Our Country's Good — John Arscott character analysis Flashcards
Who is Arscott?
Arscott is one of the convicts in the penal colony
He is cast by Ralph in the play “The Recruiting Officer.”
What happens to Arscott before the first rehearsal?
Arscott runs away from the colony with Henry Kable, Black Caesar, and others, but he is eventually caught and brought back to the colony
He is then placed in jail
What does Arscott complain about while in jail?
While in jail, Arscott complains to Liz and Wisehammer about a compass he bought from a sailor
The compass turns out to be a piece of paper with the word “North” written on it, which failed him
How does Arscott feel after his failed escape attempt?
After the failed attempt, Arscott becomes rather hopeless, believing that there is no way to escape from the colony
He feels trapped and resigned to his situation
How does Arscott’s perspective change later in the play?
Later, Arscott becomes deeply involved in the theatrical experience of “The Recruiting Officer.”
He finds solace and a sense of escape from his own life by immersing himself in the play