Our Country's Good — John Wisehammer character analysis Flashcards
Who is Wisehammer?
Wisehammer is a convict in the penal colony
He becomes an actor in Ralph’s play
How does Wisehammer join the play?
Wisehammer isn’t initially cast in the play, but Mary encourages him to join when he discusses his extensive literary knowledge with her
What literary knowledge does Wisehammer share with Mary?
Wisehammer tells Mary that he has read every word in the dictionary up to the letter L, showcasing his passion for reading and linguistic knowledge
What accusation is made against Wisehammer by Major Ross?
Major Ross accuses Wisehammer of being involved with Arscott’s escape based on his Jewish identity
However, despite the accusation, Wisehammer is still allowed to act in the play
What request does Wisehammer make on opening night?
On opening night, Wisehammer asks Ralph if he can read a prologue he wrote before the production starts
However, Ralph declines, stating that the content is too political