Others Flashcards
What is euphony
Euphony is the use of sounds to create a calm atmosphere
What is cacophony
Cacophony is use of sounds to create a harsh atmosphere
What are plosive sounds
Plosive sounds are like B and P, requiring mouth to fully close and fully open again
What are fricative sounds
Fricative sounds are soft like shhhh, requiring a partial closure of the mouth
What are nasal sounds
Nasal sounds are like -ing, requiring nasal cavity closure
What is assonance
Assonance is repetition of vowel sounds
What is consonance
Consonance is repetition of constant sounds
What are semantics
Semantics are the straightforward meanings of words without context
What are pragmatics
Pragmatics are the implied meaning of words dependent on contexts
What is denotation
Denotation is the straightforward semantic meaning
What is connotation
Connotation is the implied pragmatic meaning
What is transitoriness
Transitoriness is how long a text is going to remain either permanent e.g. online article or ephemeral e.g newspaper
What is level of formality
Level of formality is how formal a text is
What is degree of interaction between producer and receiver
degree of interaction between producer and receiver is measurement either low interactivity or high interactivity
What is type of interaction between producer and receiver
Type of of interaction between producer and receiver is a type such as message orientated (like informative) or social orientated (like building a relationship with reader)
What is dependence on context
Dependence on context is a measurement of a text whether it requires context or does not
What are affricative sounds
affricative sounds are like “j” and “ch” where plosives and fricative combine
What is a lateral sound
A lateral sound is like “L” where tongue is on back of teeth so air moves either side
what are idiom
idioms are collocation like “bigger fish to fry” and “ignorance is bliss” and are often colloquial and humorous
copular verb
copular verb like “is, am, are, it’s, was, were” shows certainty
talk about whether it is pejorative or ameliorative
pejorative (negative) or ameliorative (positive)
what is passive voice
passive voice is where subject is acted on by the verb in past participles and past tenses
what tone does passive voice create
passive voice creates a tone of detached and objective and is quite depersonalised
what does -specific mean
-specific means who the text is designed for for example, gender-specific (towards a gender) or class-specific (towards upper classes for example)
deontic modal auxiliary verb
deontic modal auxiliary verb shows obligation such as “must”, “need”, “have to” which connote power like instrumental power
epistemic modal auxiliary verb
epistemic modal auxiliary verb shows possibility “may”, “could” “might”
starting clauses with same word/phrase
list of words/phrases/clauses conjoined by same conunction like “and….and…..and”
thse are level 5, as well as cohesion, sentence types and phrases