Why was Christian Aid set up?
To promote the teachings of Jesus.
What is Muslim Aid?
Muslim Aid is a charity that works with anybody in need.
Where is Muslim Aid based?
70 countries across Africa, Asia and Europe.
Why was Muslim Aid set up?
To strive to overcome suffering endured due to natural disasters and lack of life’s necessities.
Define injustice
The violation of the rights of others through unjust or unfair action or treatment