Grammar Flashcards
What is a Common noun
Common nouns classify things into general categories, like a car, dog or flower
What is a proper noun
A proper noun is a type that refers to specific place or people and usually begin with a capital letter
What is a concrete noun
A concrete noun is one that refers to physical things like people, objects and places - guitar, table, clothes.
What is an abstract noun
An abstract noun is one that refers to ideas, processes, occasions, times and qualities; they cannot be seen or touched - happiness, week and birth
What is a count noun
A count noun is a noun that can be counted and has a plural form such as a pen, lorry and cup
What is a non-count noun
A non-count noun is one that refers to substances and qualities that can’t be counted such as traffic and information
What is a Superlative
A superlative is an adjective formed by adding an “-est” ending.
What is a comparative
A comparative is an adjective formed by adding “-er” or “more” to an adjective.
What is a modifier
A modifier is a word that describes a noun, such as the “GARDEN” wall.
What is the subject of a sentence
The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action
What is the object of a sentence
The object of a sentence is the person or thing receiving the action
What is a personal pronoun
A personal pronoun is a substitute for a persons name such as I, you, we,
What is a possessive pronoun.
A possessive pronoun shows possession such as mine, ours, yours, his
What is a reflexive pronoun
A reflexive pronoun is substitute for the object in a sentence such as myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves
What is an indefinite pronoun
An indefinite pronoun is when an object doesn’t need to specified such as anybody, anything, everyone, somebody, nobody
What is a interrogative pronoun
A interrogative pronoun is when questions are asked such as whose, which, what and how
What is a lexical verb
A lexical verb is a single verb expressing visual meaning such as walked, laughed and started
What is a stative verb
A stative verb is a verb used to show state of being a process such as believed, know and suppose
What is a dynamic verb
A dynamic verb is a verb used to show a physical state that can be visually identified such as hop, draw and run
What is an auxiliary verb
An auxiliary verb is a verb placed in front of the main verb to help them out such as ARE in are flying and WAS in everyone was flying
What is a modal verb
A modal verb is a verb used only in conjunction with the main verb such as can, shall, will, would, should, might
What are the two main types of determiners
the two main types of determiners are articles and quantifiers
What is a definite article
A definite article is a word such as “the” used when there is something specific such as the door, the boy, the house
What is an indefinite article
An indefinite article is a word such as “a” used for something more general such as a door, a boy and a house
What are quantifiers
Quantifiers are words which show a quantity such as six, a few, many and lots of
What are the types of mood
types of mood are imperative, indicative, interrogative, conditional and subjunctive mood
What is indicative mood
Indicative mood is when a fact is being given such as Patrick plays the guitar
What is conditional mood
Conditional mood is used to express proposition and is made up of the modal verb would such as I would like sushi for dinner
What is subjunctive mood
Subjunctive mood is used to describe a hypothetical situation such as I recommend that you buy a new dress (because the dress hasn’t been bought)
What are antonyms
antonyms are words with opposite meanings
What are hyponyms
Hyponyms are words arranged in hierarchy of meaning from general to more specific. Hypernym is the category and hyponyms are the sub-categories
What is a compound pronoun
A compound pronoun is one with every-, some-, any- as a prefix such as everything something and anything
What are the four types of adverb
The four types of adverb are of manner, time, frequency and place
Example of adverb of manner
adverb of manner is slowly or cautiously
Example of adverb of time
adverb of time is now or tomorrow
Example of adverb of frequency
adverb of frequency is always or rarely
Examples of adverb of place
adverb of place is here or there
What is an adverbial phrase
Adverbial phrase is a phrase with an adverb as its main word such as - the child laughed loudly or they waited very impatiently
What is a pre-modifying adjective
A pre-modifying adjective is an adjective before the noun
What is anaphora
Anaphora is the repetition of words at the start of successive clauses
What is a euphemism
A euphemism is a word used to describe unpleasant things in a more pleasant way
What is a triadic structure
A triadic structure is a list of three
conditional sentence
conditional sentence is when clause starts with “if” like “If they don’t shut up, I’ll….”
what is a noun phrase
a noun phrase is phrase usually beginning with determiner (the, a, an) and a noun is the most important word like “THE BABY is crawling over THE GRASS” or “we enjoyed OUR VISIT TO THE ZOO”
what is an adjectival phrase
an adjectival phrase is a phrase with adjective as most important word like “the sky was an OMINOUS SHADE OF BLACK” or “it was an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS sport”
what is a verb phrase
a verb phrase is a phrase usually made up of a main and auxiliary verb like “she HAD BEEN LAUGHING Stewart” or “she MUST HAVE NEEDED help at the time”
what is a prepositional phrase
a prepositional phrase is a phrase with a preposition like “she hid UNDER THE TABLE” or “it was a race AGAINST TIME”
what is an adverbial phrase
an adverbial phrase is a phrase with an adverb as its most important word like “the child laughed LOUDLY” or “the crowd jostled VERY IMPATIENTLY”
Anaphoric referencing
anaphoric referencing is where a pronoun is used to refer to an earlier noun in the text
cataphoric referencing
cataphoric referencing is when a pronoun is used to refer to a noun which comes later in the text