Otitis Media with Effusion Flashcards
What is otitis media with effusion?
1 - otitis media with bacteria infection of middle ear
2 - otitis media with viral infection of middle ear
3 - otitis media with collection of fluid in middle ear but no signs of infection
4 - can be any of the above
3 - otitis media with collection of fluid in middle ear but no signs of infection
Tympanic membrane appears dull or grey
Acute otitis media can progress to chronic (>3months) otitis media with effusion also known as glue ear, less common than acute though
Does otitis media with effusion lead to sensorineural or conductive hearing loss?
- conductive
External ear to middle ear = conductive hearing loss
Otitis media with an effusion (OME) is when there is fluid inside the middle ear WITHOUT signs of an infection. Which of the following are common in patients with OME?
1 - history or previous OM infections
2 - history of conductive hearing loss
3 - aural pressure build up with popping sounds
4 - speech and language issues in children
5 - all of the above
5 - all of the above
If a patient presents with otitis media with effusion, do they need treatment immediatley?
- No
Active surveillance and arrange an audiometry tests
If an adults presents with unilateral otitis media with effusion, what must we do?
1 - monitor for 3 months
2 - monitor 3 days and then amoxicillin
3 - fast track ENT referral
4 - topical antibiotics
3 - fast track ENT referral
Could be a nasopharyngeal malignancy
With a retraction, does the tympanic membrane move in towards the middle ear, or out away from the middle ear?
- in towards the middle ear
In Webers test, if a patient has a conductive hearing loss in the right ear will the sound lateralise to the left or right?
- right ear
In Webers test, if a patient has a sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear will the sound lateralise to the left or right?
- left ear
In the image below from an audiogram, does this show conductive or sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear?
- Conductive
The air does not conduct sound as it should
Can see a difference between the air and bone conduction
In the image below from an audiogram, does this show conductive or sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear?
- Sensorineural
Typically affects higher frequencies more
Begins normal on audiogram and then it drops
Both air and bone conduction affected
What age does otitis media with an effusion typically effect?
1 - <12 months
2 - <2 years
3 - <5 years
4 - <10 years
3 - <5 years
Most common cause of hearing impairment in childhood owing to its high incidence.
If a patient presents with unilateral otitis media with effusion, what should happen?
1 - urgent referral to ENT
2 - prescribe amoxicillin
3 - reassure and sefty net
4 - routine referral
1 - urgent referral to ENT
Need to do a Nasendoscopy to rule out tumours obstructing Eustachian tube orifice
Acute otitis media can progress to acute otitis media with effusion, which is otitis media with collection of fluid in middle ear. This is typically treated conservatively. What % of patients symptoms resolve alone?
1 - 10%
2 - 25%
3 - 50%
4 - 100%
3 - 50%
Acute otitis media can progress to acute otitis media with effusion, which is otitis media with collection of fluid in middle ear. This is typically treated conservatively using auto inflation with a balloon. What is the purpose of this?
1 - steroid spray delivered up the nose via balloon
2 - dooching of the nose using balloon
3 - valsalva manoeuvre that equalises ear pressure
4 - all of the above
3 - valsalva manoeuvre that equalises ear pressure
Can consider hearing aids
Acute otitis media with effusion (OME), which is otitis media with collection of fluid in middle ear. This is typically treated conservatively, but grommets can be considered under what conditions?
1 - persistent hearing loss of 25-30dB in better hearing ear over period of 3 months
2 - parents request
3 - antibiotics have no effect >3 months
4 - steroid and antibiotic ineffective
1 - persistent hearing loss of 25-30dB in better hearing ear over period of 3 months
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is when there is a fluid collection in the middle ear. Does there have to be signs of an infection in OME?
- No
Often called Glue ear
This is the distinguishing factor between otitis media and OME
Some patients with otitis media can deteriorate despite antibiotics. All of the following should be admitted to hospital, EXCEPT which one?
1 - severe systemic infection
2 - acute complications (meningitis, mastoiditis, facial nerve palsy)
3 - develop otitis media with effusion
4 - child <3 months with temp >38
5 - child 3-6 months with temp >39
3 - develop otitis media with effusion